82 research outputs found

    Norse Kings’ Sagas Spread to the World

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    On the Old Icelandic Riddle Collection Heiðreksgátur

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    In this article, the language of the Old Icelandic riddle collection HeiĂ°reksgátur is studied, paying attention to its tropes (kennings and heiti), humour, and narration techniques. In addition to this, also literary links with other poems of the Poetic Edda are discussed

    Precious Play in Morten Søndergaard’s Ordapotek

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    After touching upon some theoretical aspects of play/game – text analogy, the article focuses on the manifestations of play in the project Wordpharmacy by the Danish author Morten Søndergaard, including its not problem-free relation to the image of the curious child at play

    Stig Sjödin och minnets politik

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the attitudes to history and memory expressed in the working-class poetry of Stig Sjödin (1917–1993) – both in Sotfratgment (Fragments of Soot) from 1949, which marked his breakthrough as a poet, and in the poetry he wrote for the labour movement (mainly poems published in tradeunion membership magazines or read at meetings and congresses) – and to discuss how he and his poetry are today viewed as reminders of political ideals and experiences threatened by oblivion. There are certain differences between how memory and remembering is treated in Sotfragment and in Sjödin’s labour-movement poetry respectively. In Sotfragment, focus is more often on individual memories and existential problems, whereas in the labour-movement poetry, Sjödin is sometimes more explicitly political and writes about collective memories from a proletarian perspective. These differences are conditioned by differences between the spheres to which the poems belong: that of literature and that of the labour movement. In connection with the rise of left-wing radicalism in Sweden during the 1960s and 1970s, Sjödin argued that older working-class literature contained important political experiences and perspectives. This is also how his works are sometimes viewed today, both by working-class writers and by political commentators. Thereby, it is emphasized that literature is not a passive medium for the preservation of memories, but that it can also transform them and make them politically relevant

    IASS’ historie: En personlig fortelling

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    As the official historian of the International Association for Scandinavian Studies, and one of the two authors of The History of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies 1956–2006, I have been asked to tell the story of the almost 70 years of our association’s existence. The whole thing began in Cambridge in July 1956, as an informal meeting of 65 academics, most of them from the Nordic countries or the United Kingdom; on that occasion there was a grand total of 13 lectures. Since that time there has been a conference every other summer – until the summer of 2020, when it had to be postponed for a year due to the pandemic. It was agreed from the very earliest days that the meetings would be held in a Nordic country and a non-Nordic country alternately, although it was not until 1962, in Aarhus, that IASS was given its official name, and supplied with a constitution and a committee (president, secretary, treasurer etc.) For the early conferences the theme was exclusively literary, but in more recent times it has been expanded to take in other disciplines, such as history, sociology, film studies etc. In 1986 Elias Bredsdorff published a slim volume about the first thirty years of IASS, which I supplemented in 2006 with an account of the following twenty years. I have attended every single conference since 1970, so my talk will provide an extremely personal account of how IASS has become a part of my own history

    Feminism with a Good Laugh – Holberg, Irony, and Equal Rights

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    Ludvig Holberg was a serious feminist throughout his career. Unlike most Enlightenment philosophers, he insisted on extending the enlightened principle of equal rights to women. He was also a gifted ironist, and employed laughter in his quest for equality, which could be one reason why his feminism has not always been taken seriously. An attempt is made to place Holberg’s irony in a historical perspective, as compared with romantic irony and Kierkegaard’s notion of that intriguing concept

    Jolly and Less Jolly Challenges in Working on the Norwegian-Lithuanian Dictionary

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    The Norwegian-Lithuanian Dictionary is a joint project of lexicographers from the universities of Vilnius and Oslo. The dictionary consists of approximately 48,000 entries. It is initially intended as a paper dictionary, but as it is compiled in XML, an electronic version is also planned for the future. The dictionary is bidirectional: that is, it is intended for native speakers of both Norwegian and Lithuanian, and it provides information on both the source language (Norwegian) and the target language (Lithuanian).The aim of the article is to give a presentation of the project, point out innovative aspects of the project, and analyse the jolly (expected) and less jolly (unexpected) challenges we faced in the two main stages of compiling the dictionary. In the first stage we adapted a base from another bilingual dictionary (the Large Norwegian-Russian Dictionary), reusing its lemma list and information on the source language, Norwegian. In the second stage we created a conception and a system for information on the target language, Lithuanian, and (perhaps for the first time in Lithuanian bilingual lexicography) included several types of information for non-native users of Lithuanian

    Högt och lågt i skandinaviska dialekter

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    The typology of Scandinavian dialects is based on prosodic features, namely tone and intonation. We look at three variables that account for the variation between the large dialect groups: 1. The value of the lexical tone in accent 2, 2. Whether there is one or two association points for the tonal contour in compounds, and 3. Whether there is spreading or interpolation between the lexical tone and the prominence tone in compounds. The relevance of these variables is illustrated by comparisons of real pronunciations from several dialects, including Olso (East Norwegian), Göteborg (West Swedish), Stockholm (Central Swedish), Norberg (Dala Swedish), SkĂĄne (South Swedish), and LuleĂĄ (North Swedish)

    Sámi and Scandinavians in the Viking Age

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    That Rune Will Unlock Time’s Labyrinth…: Old Norse Themes and Motifs in George Mackay Brown’s Poetry

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    George Mackay Brown (1921–1996), an Orcadian poet, author and dramatist, was undoubtedly one of the finest Scottish creative voices of the twentieth century. He was greatly influenced by Old Norse literature, and this is reflected in his writings in many ways. The present article aims to trace and discuss Old Norse themes and motifs in Brown’s poetry. His rune poems, translations of the twelfthcentury skaldic verse, experimentation with skaldic kennings, as well as choosing saga personalities, such as Saint Magnus, Earl Rognvald of Orkney and others, as protagonists of the poems show the poet’s in-depth interest in the historical and literary legacy of his native Orkney and Old Norse culture in general
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