4,029 research outputs found

    Women Entrepreneurs A Cross-Cultural Study of the Impact of the Commitment Competency on the Success of Female-Owned SMMEs in South Africa

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    Findings- Whilst all participants from the four government identified racial groups agreed that the commitment competency is important for business success, only participants from one of the racial groups considered it vital to business success. Arguably, the commitment competency is valued more highly by female entrepreneurs in this racial group (White) than participants from the other groups. The data also revealed that some female entrepreneurs could be regarded a

    Optimizing Depok City Government Website in Realizing an Electronic-Based Government System

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    The Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) is implemented in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 95 of 2018 concerning SPBE. Ministry. Institutions and agencies must create clean, effective, transparent and accountable governance. One of the studies in SPBE is transparency of information through the City Government website. City Government is serious about building city government web to provide complete information needed by all people. Web optimization is needed to support the performance and achievements of the City Government in general. This study aims to determine how much influence the variables of usability, information quality, quality of service interactions have on user satisfaction of city government websites partially and simultaneously. The subjects in this study were 100 people who were the visitors of the website depok.go, id. In this study, the quality of the depok.go.id website was measured using the WebQual 4.0 method. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used in this research is multiple analysis. The results showed that the variables of use and quality of information were partially influential with the effect of 67.5% and 37.5%, while the quality of service interactions had no effect. Simultaneously, the three variables have an effect on website user satisfaction with a large effect of 70.35. This means that the website of the City Government of Depok has gained the public's trust as a source of quality and satisfying information for the Depok community, including those related to SPBE


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    Moses Mudavadi a Loogoli or Maragoli born in Vihiga district was a grandee civil servant in colonial and nascent Kenya. The absence of an authentic and documented history on the legendary politician dubbed "King of Mululu" necessitated the study titled " A Biography of Moses Budamba Mudavadi, 1923 - 1989" The purpose of the study was to examine the life and times of Moses Mudavadi in the colonial era, the president Kenyatta epoch and the president Moi regime. The study anchored on Stogdill (1974) trait theory of leadership per se the big five factor model. It deployed historical research design, purposive and snowball sampling techniques that sampled 30 respondents from a target population of 307, 815 people - residents of Vihiga County in Kenya. The data was collected using field research and library search. . It was analyzed using narrative, conversation and content techniques; presented in prose. The findings actualized the findings. They showed that Moses Mudavadi was born in Vihiga district in 1923, was well educated during colonial era and served in the Ministry of education and tourism, made first entry in parliament in 1976 and a coveted minister in President Moi regime between 1979 and 1989. He demised in early1989. Had failures depicted by his temperamental character and blind support of President Moi`s populism that plummeted Kenya`s economy in 1980`s. His legacy was wrapped in his amiability, benevolence, projects he initiated and his renowned son cum formidable politician - Musalia Mudavadi. It was recommended that a book to be written from the thesis for posterity and another research of the kind to be carried out using a different design and methods

    Covid-19 Vaccines, Countries around the World, and the Vaccines they are Currently Administering: A Practical Insight and Narrative Review

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    The push for vaccine approval during the heat of the Covid-19 Pandemic was unusual, in the world of vaccines. Countries also had to ensure the various vaccines that have been approved for use were safe and acceptable by the populace. This review aimed to provide the most recent insight into the current vaccines that have been approved for use and what countries over the world are using to vaccinate their teeming population. A search was done on 5 August 2021 on peer-reviewed English literature, indexed in PubMed, Medline, and other relevant sources, online. Results from 23 peer-reviewed English surveyed studies formed the basis of the final Covid-19 vaccines and what countries around the world are currently using. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had the highest number of reviews (74%) followed by Moderna (60%), while Covaxin and CasinoBio had the smallest published studies at 10% each.  A total number of 11 vaccines were found to have been approved for use, from studies.  The kingdom of Bahrain had the highest number of vaccines approved for use (6/11, 54%) while China had 5, (5/11, 45%) followed by the UK, with 4 vaccines currently approved for use (4/11, 36%). Countries like Puerto Rico, have no vaccine approved for use, others such as Tanzania, Burundi, and Eritrea are yet to receive vaccines. South Africa is the only country in Africa that is currently participating in vaccine trials. This could act as a harbinger to vaccine approval and use in many African countries. More vaccine-based trials and studies are needed mostly in Sub-Saharan African countries, North and South America

    The Effect of Lecture Method Counseling on Knowledge and Attitudes of Couples of Childbearing Age (EFA) About Tubectomy Contraceptive Devices in Tontonunu District, Bombana Regency

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    Tubectomy is one of the best and most effective methods of contraception for women who have problems with the use of hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptive methods. The low use of tubectomy contraception is one of them related to knowledge and attitudes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of counseling with the lecture method on the knowledge and attitudes of couples of childbearing age about tubectomy contraception in the District of Tontonunu, District of Bombana. This type of research is Experimental with a static group comparison design. The research population is couples of childbearing age aged 15-49 years. The number of samples is 50 respondents. Sampling technique with random sampling system. Collecting data by using a questionnaire. Data analysis using Paired Sample t-Test. The results showed that there was an effect of giving counseling using the lecture method on knowledge (average increase of 83.00) and attitude (average increase of 74.00). Conclusion; there is an effect of providing counseling with the lecture method on the knowledge and attitudes of EFA about tubectomy contraception. Suggestion; The need for health education by using other methods to determine whether there is an effect of these methods

    The Correlation of Food Consumption, Menstruation and Body Mass Index to Haemoglobin Level in Adolescent Girls of Different Economic Statuses in Cianjur Regency, West Java Province-Indonesia

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    Background: Anemia is a common nutritional problem found in young women. The family economic factor influence the incidence of anemia due to the low food purchasing power by the family. This research aims to analyze the food consumption, BMI and menstruation with young women's haemoglobin levels at different economic statuses. The design for this research was a cross-sectional study design applied with purposive sampling. The subjects were 122 adolescent girls taken from different economic groups. The data collection were consisted of age of respondents, pocket money, education level and occupations from respondents parents, food consumption, BMI, menstruation period and haemoglobin levels in two different economic groups. Later, data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Spearman tests. Conclusion: There were no differences in characteristics of the two subject groups, but there were significant differences in the consumption of vitamin B12 and vitamin C in subjects with low and high economic statuses. Body mass index values, haemoglobin levels, iron consumption, folic acid consumption, food diversity and energy density in subjects with low economic status were greater than in subjects with high economic status

    Determination of OD Value and CFU Dilution for Modeling the Infection of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis on Experimental Mice

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    Background. Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is also sometimes called a yeast infection, and it occurs when there is overgrowth of the normal yeast in the vagina. This infection is relatively common nearly 75% of all adult women have had at least one "yeast infection" in their lifetime and harmful for their immune system. Objective. To measure the number of colonies of Candida albicans in the treated mice induced by Candida albicans derived from clinical strain BALB/c at various clinical dosages in CFU dilution and to determine the optic density (OD) value in blood serums of the treated mice. Method. Three mice clinical strain BALB/c, 18-12 weeks, weight 25-30 gr, were randomly selected and Candida albicans were transvaginally induced to the treated mice with 10

    Anticipating the Escalation of Foreign Workers after the Enactment of the Job Creation Law: Indonesia Legal Perspective

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    The phenomenon in the era of globalization has a significant impact in all countries resulting in population migration in the form of labor movement between countries and the flow of foreign labor migration. The purpose of this research is to investigate the presence of foreign workers in Indonesia, to review the legislation before and after the adoption of the Job Creation Law, and to increase the quantity and quality of the resources of foreign labor inspectors. The research method used is a qualitative approach and is descriptive analysis, doctrinal legal research with regard to the existence of foreign workers in a legal perspective through library research by emphasizing secondary data sources. The results of the study found that the presence of foreign workers is very much needed in Indonesia for the transfer of knowledge and transfer of skills, and the implication is that comprehensive legislation must be available in accordance with the constitution, the 1945 Constitution related to labor in order to protect foreign workers and workers. local work and the need for recruitment, training and development programs to increase the quantity and quality as well as the professionalism of foreign labor inspectors

    Knowledge, Perception and Practice of Malaysian Residents on Covid-19 during the Period of the Conditional Movement Control Order

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    Introduction: Since Malaysia’s first case of Covid-19 was detected early February 2020, cases slowly increased. A Movement Control Order (MCO) was imposed on 18th March 2020 to control spread of the disease. Information on the MCO, the required social behaviour was disseminated through the media. From 4th May 2020 the MCO restrictions were relaxed - thence referred to as the Conditional Movement Order (CMCO). This lasted till 9th June. This study was to determine knowledge, perception, and practice of residents during the CMCO to see if they adhered to the new norms.  Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study. Inclusion criteria was residents of Malaysia aged 20 to 70 years. A pretested questionnaire with internal validity of 0.751 was used via Google forms. Data converted into categorical variables and analysed using SPSSv23. Statistically significant was p<0.05. Spearman’s co-relation used to determine linear relationship between knowledge and practice and between perception and practice. Results:  We had a total of 420 respondents. Significant association of knowledge with age group, marital status, employment, and education level. Good practice was significantly associated with marital status, employment, and education level. A weak but significant relationship between knowledge and practice and between perception and practice. From all, 8.1% feel that Covid-19 is not a dangerous disease Conclusion: Residents in Malaysia had good knowledge on the new social norms during the CMCO. Overall perceptions and practice scored lower. Focus should be on Health education to ensure residents do not revert to old lifestyle so soon

    Association of Ambiguity Tolerance and Problem-solving Ability of Students in Mathematics

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    Development of problem-solving ability among students is one of the main goals of mathematics education.  This study investigated the association between student ambiguity tolerance and their problem-solving ability in mathematics. It also sought to determine whether or not a student’s reaction to unfamiliar or uncertain stimuli influences their ability to solve non-routine word problems. A total of 182 junior high school students participated in this study. Two instruments, namely: McLain Multiple Stimulus Types Ambiguity Tolerance (MSTAT-II) Scale and a problem-solving ability test were considered in this study. Both tests were subjected to validity and reliability analyses. Results showed that ambiguity tolerance and problem-solving ability have a moderate positive association. Further, ambiguity tolerance was found to be a significant determinant of the problem-solving ability in mathematics of a student. A detailed analysis of student solutions and empirical evidences suggest that the use of open-ended problems be employed across various subject matters in mathematics to develop not only problem-solving skills but critical and logical reasoning as well as creativity among students.&nbsp
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