2,270 research outputs found


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    Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is often characterized as a component of the immune systems “first-line of defense” against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria. A lower concentration of sIgA in saliva has been conceptualized as a risk factor for upper respiratory infection in children. Also, individual differences in sIgA levels in response to infection have been identified as potential risk factors. No gender differences in SIgA levels have been reported. sIgA in saliva is not directly related to serum levels of sIgA.Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is often characterized as a component of the immune systems “first-line of defense” against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria. A lower concentration of sIgA in saliva has been conceptualized as a risk factor for upper respiratory infection in children. Also, individual differences in sIgA levels in response to infection have been identified as potential risk factors. No gender differences in SIgA levels have been reported. sIgA in saliva is not directly related to serum levels of sIgA


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    The results of the study of determination of the ways of formation in the course "Phytology" of future teachers of the basis of health of practical skills of using spice-aromatic plants are presented. The work is devoted to the study of the pedagogical efficiency of using the disco diffusion method for studying the antibacterial activity of spicy aromatic plants. It is shown that the level of assimilation of knowledge increases by 9%.The results of the study of determination of the ways of formation in the course "Phytology" of future teachers of the basis of health of practical skills of using spice-aromatic plants are presented. The work is devoted to the study of the pedagogical efficiency of using the disco diffusion method for studying the antibacterial activity of spicy aromatic plants. It is shown that the level of assimilation of knowledge increases by 9%


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    The article talks about the problem of student aesthetic education as a component of modern medical education. The survey of students at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University illustrated the role students assign to the aesthetic education in their personal and professional growth as well as their estimate of pedagogical effect on the development of aesthetic culture.The article talks about the problem of student aesthetic education as a component of modern medical education. The survey of students at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University illustrated the role students assign to the aesthetic education in their personal and professional growth as well as their estimate of pedagogical effect on the development of aesthetic culture


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    The work describes the creation of software components for the automation of the process of working with electronic copies of accounting documents. Based on the analysis performed, it was proposed to register scanned copies of documents in the SAP R / 3 system and associate them with the cards of the relevant documents, satisfying the requirements.The work describes the creation of software components for the automation of the process of working with electronic copies of accounting documents. Based on the analysis performed, it was proposed to register scanned copies of documents in the SAP R / 3 system and associate them with the cards of the relevant documents, satisfying the requirements


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    Human relations are one of the most important demands of society. Open public spaces are designed to create and develop the vital needs of human. In the early stages of history, squares were created for population communication, which today partly serve their purpose. And before addressing new social communication areas (SCA) solutions, it is necessary to discover and study the current social life of the population and almost formed socially active zones in the observed area. This article discusses the methods developed to identify them.Human relations are one of the most important demands of society. Open public spaces are designed to create and develop the vital needs of human. In the early stages of history, squares were created for population communication, which today partly serve their purpose. And before addressing new social communication areas (SCA) solutions, it is necessary to discover and study the current social life of the population and almost formed socially active zones in the observed area. This article discusses the methods developed to identify them


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    The article examines the issues related to state regulation of the economy during the crisis, considered the problems of determining the feasibility and effects of state regulation in times of crisis, proved that the market economy, due to its inherent weaknesses, is prone to causing the crisis. This process is objective and cyclical. In the past decade, the number of crises, including the world, has increased significantly, which is associated with the growth of the financial sector. Permanent repetition of negative developments in the financial system and has a direct impact on the economy, which proves the need to strengthen state regulation in this sphere. The methods that can be used by different countries, in order to overcome the crisis in the economy was analyzed. It is proved that the administrative methods of crisis management, as a rule, are used in countries where market laws are not effective enough. In turn, in the economically more developed countries are used market-based instruments of crisis management. The features of state regulation of economy in some countries during the recent global economic crisis was investigated. It was found that, in spite of such a list of measures to counter the crisis in the developed countries, they have some differences, primarily related to the specific characteristics and structure of the economy. It was determined that in all the years of independence, the national economy has repeatedly been in crisis, at the same time, even though the experience gained so far has not created an effective mechanism to counter these negative phenomena.The article examines the issues related to state regulation of the economy during the crisis, considered the problems of determining the feasibility and effects of state regulation in times of crisis, proved that the market economy, due to its inherent weaknesses, is prone to causing the crisis. This process is objective and cyclical. In the past decade, the number of crises, including the world, has increased significantly, which is associated with the growth of the financial sector. Permanent repetition of negative developments in the financial system and has a direct impact on the economy, which proves the need to strengthen state regulation in this sphere. The methods that can be used by different countries, in order to overcome the crisis in the economy was analyzed. It is proved that the administrative methods of crisis management, as a rule, are used in countries where market laws are not effective enough. In turn, in the economically more developed countries are used market-based instruments of crisis management. The features of state regulation of economy in some countries during the recent global economic crisis was investigated. It was found that, in spite of such a list of measures to counter the crisis in the developed countries, they have some differences, primarily related to the specific characteristics and structure of the economy. It was determined that in all the years of independence, the national economy has repeatedly been in crisis, at the same time, even though the experience gained so far has not created an effective mechanism to counter these negative phenomena


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    The study was aimed to investigate insulin resistance development in drug-susceptible newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Those patients who developed insulin resistance during the 30 days of antitubercular therapy have expressed metabolic changes, that may be associated with impaired liver function due to the toxic effects of antitubercular drugs.The study was aimed to investigate insulin resistance development in drug-susceptible newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Those patients who developed insulin resistance during the 30 days of antitubercular therapy have expressed metabolic changes, that may be associated with impaired liver function due to the toxic effects of antitubercular drugs


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    It is known that humoral factors of immunity play an important function of mediators in the cascade development of the immune response and can determine the effectiveness of the final, effector reactions of cellular immunity in the inactivation and elimination of antigens. Serum concentrations of major immunoglobulins IgG, IgA, IgM in NHL were analyzed. The highest serum content of IgG and IgA was revealed in the groups of patients with virus carrier. It has been established that one of the most important humoral markers of immunity is the circulating immune complexes (CIC). It has been established that one of the most important biological functions of immunoglobulins is antigen binding and the formation of CIC. A high level of CIC in NHL may be due not only to the activation of the immune response, but also to the suppression of the mechanisms of their elimination. Therefore, based on the results obtained, with NHL there is a pronounced imbalance of humoral immunity. CIC of large and small sizes are also increased, however, the highest increase in CIC was observed in groups of patients before chemotherapy with virus-bearing. An increase in the main immunoglobulins indicates the presence of humoral imbalance, and an increase in the CIC indicates the presence of intoxication of the body either due to the decay of the tumor cells themselves and infected cells, which almost always indicates the progression of the pathological process.It is known that humoral factors of immunity play an important function of mediators in the cascade development of the immune response and can determine the effectiveness of the final, effector reactions of cellular immunity in the inactivation and elimination of antigens. Serum concentrations of major immunoglobulins IgG, IgA, IgM in NHL were analyzed. The highest serum content of IgG and IgA was revealed in the groups of patients with virus carrier. It has been established that one of the most important humoral markers of immunity is the circulating immune complexes (CIC). It has been established that one of the most important biological functions of immunoglobulins is antigen binding and the formation of CIC. A high level of CIC in NHL may be due not only to the activation of the immune response, but also to the suppression of the mechanisms of their elimination. Therefore, based on the results obtained, with NHL there is a pronounced imbalance of humoral immunity. CIC of large and small sizes are also increased, however, the highest increase in CIC was observed in groups of patients before chemotherapy with virus-bearing. An increase in the main immunoglobulins indicates the presence of humoral imbalance, and an increase in the CIC indicates the presence of intoxication of the body either due to the decay of the tumor cells themselves and infected cells, which almost always indicates the progression of the pathological process


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    The article considers the essence of corporatization in the context of the formation of the integration economy. Emphasis is placed on the integrative feature of the economy. The theoretical essence of integration and its economic nature are revealed. The features of the economic system according to the system approach are revealed. Emphasis is placed on such properties of the economic system as: integrity, hierarchy and integrativity. It has been found that the integrative nature of the economy presupposes the possession of an economic system with such properties that are not inherent in its individual elements. It is emphasized that the formation of corporate ownership and the organization of economic relations have formed an adequate environment and initiated the process of consolidation in the economy. It is proved that the corporatization of the economy removes obstacles to the spatial framework and pace of economic development, forms a new corporate look of the market system and generates integration processes between companies. It is argued that corporatization generates integration processes in the economic system and finds expression in the consolidation of economic entities in the form of mergers and acquisitions. Consolidation has been found to be closely linked to market corporatization. The causal links of consolidation with the functioning of corporate business, which is a prerequisite for the development of an integrated economy, have been studied. It is emphasized that consolidation contributes to the integration processes of the state's economic growth.У статті розглянуто сутність корпоратизації в контексті формування інтеграційної економіки. Акцентовано увагу на інтегративній ознаці економіки. Виявлено теоретичну сутність інтеграції та її економічна природу. Розкрито ознаки економічної системи за системним підходом. Акцентовано увагу на таких властивостях економічної системи, як: цілісність, ієрархічність та інтегративність. З’ясовано, що інтегративність економіки передбачає володіння економічною системою такими властивостями, які не є притаманними окремим її елементам. Підкреслено, що становлення корпоративної форми власності та організація економічних відносин сформували адекватне середовище й поклало початок процесам консолідації в економіці. Доведено, що корпоратизація економіки знімає перешкоди просторовим рамкам і темпам економічного розвитку, формує новий корпоративний вигляд ринкової системи й породжує інтеграційні процеси між компаніями. Аргументовано, що корпоратизація породжує інтеграційні процеси в економічній системі й знаходить вираження в консолідації суб’єктів економічної системи у формі злиття й поглинання. З’ясовано, що консолідація тісно пов’язана з ринкової корпоратизацією. Досліджено причинно-наслідкові зв’язки консолідації з функціонуванням корпоративного бізнесу, що є передумовою розвитку інтеграційної економіки. Підкреслено, що консолідація сприяє інтеграційним процесам зростання економіки держави


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    Treatment of non-motor disorders in patients with infertility and prenatal stress (PS) is an important component of comprehensive treatment of the disease. This study examined the clinical effectiveness of a non-drug method of bioadaptive management - training based on biological feedback (BFB) in the correction of psychoemotional disorders in patients with infertility and prenatal stress. Object and methods of research. The study involved 41 patients with infertility and PS aged 22 to 45 years. Group I consisted of 21 women who underwent infertility treatment using in vitro fertilization and biological feedback, group II - 20 women who underwent treatment using in vitro fertilization without biological feedback. All patients were assessed for psychoemotional status on the Beck Depression Scale (BDI-II), tests for Spielberger-Khanin reactive anxiety, assessment of personal anxiety on the 1st day of observation, at the end of the course of BFB - training in group I and after 10±2 days in the comparison group. Results. There was a significant overall improvement in the psycho-emotional state of patients who underwent a full course of BFB - training at the end of therapy (p<0,05). There was a statistically significant difference between the level of certain psychoemotional disorders (in particular, anxiety, reduced stress resistance) of the studied groups (p<0,05). However, in contrast to group I patients who underwent BOS training, no statistically significant improvement in the psychoemotional status of group II patients during the observation period was found. Conclusions. BFB training can be considered as an appropriate component in the comprehensive treatment of psychoemotional disorders in patients with infertility and prenatal stress.Treatment of non-motor disorders in patients with infertility and prenatal stress (PS) is an important component of comprehensive treatment of the disease. This study examined the clinical effectiveness of a non-drug method of bioadaptive management - training based on biological feedback (BFB) in the correction of psychoemotional disorders in patients with infertility and prenatal stress. Object and methods of research. The study involved 41 patients with infertility and PS aged 22 to 45 years. Group I consisted of 21 women who underwent infertility treatment using in vitro fertilization and biological feedback, group II - 20 women who underwent treatment using in vitro fertilization without biological feedback. All patients were assessed for psychoemotional status on the Beck Depression Scale (BDI-II), tests for Spielberger-Khanin reactive anxiety, assessment of personal anxiety on the 1st day of observation, at the end of the course of BFB - training in group I and after 10±2 days in the comparison group. Results. There was a significant overall improvement in the psycho-emotional state of patients who underwent a full course of BFB - training at the end of therapy (p<0,05). There was a statistically significant difference between the level of certain psychoemotional disorders (in particular, anxiety, reduced stress resistance) of the studied groups (p<0,05). However, in contrast to group I patients who underwent BOS training, no statistically significant improvement in the psychoemotional status of group II patients during the observation period was found. Conclusions. BFB training can be considered as an appropriate component in the comprehensive treatment of psychoemotional disorders in patients with infertility and prenatal stress