1,639 research outputs found

    Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (Alternatif Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Madrasah)

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    This paper is intended to uncover the core issues that exist in madrasah as aroot barrier to the improvement of its quality. The results show that madrasah confronts a dilemma as an educational institution. As an educational institution, madrasah should be given broad discretion in its management, especially in the era of regional autonomy. In todays era of autonomy, one of the concepts that canbe applied to improve the quality of education is the School-Based Management (SBM). The paper argues that although madrasah is under the auspice of the Department of Religion, the concept of School-Based Management (MBS) canbe adopted by madrasah on the basis of its suitability as strategies in coping with madrasahs problems. The implementation of Madrasah-Based Management is intended to improve the quality of madrasah as an Islamic institution

    Peran Pengawas dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Penggunaan dan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)

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    Kualitas pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) perlu terus ditingkatkan karena PAI adalah mata pelajaran yang berorientasi pada pembentukan akhlak peserta didik khususnya sikap spiritual dan sosial. Salah satu hal yang berpengaruh dalam meningkatkannya adalah media pembelajaran. Guru PAI dituntut untuk menggunakan dan mengembangkan media pembelajaran untuk membantunya dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Media amat penting dalam mengantar dan memudahkan peserta didik untuk memahami materi-materi PAI yang kompleks, apalagi materi pembelajaran yang terkait dengan hal-hal transenden. Pengawas PAI harus pula berperan aktif dalam efektivitas penggunaan dan pengembangan media pembelajaran PAI. Peran pengawas bisa diwujudkan dengan mengoptimalkan supervisi akademik, menjadi motivator untuk menggerakkan guru PAI dalam mengembangkan media, menjadi peneliti untuk melakukan pengembangan-pengembangan media, menjadi penilai untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran, menjadi konsultan untuk membantu menagtasi masalah yang dihadapi guru, menjadi sumber inspirasi agar guru terinspirasi dari peran serta pengawas, dan menjadi pelopor Perubahan untuk melakukan kreasi dan inovasi pembelajaran


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    This study aims to describe the local wisdom of the fishery tradition of Mandarese Tribe associated with Islamic value. Data was collected using interview and literature studies, then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The majority of the Mandarese people are Muslims who inhabit areas on the West coast of the Sulawesi Island. The primary profession of the Mandarese people is fishermen who have local wisdom in the form of belief in occult things at sea so that natural phenomena and supernatural powers become the driving force of spiritual energy. Some rituals need to be performed before and after sailing. This form of knowledge is known as the “paissangang posasiang” by the Mandarese people. Besides, some restrictions must not be violated (pemali). There is a combination of Islamic value and local wisdom within the Mandarese people, such as the belief in the figure of the Prophet Khidr, reading the Surah Yaasin when during a wind storm (laso anging), reading barzanji, praying for salvation based to Islamic value led by a kyai (annannguru)


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    AbstractThis library research aims to examine the value of Islamic education contained in Al-Qur'an Surah Luqman which has the potential to become a hidden curriculum in the practive of Islamic education, especially in family education. Data was collected by reviewing all relevant documents about Surah Luqman verses 12-19. The collected data then were analyzed with hystorical and philosophical approaches. Exploration of Islamic education value as stated in the Holy Quran Surah Luqman verses 12-19 is a necessity due Luqman'a advice to his son actually bocomes a hidden curriculum in the practice of Islamic education. The educational value contained in Quran Surah Luqman (31) covers three main points; 1) aqidah (faith) education which is described in verses 12-16 as a form o fmonotheism value by enslaing oneself to Allah and not associating Him with any creatures, even if parents invite associates with Allah, 2) moral education as described in verse 17, the command to do prayer, call for kindness and prevent evil and the command to be patient with the tests befall them, 3) the moral education contained in verses 18019 refers to the courtesy in teracting with fellow himans.Keywords: hidden curriculum, Islamic education, Al-Quran Surah Luqman  AbstractThis library research aims to examine the value of Islamic education contained in al-Quran Surah Luqman which has the potential to become a hidden curriculum in the practice of Islamic education, especially in family education. Data was collected by reviewingall relevant documents about Surah Luqman verses 12-19. The collected data then were qualitatively analyzed with hystorical and philosophical approaches.Exploration of Islamic education value as stated in the Holy Quran Surah Luqman verses 12-19 is a necessity due to Luqman's advice to his son actually becomes ahidden curriculum in the practice of Islamic education.The educational value contained in the Quran SurahLuqman (31) covers three main points.; (1) aqidah(faith) education which is described in verses 12-16 as a form of monotheism value by enslaving oneself to Allah and not associating Him with any creatures, even if parents invite associates with Allah, (2) moral education as described in verse 17, the command to do prayer, call for kindness and prevent evil and the command to be patient with the tests that befall them, (3)the moral education contained in verses 18-19 refers to the courtesy in interacting with fellow humans.Keywords: Hidden curriculum, Islamic education, al-Quran Surah Luqman


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    Facing this modern era, ma'rifatullah is faced with increasingly complex life challenges. The reality of education also continues to experience severe moral degradation. The reason is one of them is due to the shifting of part of human thought from virtuous life orientation to the pursuit of hedonic and materialistic lifestyles. The purpose of this research is to uncover and analyze a synergistic approach that can revive human interest in opening and studying the values of ma'rifatullah and the space to apply them especially in Islamic education referring to the Koran and Hadith. The method to be used is the study of literature. The type of data used is secondary data with literature study data collection techniques. Based on the findings and analysis in this study, namely; firstly, ma'rifatullah is the main goal of developing all human potential, when a human manifests his spiritual power, then easily deliver it to ma'rifatullah. Second, the educational implications of this concept include the goals, roles, functions, principles, educators, students, material, methods and educational media. All of that must have a positive influence on the mind and heart in increasing all the potential possessed by humans. Thus, all the educational components are directed towards ma'rifatullāh


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    AbstractThis study discusses the role of officials maker of the waqf pledge deed to prevent the occurrence of waqf land disputes, which occurred in the Tanete Riattang Barat District Area. This research uses mixed methods, namely library research and field research. Data was collected through direct interviews with informants PPAIW, namely the Head of Religious Affairs Office (KUA) and the public who were aware of the waqf land dispute in the Tanete Riattang Barat District Area.The results showed the role of PPAIW in preventing the occurrence of waqf land disputes was very important. Therefore, PPAIW was tasked to make the waqf pledge deed and the waqf land certificate. With the deed and certificate, it would narrow the chances of a waqf land dispute. Besides making endowment pledges and endowment land certificates, the next step was to bring the two disputing parties together and provide an understanding of the disputed waqf land and show the evidence that had been made by PPAIW itself.Keywords : Certificate Waqf; Deed Pledge of Waqf; Officials Maker of the Waqf Pledge Deed (PPAIW)


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    The environmental law enforcement is a form of re-actualization of the hopes and dreams of a good living environment. The portion and content of positive law in environmental law enforcement are sufficient in ensnaring perpetrators of environmental destruction. In Islamic law, environmental enforcement is something that must be guarded and preserved, this is stated in the Qur'an and hadith. This study is a literature study, which examines the legislation on environmental enforcement and text arguments relating to the environment. The approach in this study is a formal juridical approach to the scale of positive law and a normative approach to Islamic law. The findings in this study prove that the rules regarding environmental law enforcement in positive law are very adequate. In Law Number 32 of 2009, it has accommodated acts of environmental destruction that can be ensnared with administrative, civil and criminal offenses that lead to fines and imprisonment. Meanwhile, in Islamic law, law enforcement against environmental destruction in jinayah law is subject to ta'zir punishment or a sentence stipulated by the government. In the concept of benefit, environmental destruction needs to be enforced because it is against the benefit of human life and/or can threaten the survival of mankind. The implication of this finding is that environmental law enforcement has been regulated in environmental legislation and is very adequate, and this is in line with the concept of negligence in Islamic law, so that environmental violations need to be taken firmly in order to maintain environmental sustainability. Keywords: Law enforcement; Environment; Positive Law; Islamic law.

    ‘Jamaah’ As a Communication Symbol of Da’wah of Wahdah Islamiyah Group

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    Wahdah Islamiyyah is a religious group that has its own characteristics. Its main strength lies in the concept of 'Jamaah' as well as its group doctrine. As a dakwah concept, the term 'Jamaah' has a meaning manifested in the behavior of each of his followers. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the meaning of 'Jamaah' as religious propaganda. The unit of analysis of this study was the followers of the Wahdah Islamiyyah group. Thus, this research approach is a case study. Data were collected by in-depth interview techniques, observation, and literature review. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the Three-Groove Technique model in the form of reduction, categorization, and interpretation as a result. The results of this study are: (1) Wahdah Islamiyyah (WI) has the power as a 'Jamaah' (community) which is also a symbol of communication. Through the 'pilgrims' they display their identity as a form of dakwah. (2) 'Jamaah' is also a social relationship which has the function of strengthening individual relations by means of emotional ties and social solidarity. The conclusion of this research is Wahdah Islamiyyah has the identity (characteristic) of 'Jamaah' with all its elements which is an attraction to others as a symbol of communication

    Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) dalam peningkatan kualitas Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di SMP Negeri 4 Watampone

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    This article examines the implementation of Student worksheet utilization (LKS) in improving the quality of Islamic religious education (PAI) in State SMP 4 Watampone, this research is a field research. The presentation of data is done in a qualitative descriptive, which is a research that can be seen from the experts is data descriptively (depiction) that is the oral facts and the writing of each person's behavior is reflected. The results showed that LKS was a teaching material that remained in place in accordance with the existing curriculum for class VII and VIII using curriculum 2013 and for class IX using KTSP kurukulum. The presence of LKS in the learning process is very easy for teachers to convey material as well as giving assignments. Students also feel happy when teachers use different methods of using LKS in teaching activities in classrooms. Generally the tasks that teachers provide using individual and group patterns, learning goals are expected to create an atmosphere that is active, innovative, creative, effective and enjoyable. The contribution of Student Worksheets (LKS) is seen from the students ' learning outcomes that have increased by using LKS. Then the process of interacting in the classroom between teachers and students, the interaction of students and teachers is properly realized. In addition, the material that resides in the LKS PAI can be subject to life-day