3,494 research outputs found

    Analisis Hubungan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis dan Self Confidence Siswa SMP

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    This study aims to analyze the achievement and improvement of problem solving skills of junior high school students through the application of guided inquiry method. This research is an experimental research with research design in the form of pretest-posttest Control Group Design, which is design of pretest-posttest control group involving two groups and sampling is done randomly class. Population in this research is all students in one of junior high school in Sukabumi Regency. The sample in this research is the students of class VIII SMPN 1 Sukaraja which has population characteristics. From all the existing classes VIII, two classes were chosen randomly to be sampled. The instrument used is the test of mathematical problem solving ability. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the achievement of the problem solving ability of mathematical students in learning using guided inquiry method is better than the students who use ordinary learning. Then the improvement of students' mathematical problem solving skills in the learning using guided inquiry method is better than the students who use ordinary learnin

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Auditorial, Intelectually, Repetition (Air) Untuk Meningkatkan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Smk Kelas XI

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    The background of this research is the ability of solving the problem of mathematics of vocational high school students who are still relatively low, to improve this capability required research using cooperative learning method type AIR. The formulation of this research are: (1) How the application of cooperative learning model type AIR can improve problem solving a learning model AIR. Method of this research is classroom action research, to class student XI in one of the Vocational Schools in Sukabumi, which is 35 students. Instrument used is written test I - III, and nontest journal, observation sheet and questionnaire of attitude scale. The material in this research is Limit Function. The result of this research are: (1) the mathematical communication ability of students increases in line with the ongoing learning by using AIR type cooperative model, (2) Application of AIR type cooperative learning model can improve students' mathematical problem solving ability; (3) student activity in learning with using AIR type co-operative model obtained improvement, student's response to learning model of positive AIR type cooperative

    Analisis Kemampuan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Self Confidence Siswa SMA dalam Materi Peluang

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    This research is based on the level of mathematical reasoning ability and Self confidence which is owned by Students who are still relatively low. then the purpose of this study are: 1) to know the level of students\u27 reasoning ability seen from the achievement of minimum mastery criteria (KKM); 2) to know the students\u27 perceptions of each indicator of mathematical reasoning ability; 3) to know the level of Self confidence categories of students on each item statement. This research uses qualitative approach with explorative descriptive method. Subjects in this study were students of class XI IPS1 which amounted to 20 students in SMA Putra Juang academic year 2017/2018. The research instrument consisted of test question instrument, non test instrument in the form of questionnaire, and interview guide. From the research, it is found that the reasoning ability and self confidence of XI IPS1 SMA Putra Juang class students on the opportunity material are included in low category. This can be seen from the test results where the value of Students 75% below KKM and only 25% above KKM.Serta from the questionnaire that shows the ability of self-confidence mathematics owned 50% low students, 25% Medium, 20% High, and 5 % very high. whereas students \u27misconception in reasoning ability occurs in many indicators of students\u27 ability to construct and test a conjecture in mathematics lessons, where only 5 students reach this indicator of ability

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share (Tps) terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Kuok

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    This study aims to determine whethe there is the influence of type TPS kooperatif learning model of mathematical problem solving ability junior high student in grade VII Negeri 1Kuok. This study is experimental study. Sampling technique using sampling techniques random. The subject of this study were grade students as aclass experiment VII D and grade students as a control class.Data collection techniques by doing dokumentasi, observation and test. In this study, meetings were held for five times, four meetings with implementing type models of cooperative learning TPS and one more meeting held posstest. To find out the result of the study investigatigators to manually calculate your own data. Based on the results obtained by use within the data, analyzed using the test “t” . analysis of data showed the value tcount = 8,79 and t table significant level of 5% and 1% at 2,01 and 2,68. This shows that  (2,01<8,79>2,68), which means H0 rejected andHa  accepted. Thus, itcan be concluded that there are type effect of cooperative learning model of problem solving TPS againt the students math class VII SMP Negeri 1 Kuok

    Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP An-naja Bandung Barat

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    Mathematics as one of the school subjects cannot be separated from other scientific disciplines and problems in everyday life. Mathematical connection is one of the standard processes. Through mathematical connections between material and other material students can reach several aspects to solve mathematical problems. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. There are samples in this study that are grade VIII students of high, medium, and low abilities in MTs, West Bandung Regency. The connection ability test instruments were given as many as 5 questions accompanied by questionnaires for each student. Then the results obtained are the level of mathematical connection ability and learning motivation of MTs students in West Bandung Regency based on written tests and the results of questionnaires with students are still relatively poor. Furthermore, this research is part of the thesis that I will examine

    Analisis Kesulitan Pembelajaran Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 012 Bangkinang Kota

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    This research is to find out the location of difficulty and the factors that cause difficulties in learning mathematics on the subject of integer count operation. Research subjects are taken that is class V which has the average value of mathematics still under Minimum Exhaustiveness Criteria (KKM). Data collection methods used were test method, observation method, interview method. The test method is used to obtain student completion data on the counting integer counting material in the form of essay 10 items. Observation method is used to determine the condition of subjects during the learning activities of mathematics and to know the factors that can affect the learning process of mathematics. Interview method is done to know clearly problem faced by student when study material counting integer. From the data of final analysis result, it is found that the percentage of students' difficulties in skill is 50% including enough category, difficulties in understanding the concept of 23.3% including less category and difficulty in problem solving by 20% including less category. So expect teachers in shaping the pattern of teaching mathematics is not solely shown in the students' skills in solving the problem. But more important is how to invite students to understand and understand and master the existing concepts well and correctly, so that students do not have difficulty in learning mathematic. Keywords: Analysis, Student Difficultie

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Discovery Reasearch untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Akuntansi Materi Laporan Rugi dan Laba Pada Siswa Kelas XII IPS 2 SMA Negeri 2 Siak Hulu

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    This research was based on problems related to economic learning achievement in class XII IPS 2 SMA Negeri 2 Siak Hulu. The solution to this problem was applying discovery research learning. The purpose of this research was to improve the learning achievement of economics through discovery research learning in class XII IPS 2 SMA Negeri 2 Siak Hulu. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that student learning achievement had increased from cycle I to cycle III, namely, cycle I (67.6%,), cycle II (81%), cycle III (91%). The conclusion of this research is that the Discovery Research Method can improve student achievement in SMAN 2 Siak Hulu Class XII IPS 2 for the 2019/2020 academic year, and this learning model can be used as an alternative for implementing learning material in Economics. The teaching model of the Discovery Research Method can make students feel they get attention and the opportunity to express opinions, ideas, ideas and questions. Students can work independently or in groups, and are able to be responsible for all individual and group tasks. The application of learning with the Discovery Research Method has a positive effect, which can increase student learning creativity

    Peran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Era Globalisasi Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa

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    Science and technology are experiencing rapid developments marking the entry of globalization in a country. Globalization has had a major impact, both positive and negative. This globalization affects the lifestyle of the westernized society and reduces the values ​​and nationalism of the Indonesian nation. Education is one of the most effective ways to build good character for the younger generation. This research was conducted using qualitative data collection. It is found that character education has a function as a vehicle for development, improvement, and filter. In addition, character education has other functions, namely developing potential, habits, and behavior, fostering leadership and responsibility, developing abilities and the school environment. Citizenship education has functions including building participatory skills that make Indonesian citizens active, critical, intelligent, and democratic, as well as building a civilized democratic culture. Based on the research, the suggestion that can be given is that there is a need for the involvement of all parties in paying attention and participating in building the character of students as the future generation of the Indonesian natio

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Cerita Sederhana dengan Menerapkan Metode Latihan Terbimbing dan Media Teks Lagu

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    This study aims to improve students' simple story writing skills by applying guided training methods and utilizing song text media. The subjects of this research were 37 students of class III-A with the research location at SD Negeri Wonokusumo VI / 45 Surabaya. This research was conducted through a two-cycle action mechanism. Based on data analysis, from this study it can be concluded that the Skills of Writing Simple Stories for Grade III-A students of SD Negeri Wonokusumo VI / 45 Surabaya increased by 20.44% after participating in learning Simple Story Writing through guided training methods with song text media. The average result of the pre-action Simple Story Writing test was 61 (rounding down from 61.30) and in the first cycle the average result was 69 (rounding up from 68.62) then in cycle II the average results were obtained. an average of 77 (the result is rounded down from 77.05) or an increase of 15.75% from cycle I. The average result of the Simple Story Writing test score shows that learning Simple Story Writing through the guided practice method with song text media on Class III-A students of SD Negeri Wonokusumo VI / 45 Surabaya can improve and succeed

    Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Kewarganegaraan Terhadap Pembelajaran Daring

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    This study aims to describe the fulfillment of children's rights to get educational services during the Covid-19 emergency, describe appropriate character education to shape children's potential, and describe the concept of good and appropriate learning known as online mode during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted qualitatively using data collection techniques through observation. To analyze the data, the analysis was applied in the form of an interactive model through data collection, reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. To test its validity, it uses triangulation of sources and methods. The results of this study conclude that the importance of character education in developing children's potential to think and have a good heart, and to behave in accordance with Pancasila philosophy. This character education has three main functions. First, the function of forming and developing potential. Second, the function of repair and strengthening. And third, the filter function. Teachers as infrastructure are preparing learning strategies and learning content and providing learning management systems during the Covid-19 pandemic. The main role in developing children's potential is of course relying on parents and the home environment