4,979 research outputs found

    Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes Through Cooperative Learning Model Type NHT in Grade VIII a Students MTS Muhammadiyah

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    This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK), which aims to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics through NHT type cooperative learning model in students of class VIII A MTs. Muhammadiyah conducted collaboratively between researchers and teachers of mathematics studies. In the implementation of this research, it is done by giving group worksheet and observation sheet of student activity using NHT type cooperative learning model after giving an explanation about Pythagoras Theorem material as much as two cycles that cycle I and II. After being given group worksheets then conducted the assessment includes assessment of test results of a cycle I and cycles II and group worksheet to students that is by applying learning model of cooperative learning type NHT. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII A which amounted to 20 students consisting of 15 male students and 5 female students. Techniques of collecting data in research are this observation and test. The data obtained were then analyzed. The results of the study showed that the implementation using NHT type cooperative learning model on Pythagoras Theorem material. the ability of students in solving problems on the material above has increased. With the increase of the average value of students in the first cycle was 43.45 and increased in cycle II 83.90. Improvement of student learning outcomes to mathematics learning using NHT type cooperative learning is good. This is indicated by the average value of group learning outcomes in cycle I 60.00 or being in the medium category and the average score of the learning outcomes of the group in cycle I 82.50 or in the high category. This shows the result of increased mathematics learning after conducting cooperative learning model of NHT typ

    Keefektifan Strategi Pembelajaran antara Metode Tutor Sebaya dengan Metode Tanya Jawab dalam Pengajaran Remidial Materi Fungsi Limit

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    Aktivitas belajar tidak selamanya dapat berjalan dengan lancar, peserta didik seringkali mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar, baik dalam hal menerima pelajaran, menyerap pelajaran, atau kedua-duanya. Kesulitan belajar dapat dilihat dengan adanya seorang atau sekelompok peserta didik yang tidak dapat mencapai hasil belajar yang diinginkan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan prestasi belajar matematika antara peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tutor sebaya dengan peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tanya jawab. dan jika ada, manakah yang lebih efektif dari dua metode pembelajaran tersebut.Hasil penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kota Tegal tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para peserta didik kelas XI IPS yang nilai ulangan harinya dibawah KKM pada materi fungsi limit semester genap. Sampel sebanyak 2 kelas diambil menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling terambil kelas XI IPS 1 dan XI IPS 2 dengan jumlah 76 peserta didik. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah metode dokumentasi dan tes untuk mempereoleh data tentang populasi dan sampel serta prestasi belajar sebelum dan sesudah pengajaran remidial. Analisis data menggunakan uji-t dua pihak digunakan untuk menentukan ada tidaknya perbedaan prestasi belajar matematika antara peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan kedua metode tersebut dan uji-t satu pihak untuk untuk menetukan metode pembelajaran yang lebih efektif.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan prestasi belajar matematika antara peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tutor sebaya dengan peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tanya jawab. Penerapan metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya lebih efektif daripada metode pembelajaran tanya jawab

    Peran Konsep Diri, Minat dan Kebiasaan Belajar Peserta Didik terhadap Prestasi Belajar Fisika

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    The objective of this reseacrh is to analyze the effect of self-concept, interest and habbits of student study on the learning achievement of physics. The methode of this research is using survey with correlation and multiple regression used SPSS version 17.0. The finding of this reseacrh are self concept , interest and habbits of student study influenced together on the learning achievement of physics for 89,8 %. It means 89,8 % the learning achievement of physics described by Self concept student, Interest of student study and habbits of student study influenced together. Teachers in education field should be able to improve self concept to their students and improve the way how to teach in good way to get the learning interest of their student. Also they can give support to their students to do good learning habit

    Meningkatkan Estimasi Reliabilitas Instrumen Pilihan Ganda dengan Memperhatikan Probabilitas Guessing

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    Reliability coeficient is a number which refer to stability result of an instrument measurement. The higher coeficient of reliability, the hingher trusted result of the instrumen will be. The degree of confidence of an intsrument, is expressed by reliability coefisient. For multiple choice instrument, estimation of reliability mostly calculated by KR-20. KR 20 formula calculate estimation of reliability instrumen by using correct score method. This study aims to comphere estimation of reliability coefficient by using KR-20 formula and by considering guessing probability. Hopely by considering guessing factor, estimation of reliability coefficient will increase

    Pemberian Rangkuman sebagai Strategi Pembelajaran

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    This paper discusses the provision of a summary as one component of the learning strategy that plays an important role in improving learning outcomes optimally. Summaries can be done at the beginning of learning, and can also be given at the end of the lesson. Giving a summary at the beginning of learning, work gives an overview on the learner about the content of the material will be presented, and help learners to determine attitudes toward the content of these materials will be presented. While granting summary of a presentation made at the end, serves to review the main ideas of the material that has been presented so that there is an opportunity for students to recall material that has been presented it. So the summary is a component of a strategy that includes all the content areas of study are important, such as understanding ¬-brief understanding of the concepts, procedures, or principles learned. There are five types of summaries are often used in learning, namely: verbal summary, summary charts, summary tabulations, summary groves, Summary schematic. While giving a summary of strategies that are often used, namely: learners is asked to make a summary of what has been taught, and learners is asked to make a summary of what has been read to show a better performance

    Pengaruh Jumlah Alternatif Jawaban Dan Teknik Penskoran Terhadap Reliabilitas Tes

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of the number of alternative answers and scoring techniques to reliability test. Forms of this test includes multiple choice test three answer choice and multiple choice test four answer choices with penalty scoring techniques (Punishment Score) and scoring techniques compensation (Reward Score). The method uses the experiment, while the designused istreatment bylevel 2 x 2. Research hypotheses were tested using two way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result concluded that: (1) reliability tests with three multiple choice answer options is higher than the multiple choice test four answer choices, (2) reliability tests with scoring techniques penalty higher than the reliability of the technique of scoring compensation, and (3) No interaction between the number of alternative answers to the scoring technique. The results of this study can be considered for the teacher to give test using a form of multiple choice test three answer choice and multiple choice test four answer choices test scoring with a penalty techniques

    Keefektifan Strategi Pembelajaran antara Metode Tutor Sebaya dengan Metode Tanya Jawab dalam Pengajaran Remidial Materi Fungsi Limit

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    Aktivitas belajar tidak selamanya dapat berjalan dengan lancar, peserta didik seringkali mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar, baik dalam hal menerima pelajaran, menyerap pelajaran, atau kedua-duanya. Kesulitan belajar dapat dilihat dengan adanya seorang atau sekelompok peserta didik yang tidak dapat mencapai hasil belajar yang diinginkan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan prestasi belajar matematika antara peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tutor sebaya dengan peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tanya jawab. dan jika ada, manakah yang lebih efektif dari dua metode pembelajaran tersebut.Hasil penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kota Tegal tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para peserta didik kelas XI IPS yang nilai ulangan harinya dibawah KKM pada materi fungsi limit semester genap. Sampel sebanyak 2 kelas diambil menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling terambil kelas XI IPS 1 dan XI IPS 2 dengan jumlah 76 peserta didik. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah metode dokumentasi dan tes untuk mempereoleh data tentang populasi dan sampel serta prestasi belajar sebelum dan sesudah pengajaran remidial. Analisis data menggunakan uji-t dua pihak digunakan untuk menentukan ada tidaknya perbedaan prestasi belajar matematika antara peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan kedua metode tersebut dan uji-t satu pihak untuk untuk menetukan metode pembelajaran yang lebih efektif.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan prestasi belajar matematika antara peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tutor sebaya dengan peserta didik yang diremidi menggunakan metode tanya jawab. Penerapan metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya lebih efektif daripada metode pembelajaran tanya jawab

    The Effect of Community Language Learning and Learning Interest Towards Students’ Speaking Ability

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    This research is aimed to get the empirical data and to find out the effect of Community Language Learning and learning interest towards students’ speaking ability at a private college in Bekasi. The research was conducted at school of foreign languages Cipto Hadi Pranoto in Bekasi. The total sample of this research is by 60 students. The technique of collecting data of teaching method (CLL) and learning interest used questionnaires and the speaking skill was acquired from the test. The research of the instrument has tested and tried by the validity and the reliability test used the program of SPSS 17.0 (Statistics Program Social Science). The result of the study identifies There is significant effect of learning method towards students speaking ability. Keyword: Community Language Learning, Learning Interest, and Speaking Abilit

    Effectiveness of Cost Control in Increasing Profit Operations

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effect of how much the cost control of production to operating profit. The method used in this research is the survey method with a descriptive quantitative approach. The data used is the cost of production data and profit data from CV Insan Lestari. with sample pick up used purposive sampling. The Data analysis method in this research is a regression test, correlation test, determination coefficient, and signification test. The result from a statistic test, there known about a positive correlation from cost control to the production with an operating profit, with determination coefficient are 75,1% and 24.9% are factors outside this research. With the signification test, the conclusion is, the cost control had affected the operating profit

    An Analysis of The Motivation Reflected By The Main Characters In The Movie “42” And Its Personality Influence

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    The aim of the research is to find out how motivation is reflected by the main characters in the movie “42”, the effort that Jackie and Rickey make in order to fulfill the needs and to analyze the influence of personality on motivation of the main characters. The writer uses qualitative descriptive research in observing the motivation of the main characters of the Movie “42”. The writer limited the data which are classified them into different level needs based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Need theory. However, the writer sees that the main characters had different level of needs structure as their salient. Such as : As for Jackie, the writer found that from 5 level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs, there were 2 salient needs; the belongingness and love needs, and the self-esteem need. As for Rickey, there was just 1 need he had to fulfill; the self-actualization need. The writer also noticed the process to fulfill the needs from one level needs to the higher one was not always in a hundred percent to be fulfilled, otherwise the lower need could partly fulfilled so we could go to the higher one as motivation.   Key words: Motivation, Personality, Racism, Hierarchy of Human Need
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