196 research outputs found


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    The increasing in the number of vehicles on streets has led to traffic congestion. In order to reduce the waiting timein cases of emergency, the idea of this work is suggested. This work is divided into two parts, the particular part and softwarepart. The first circular particular part is a model which consists of four lanes junction of a traffic light, it also has GSM system (Global System for Mobile Communications). The GSM and lamps of the traffic light are connected to Arduino UNO. TheArduino controls every signal which is coming from the inputs (GSM) to software and display to the outputs (lamps) Thesecond circular particular part is a model which consist same components the first circuit except replace the GSM withIR(infrared Remote).The goal from this work is to help us in the emergence cases, the opening and closing of the traffic light arecontrolled by using GSM system and IR, the time of each lane, is controlled that means reduce the crowding


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    The most important cereal crop in the world is rice (Oryza sativa). Over half of the world's population uses it as a staple food and energy source. Abiotic and biotic factors such as precipitation, soil fertility, temperature, pests, bacteria, and viruses, among others, impact the yield production and quality of rice grain. Farmers spend a lot of time and money managing diseases, and they do so using a bankrupt "eye" method that leads to unsanitary farming practices. The development of agricultural technology is greatly conducive to the automatic detection of pathogenic organisms in the leaves of rice plants. Several deep learning algorithms are discussed, and processors for computer vision problems such as image classification, object segmentation, and image analysis are discussed. The paper showed many methods for detecting, characterizing, estimating, and using diseases in a range of crops. The methods of increasing the number of images in the data set were shown. Two methods were presented, the first is traditional reinforcement methods, and the second is generative adversarial networks. And many of the advantages have been demonstrated in the research paper for the work that has been done in the field of deep learning


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    Font recognition is one of the essential issues in document recognition and analysis, and is frequently a complex and time-consuming process. Many techniques of optical character recognition (OCR) have been suggested and some of them have been marketed, however, a few of these techniques considered font recognition. The issue of OCR is that it saves copies of documents to make them searchable, but the documents stop having the original appearance. To solve this problem, this paper presents a system for recognizing three and six English fonts from character images using Convolution Neural Network (CNN), and then compare the results of proposed system with the two studies. The first study used NCM features and SVM as a classification method, and the second study used DP features and SVM as classification method. The data of this study were taken from Al-Khaffaf dataset [21]. The two types of datasets have been used: the first type is about 27,620 sample for the three fonts classification and the second type is about 72,983 sample for the six fonts classification and both datasets are English character images in gray scale format with 8 bits. The results showed that CNN achieved the highest recognition rate in the proposed system compared with the two studies reached 99.75% and 98.329 % for the three and six fonts recognition, respectively. In addition, CNN got the least time required for creating model about 6 minutes and 23- 24 minutes for three and six fonts recognition, respectively. Based on the results, we can conclude that CNN technique is the best and most accurate model for recognizing fonts

    Using Genetic Algorithm to Break Knapsack Cipher with Sequence Size 16

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    With the growth of networked system and applications such as eCommerce, the demand for effective internetsecurity is increasing. Cryptology is the science and study of systems for secret communication. It consists of twocomplementary fields of study: cryptography and cryptanalysis.The genetic algorithm is one of the search methods, whichfinds the optimal solution. It is one of the methods, which is used to decrypt cipher.This work focuses on using GeneticAlgorithms to cryptanalyse knapsack cipher. The knapsack cipher is with a knapsack sequence of size 16 to encrypt twocharacters together. Different values of parameters have been used: Population size, mutation rate, number of generation


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    Creating a useful portable browser or program is a demanding challenge for organisations due to the size constraints of the display area, which additionally is contingent on usability, internet connectivity, efficient backup power and mobility. Users also expect performance equivalent to that of microcomputers. Portable display programmers need to surmount these challenges without compromising users’ concerns for safety and confidentiality. Various works in the past couple of years revealed the ability of a strongly perceived artistic architecture of a mobile website as a push to overcome clients’ reduced  skill. The investigation conducted in this report sought to determine the distinct impact of eight artistic display  on the  of a mobile website or program and the corresponding clients’ . Organisations may thus take advantage of this knowledge to improve usage, trust, frequency of adoption and consequently financial rewards on m-commerce applications. This study uses a  with a screening objective. Data for the experiment was sourced through a web-based questionnaire program, . At the same time, social network sites were used to disseminate the questionnaires to enable gathering a good number of respondents. The data collection instrument had  statements with  threshold for  Ninety-six  participants took part in the inquiry. In contrast, seventy-six  participants completed the exercise, signifying an estimated.  was used in the study of the association concerning the .  package was utilised in the evaluation of the . Findings revealed that artistic architecture bears a substantial impact on  of portable websites and programs as well as influences  artefacts on such platforms. , as well as the  of an application, turned out as two features with the highest impact on the two  factors. That the orientation of their effects is a reverse of the conjectured outcome suggests that future work should explore this issue


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    Email is an economical facet of communication, the importance of which is increasing in spite of access to other approaches, such as electronic messaging, social networks, and phone applications. The business arena depends largely on the use of email, which urges the proper management of emails due to disruptive factors such as spams, phishing emails, and multi-folder categorization. The present study aimed to review the studies regarding emails, which were published during 2016-2020, based on the problem description analysis in terms of datasets, applications areas, classification techniques, and feature sets. In addition, other areas involving email classifications were identified and comprehensively reviewed. The results indicated four email application areas, while the open issues and research directions of email classifications were implicated for further investigation


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    Generally, the electronic technology has been implemented to automate the traditional systems. So, differentcopy of management systems in different scope were presented. These systems include the services provided to company as wellas people, such as, healthcare. The traditional data management systems for pharmacy as example, suffer fromthe capacity, time consuming, medicines accessibility, managing the medicines store as well as the need of qualifiedstaff according to the requirements of employer expectations. In this paper, a hospital e-pharmacy system is proposed in order to facilitate the job, outdo the mentioned problems. A data management system to the Iraqi hospital's pharmacy is proposed which is divided into two main parts: database, and Graphical User Interface (GUI) frames. The database built using SQL Server contains the pharmacy information relatedto the medicines, patient information….etc. the GUI frames ease the use of the proposed system by unskilled users. Theproposal system is responsible on monitoring and controlling the work of pharmacy in hospital in terms of management ofmedicine issuing ordering and hospital reports


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    In e-government, the mining techniques are considered as a procedure for extracting data from the related webapplication to be converted into useful knowledge. In addition, there are different methods of mining that can be applied to differentgovernment data. The significant ideas behind this paper are to produce a comprehensive study amongst the previous research workin improving the speed of queries to access the database and obtaining specific predictions. The provided study compares datamining methods, database management, and types of data. Moreover, a proposed model is introduced to put these different methodstogether for improving the online applications. These applications produce the ability to retrieve the information, matching keywords,indexing database, and performing the prediction from a vast amount of data

    Traffic Management in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Modified Neural Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are event-driven network systems consist of many sensors node which aredensely deployed and wirelessly interconnected that allow retrieving of monitoring data. In Wireless sensor network,whenever an event is detected, the data related to the event need to be sent to the sink node (data collection node). Sink nodeis the bottleneck of network there may be chance for congestion due to heavy data traffic. Due to congestion, it leads to dataloss; it may be important data also. To achieve this objective, soft computing based on Neural Networks (NNs) CongestionController approach is proposed. The NN is activated using wavelet activation function that is used to control the traffic ofthe WSN. The proposed approach which is called as Modified Neural Network Wavelet Congestion Control (MNNWCC), hasthree main activities: the first one is detecting the congestion as congestion level indications; the second one is estimated thetraffic rate that the upstream traffic rate is adjusted to avoid congestion in next time, the last activates of the proposedapproach is improved the Quality of Services (QoS), by enhancement the Packet Loss Ratio (PLR), Throughput (TP), BufferUtilization (BU) and Network Energy (NE) . The simulation results show that the proposed approach can avoid the networkcongestion and improve the QoS of network


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    Recently, different applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the industry fields using different data transfer protocols has been developed. As the energy of sensor nodes is limited, prolonging network lifetime in WSNs considered a significant occurrence. To develop network permanence, researchers had considered energy consuming in routing protocols of WSNs by using modified Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy. This article presents a developed effective transfer protocols for autonomic WSNs. An efficient routing scheme for wireless sensor network regarded as significant components of electronic devices is proposed. An optimal election probability of a node to be cluster head has being presented. In addition, this article uses a Voronoi diagram, which decomposes the nodes into zone around each node. This diagram used in management architecture for WSNs
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