1,071 research outputs found

    Roll, Jordan Roll

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    Thermal Effects of Interfacial Dynamics

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    Dynamical Ginzburg-Landau theory is applied to the study of thermal effects of motion of interfaces that appear after different phase transitions. These effects stem from the existence of the surface internal energy, entropy and temperature gradients in the interfacial transition region. Evolution equations for the interfacial motion are derived. For the experimental verification of the thermal effects the expression is derived for the amplitude of temperature waves during continuous ordering

    Pathways to Student Success at Fayetteville State Universiy

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    Academic and Community Identities: A Study of Kurdish and Somali Refugee High School Students

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    This research examined the experiences of 11 high school students and their academic and social experiences in the U.S. using identity and agency in figured worlds. We collected data through interviews and field notes and analyzed them using constant comparative analysis. The findings revealed two main themes: the importance of continuity in promoting and maintaining a positive academic environment and the importance of support in creating positive identities. In addition, there was a strong awareness between being accepted, recognized, and encouraged at school and feeling accepted as a Muslim student. In the end, the participants experienced two different realities which contributed to form their figured worlds


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    Thermal effects in dynamics of interfaces

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    Dynamical Ginzburg–Landau theory is applied to the study of thermal effects of motion of interfaces that appear after different phase transitions. These effects stem from the existence of the surface thermodynamic properties and temperature gradients in the interfacial transition region. Thermal effects may be explained by the introduction of a new thermodynamic force exerted on the interface, called here Gibbs–Duhem force, and the internal energy density flux through the interface. The evolution equations for the interfacial motion are derived. For the experimental verification of the thermal effects during continuous ordering the expression is derived for the amplitude of temperature waves

    Analysis: Information Literacy and Sociology 390 (Final report)

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    CLA Report

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    Using creation science to demonstrate evolution 2: morphological continuity within Dinosauria

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    Creationist literature claims that sufficient gaps in morphological continuity exist to classify dinosaurs into several distinct baramins (‘created kinds’). Here, I apply the baraminological method called taxon correlation to test for morphological continuity within and between dinosaurian taxa. The results show enough morphological continuity within Dinosauria to consider most dinosaurs genetically related, even by this creationist standard. A continuous morphological spectrum unites the basal members of Saurischia, Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha, Ornithischia, Thyreophora, arginocephalia, and Ornithopoda with Nodosauridae and Pachycephalosauria and with the basal ornithodirans Silesaurus and Marasuchus. Morphological gaps in the known fossil record separate only seven groups from the rest of Dinosauria. Those groups are Therizinosauroidea + Oviraptorosauria + Paraves, Tazoudasaurus + Eusauropoda, Ankylosauridae, Stegosauria, Neoceratopsia, basal Hadrosauriformes and Hadrosauridae. Each of these seven groups exhibits within-group morphological continuity, indicating common descent for all the group’s members, even according to this creationist standard

    Ring Out Those Bells

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