2,270 research outputs found


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    The study was ained to analysis of the physical component in the complex rehabilitation of cardiac patients with acute coronary syndrome. Rehabilitation of patients with acute coronary syndrome was performed according to the author's "Program of Clinical and Psychological Rehabilitation of Cardiac Patients by Optimizing the Internal Health Image". The physical component in complex multidisciplinary rehabilitation of cardiac patients with acute coronary syndrome is necessary and provides the optimum possible recovery of the body, promotes adherence to treatment, provides awareness of the role of various disease development factors. In the course of physical rehabilitation, the patient chooses new strategies for recovery and preservation of health.The study was ained to analysis of the physical component in the complex rehabilitation of cardiac patients with acute coronary syndrome. Rehabilitation of patients with acute coronary syndrome was performed according to the author's "Program of Clinical and Psychological Rehabilitation of Cardiac Patients by Optimizing the Internal Health Image". The physical component in complex multidisciplinary rehabilitation of cardiac patients with acute coronary syndrome is necessary and provides the optimum possible recovery of the body, promotes adherence to treatment, provides awareness of the role of various disease development factors. In the course of physical rehabilitation, the patient chooses new strategies for recovery and preservation of health


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    This article discusses revealing features of reflection of the concept of “fortune” in russian proverbs and their specificity proverbs of the chinese language.This article discusses revealing features of reflection of the concept of “fortune” in russian proverbs and their specificity proverbs of the chinese language


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    The aim of study was to investigate markers of connective tissue metabolism (COMP level) and indicators that reflect the synthetic and catabolic phases of the metabolism of the main components of connective tissue - collagen and glycosaminoglycans in patients with diabetic arthropathy.The study involved 87 patients with diabetes. Patients were examined using a visual analogue scale of the Leken index and WOMAK. Cartilage oligomeric matrix Protein (COMP) was determined using enzyme immunoassay.Results. The presence of diabetic arthropathy was detected in 78% of patients with type 1 diabetes and in 80% of patients with type 2 diabetes. In the vast majority of patients, the joints of the upper extremities were involved in the pathological process. A direct correlation was established between the presence of arthropathy and the COMP level (r = 0.76, p = 0.001), the Leken index (r = 0.76, p = 0.001), YOUR scale (r = 0.88 , p = 0.001) and WOMAK (R = 0.88, p = 0.001). Patients with type 1 diabetes with joint damage are characterized by a compensatory increase in the synthesis of subchondral bone in response to increased collagen breakdown. For patients with type 1 diabetes with joint damage is characterized by a compensatory increase in subchondral bone synthesis in response to increased collagen breakdown.Conclusions: The results suggest that arthropathy in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is characterized by an increase in the cartilage degradation marker in direct proportion to the severity and number of affected joints.The aim of study was to investigate markers of connective tissue metabolism (COMP level) and indicators that reflect the synthetic and catabolic phases of the metabolism of the main components of connective tissue - collagen and glycosaminoglycans in patients with diabetic arthropathy.The study involved 87 patients with diabetes. Patients were examined using a visual analogue scale of the Leken index and WOMAK. Cartilage oligomeric matrix Protein (COMP) was determined using enzyme immunoassay.Results. The presence of diabetic arthropathy was detected in 78% of patients with type 1 diabetes and in 80% of patients with type 2 diabetes. In the vast majority of patients, the joints of the upper extremities were involved in the pathological process. A direct correlation was established between the presence of arthropathy and the COMP level (r = 0.76, p = 0.001), the Leken index (r = 0.76, p = 0.001), YOUR scale (r = 0.88 , p = 0.001) and WOMAK (R = 0.88, p = 0.001). Patients with type 1 diabetes with joint damage are characterized by a compensatory increase in the synthesis of subchondral bone in response to increased collagen breakdown. For patients with type 1 diabetes with joint damage is characterized by a compensatory increase in subchondral bone synthesis in response to increased collagen breakdown.Conclusions: The results suggest that arthropathy in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is characterized by an increase in the cartilage degradation marker in direct proportion to the severity and number of affected joints


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    Commercial nomination in a globalized, virtualized, accelerated and simulacrum-saturated information flow has become a means for both reflecting and intensely influencing the language and conceptual world image pertinent for the consumer. Consequently, it needs studying from a linguopragmatic side, even more so in countries characterized by socioeconomic instability, among which Ukraine belongs today. This article is dedicated to a study of contemporary Russian-language naming in Ukraine seen from a linguopragmatic viewpoint. We have aimed to present the chief directions in naming science and the relevant linguistic problems treated within each trend. The article also presents linguistic criteria governing the creation of adequate names with respect for the reality of Ukraine; common errors in Russian-language naming in Ukraine are viewed closely. We have also described the chief methods used to gauge the linguopragmatic effectiveness of commercial names: parametrical, factor analysis, associative experiment, motivational analysis, socio-psychological analysis, image method, consumer loyalty method, the method of forming and assessing customer attachment to a brand and others. To determine the linguopragmatic potential of names parametrical analysis is applied together with several approaches: measurement of subjective expectations, highlighting of visual images, defining subjective preference.Коммерческая номинация в период глобализации, виртуализации, ускорения и симулякризации информационного потока, а также при учете влияния локальных условий становится средством отражения и одновременно активного воздействия на языковую и концептуальную картины мира потребителя, поэтому требует изучения в лингвопрагматическом аспекте, особенно в странах с нестабильной социо-политической ситуацией, к числу которых сегодня относится Украина. Статья посвящена изучению современного русскоязычного нейминга в Украине в аспекте лингвопрагматики. Представлены основные направления изучения нейминга и актуальные лингвистические проблемы в рамках каждого направления. В работе предложены лингвистические критерии создания адекватных неймов с учетом украинских реалий и рассмотрены типичные ошибки в области современного русскоязычного нейминга в Украине. Описаны основные методы определения лингвопрагматической эффективности коммерческих наименований: параметрический, метод факторного анализа, ассоциативного эксперимента, метод мотивационного анализа, социально-психологического анализа, имиджевый метод, метод оценки лояльности потребителей, метод формирования / оценки эмоциональной привязанности потребителя к бренду и другие. С целью определения лингвопрагматического потенциала неймов представлен параметрический анализ номинаций с учетом ряда приемов: определения субъективных ожиданий, выявления зрительных образов, определения субъективных предпочтений


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    The microwave field influence on the physicochemical properties of collagen and gelatin was studied. It is shown that when microwave field acts on the studied protein samples, a change in the molecules structure formation occurs. It was experimentally established that microwave exposure leads to the structural modification of collagen and gelatin molecules. This modification is accompanied by a change in the physicochemical properties of the studied biopolymers. It is shown that microwave field exposure leads to a decrease in the viscosity of collagen and gelatin solutions. A decrease in viscosity indicates that there’s a structural or transient processes occurring in protein molecules.The kinetics of swelling with time for collagen and gelatin samples was studied. It is shown that the use of a microwave field leads to a decrease in the rate constant of swelling. The swelling degree of the studied samples decreases on average by 60%. It is shown that isoelectric points of the proteins are shifted (pI from 5 to 6 for collagen and up to 5.5 for gelatin).The microwave field influence on the physicochemical properties of collagen and gelatin was studied. It is shown that when microwave field acts on the studied protein samples, a change in the molecules structure formation occurs. It was experimentally established that microwave exposure leads to the structural modification of collagen and gelatin molecules. This modification is accompanied by a change in the physicochemical properties of the studied biopolymers. It is shown that microwave field exposure leads to a decrease in the viscosity of collagen and gelatin solutions. A decrease in viscosity indicates that there’s a structural or transient processes occurring in protein molecules.The kinetics of swelling with time for collagen and gelatin samples was studied. It is shown that the use of a microwave field leads to a decrease in the rate constant of swelling. The swelling degree of the studied samples decreases on average by 60%. It is shown that isoelectric points of the proteins are shifted (pI from 5 to 6 for collagen and up to 5.5 for gelatin)


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    The essence and content of communicative component of the readiness of future managers to create a health-oriented environment of the organization are substantiated. The communicative abilities of future managers are characterized. The change of communication types inherent future managers before and after the experiment is analyzed. The dynamics of qualitative changes in the levels of formation of the communicative component in control and experimental groups of students before and after the experiment is presented. It is declared that health-oriented managerial behavior of future managers, their activities related to the dissemination of information about the effectiveness of health-preserving technologies in the work environment depend on their communicative abilities. The results of the introduction of the author's complementary-integrative pedagogical technology of formation the readiness of future managers to create a health-oriented environment of the organization in terms of influences on the development of their communication skills are presented. The obtained experimental data allow us to conclude that the absolute average value of qualitative changes in the level of the communicative component after the experiment in the experimental groups of students is higher compared to control groups of students (by 14.4%), and the coefficient of efficiency is 12.52%. This fact indicates the effectiveness of the implemented complementary-integrative pedagogical technology of formation of future managers' readiness to create a health-oriented environment of the organization.Обґрунтовано сутність і зміст комунікативного компонента готовності майбутніх менеджерів до створення здоров’яорієнтованого середовища організації. Охарактеризовано комунікативні здібності майбутніх менеджерів. Проаналізовано зміну типів комунікації, що притаманні майбутнім менеджерам до і після експерименту. Представлено динаміку якісних змін рівнів сформованості комунікативного компонента у студентів КГ та ЕГ до і після експерименту. Декларовано, що від комунікативних здібностей майбутніх менеджерів залежить їхня здоров’яорієнтована управлінська поведінка, діяльність стосовно розповсюдження інформації про дієвість здоров’язбережувальних технологій у виробничому середовищі. Представлено результати впровадження авторської комплементарно-інтегративної технології формування готовності майбутніх менеджерів до створення здоров’яорієнтованого середовища організації у частині впливів на розвиток їхніх комунікативних здібностей. Отримані експериментальні дані дозволяють зробити висновок про те, що абсолютне середнє значення якісних змін рівня комунікативного компонента після експерименту у студентів ЕГ є вищим порівняно з КГ (на 14,4%), а коефіцієнт ефективності становить 12,52%. Такий фактаж вказує на ефективність впровадженої комплементарно-інтегративної технології формування у майбутніх менеджерів готовності до створення здоров’яорієнтованого середовища організації


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    An important step in the development of a new drug is the prediction of its toxicity by computer screening using the program GUSAR-online. The purpose of this work is an online prediction of acute toxicity among new derivatives of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino) 1,2,4-triazoles. Computer prediction of acute toxicity of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)- 1,2,4-triazole derivatives was performed according to the structural formulas of the compounds in the online version of the GUSAR-online program.GUSAR-online prediction for 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)-1,2,4- triazole derivatives was performed during the research. It was found that the average lethal dose of LD50 is from 56.1 to 2396.0 mg / kg. Based on this, all compounds are low-toxic and virtually non-toxic substances.An important step in the development of a new drug is the prediction of its toxicity by computer screening using the program GUSAR-online. The purpose of this work is an online prediction of acute toxicity among new derivatives of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino) 1,2,4-triazoles. Computer prediction of acute toxicity of 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)- 1,2,4-triazole derivatives was performed according to the structural formulas of the compounds in the online version of the GUSAR-online program.GUSAR-online prediction for 5-phenethyl-4-R-3-thio(amino)-1,2,4- triazole derivatives was performed during the research. It was found that the average lethal dose of LD50 is from 56.1 to 2396.0 mg / kg. Based on this, all compounds are low-toxic and virtually non-toxic substances


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    This publication demonstrates the ultrastructural changes of the submandibular salivary gland under the opioid effect at the 4th week of the experimental research. After 28 days of experimental opioid effect, we found that in exocrinocytes of the end secretory departments of acinar cells revealed the destruction of organelles, especially granular and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, as well as reducing the content of secretory granules in the apical area of glandulocytes. In some exocrinocytes, as a result of the increase in destructive changes, a decrease in the volume of the nucleus was noted, which moved to the peripheral parts of the cell. Necrotic changes developed in individual exocrinocytes of the final secretory protein divisions. In such cells, the nucleus was reduced in volume, filled with heterochromatin.This publication demonstrates the ultrastructural changes of the submandibular salivary gland under the opioid effect at the 4th week of the experimental research. After 28 days of experimental opioid effect, we found that in exocrinocytes of the end secretory departments of acinar cells revealed the destruction of organelles, especially granular and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, as well as reducing the content of secretory granules in the apical area of glandulocytes. In some exocrinocytes, as a result of the increase in destructive changes, a decrease in the volume of the nucleus was noted, which moved to the peripheral parts of the cell. Necrotic changes developed in individual exocrinocytes of the final secretory protein divisions. In such cells, the nucleus was reduced in volume, filled with heterochromatin


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    The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of the level of production concentration in dairy farming on its efficiency. The study was conducted on the example of agricultural enterprises of Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions of Ukraine. Theoretical provisions concerning the influence of production concentration on various aspects of efficiency were generalized in the article. It is emphasized that this process is objective and takes place in different countries. The advantages of large milk production enterprises are in greater opportunities for the use of technical means and savings at the level of fixed costs.The study has found that there is a clear relationship between the grouping criterion and the value of profitability, productivity of cows, based on the analysis of factual data on the results of agricultural enterprises grouping as to the volumes of milk sale. This dependence is direct. In addition, the relationship between the grouping indicator and the growth of milk production per 100 hectares of agricultural land, production intensity is quite clearly stated. In Kharkiv region, these dependencies are clearer. The scientific value of the research results lies in their practical orientation, considering the established dependencies when planning both the level of concentration, and milk production intensity in agricultural enterprises.Метою наукових досліджень є оцінка впливу рівня концентрації виробництва в молочному скотарстві на його ефективність. Дане дослідження проводилось на прикладі сільськогосподарських підприємств Харківської та Чернігівської області України. Було здійснено узагальнення теоретичних положень відносно впливу концентрації виробництва на різні аспекти ефективності. Підкреслюється, що даний процес має об’єктивний характер і відбувається в різних країнах світу. Переваги великих підприємств з виробництва молока обумовлені більшими можливостями з використання технічних засобів та економії на рівні постійних витрат. На основі проведеного дослідження було встановлено, що на підставі аналізу фактичних даних за результатами групування сільськогосподарських підприємств за критерієм обсягів реалізації молока має місце чітка залежність між групуючим критерієм та величиною рентабельності, продуктивності корів. Дана залежність має прямий характер. Крім того, доволі чітко констатується залежність між групуючим показником та зростанням обсягів виробництва молока на 100 га сільськогосподарських угідь, рівнем інтенсивності виробництва. В Харківській області дані залежності мали більш чіткий характер. Наукова цінність результатів досліджень полягає в їх практичному спрямуванні та можливості врахування встановлених залежностей при планування як рівня концентрації, так і рівня інтенсивності виробництва молока в сільськогосподарських підприємствах


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    This article discusses the trend of successful university activity as an integral unit of the educational system with its proper management. Successful activities of the university are realized in the formation and maintenance of the internal atmosphere of the university itself. A manifestation of such activity is the open character of university management (transparency in making important decisions, the elective nature of governing bodies and staff appointments), as well as the tendency to provide a centralized information environment for staff (creating an extensive internal electronic information network covering all structures). This activity is essential for maintaining the cohesion of labor collectives in higher education. Elements of competitive relations are among the university staff in the field of higher education. The purpose of competition is to attract quantitative and qualitative applicants, as well as gaining public recognition. Most teachers are proud of the prestige of the university.This article analyzes socially significant and personal values. The student’s personal and professional growth is a qualitative change in his position and role in society. The source of personal and professional development are the contradictions between the achieved level of student development and the requirements that the university community makes to him. Self-educational activity is the main condition necessary for the development of professional competence among students of engineering universities at the present stage. Given the variety of definitions of self-education, we can highlight some of its essential features, such as: an independent search for additional information, the acquisition of knowledge and on-going development. Further, the article expresses the opinion that self-education can exist only on the basis of deep perspective internal motives. Individual cases of searching for answers to questions of interest to a person under the influence of any motives cannot be considered self-education.In this paper, self-education is considered as purposeful, systematic, cognitive activity managed by students themselves, necessary for improving education.This article discusses the trend of successful university activity as an integral unit of the educational system with its proper management. Successful activities of the university are realized in the formation and maintenance of the internal atmosphere of the university itself. A manifestation of such activity is the open character of university management (transparency in making important decisions, the elective nature of governing bodies and staff appointments), as well as the tendency to provide a centralized information environment for staff (creating an extensive internal electronic information network covering all structures). This activity is essential for maintaining the cohesion of labor collectives in higher education. Elements of competitive relations are among the university staff in the field of higher education. The purpose of competition is to attract quantitative and qualitative applicants, as well as gaining public recognition. Most teachers are proud of the prestige of the university.This article analyzes socially significant and personal values. The student’s personal and professional growth is a qualitative change in his position and role in society. The source of personal and professional development are the contradictions between the achieved level of student development and the requirements that the university community makes to him. Self-educational activity is the main condition necessary for the development of professional competence among students of engineering universities at the present stage. Given the variety of definitions of self-education, we can highlight some of its essential features, such as: an independent search for additional information, the acquisition of knowledge and on-going development. Further, the article expresses the opinion that self-education can exist only on the basis of deep perspective internal motives. Individual cases of searching for answers to questions of interest to a person under the influence of any motives cannot be considered self-education.In this paper, self-education is considered as purposeful, systematic, cognitive activity managed by students themselves, necessary for improving education