1,244 research outputs found

    Design of Improving The Quality of Human Resources Based on Islamic Schools in Anak Saleh Foundation, Malang City

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    The quality of human resources has become a vital aspect in the development of Islamic education institutions in particular. Almost every leading school has a design to improve the quality of human resources, bearing in mind that this aspect is the key to the birth of a quality generation. Learn from the Saleh Children's Foundation in improving the quality of human resources as a non-LPI general education institution to become one of the leading primary and early childhood education institutions in Indonesia. adi therein are Elementary Schools and Age Education. The two schools became role models of Islamic school-based management in line with the ideals of reform and independence. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach with a multicase design. The results of this study are: improving the quality of teachers in early childhood education programs (PAUD) Anak Saleh through internal workshops and seminars which are held every Saturday. Its activities are based on output in the form of scientific work, and outcomes in the form of student and parent handbooks (news stories and prayers). While improving the quality of administrative and non-administrative education staff through collaborative activities with government agencies and non-government organizations

    Understanding The Text Content: Applying Asking – Question Technique in English Text for Mechanical Engineering Students

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    Purpose - The study aims to observe the students ' skills in reading text with the instrument asking and writing the summary results read the text. Design/methodology/approach - To explain the process and the result of students’ writing wrote everything they saw in the class in field notes. Natural design and the phenomenon (descriptive qualitative) were also noted in the field note helping to analyze the data easily. The participants of this study were from mechanical engineering students, 53 students. Findings - The result showed many students could answer the question given and write a summary of the text having been read. Originality/value - Although this research is conducted at the university, the teachers, tutors, and parents to familiarize students or children with questions from the beginning six questions using WH-question mark. This is to train you to ask critically later when you become older. Because actually, the basic question with the WH-question mark is, directing students to take philosophical views. Paper type – Research pape

    Enhancing EFL Learners’ Writing Skill via Journal Writing

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    English writing, for a number of EFL learners, appears to be challenging. Let alone, this language should be mastered by every learner since English is mean of communication between nation and nation, country and country all over the world. This paper aims to investigate whether learners can improve their writing ability and grow out of the writing difficulties by engaging in journal writing activity. 60 second-year students from the two writing classes are involved. One treated as the experimental group (EG) and the other as the control group (CG), at the Faculty of English Department Education of the IAI Al-Qolam Gondanglegi were invited to participate in the study, whose findings shows the benefits of journal writing as an extensive activity to enhance learners' writing motivation and foster their writing skill as well as to build a close interactive communication between teachers and learners


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    The history sheet reveals the development of formal legal amil zakat in Indonesia in 1968 the ratification of Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) Number 4 of 1968 concerning the Establishment of the Amil Zakat Agency (BAZ) and PMA Number 5 of 1968 concerning the Establishment of Baitul Maal (PBM). Precisely on December 12, 1989 was issued the Instruction of the Minister of Religion (Inpres) 16/1989 concerning the Development of Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah (PZIS). Then in 1998-1999 and 2001-2003 BAZNAS was formed with the Presidential Decree so that in 2011 the rule of zakat processing emerged namely Law Number 23 of 2011. Through this formal law the author will examine the terminology of amil zakat according to Islamic Law and Law. Amil zakat is a person who is involved or actively participates in zakat activities, starting from collecting zakat from muzaki to distributing it to mustahiq. Legal arrangements in Indonesia relating to the competence of amil zakat are very important in neglecting zakat funds and channeling them to mustahiq, but must be supported by the authorities. Islamic law considers the competence of amil zakat to be very urgent, with accountable amil. While the government is very competent in increasing Baznas income annually, supported also by the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding the government's obligation to cut salaries for civil servants / ASNs to be more effective in raising zakat funds and Baznas will be more maximal in alleviating poverty and welfare of society and ummah as extension of the government to the welfare of the people


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    This research is motivated by the problem of the continued development of science and technology. This means that the interpretation of the Qur'an which is stagnant must continue because it is given the dynamic Koran. Recently discovered that the brain does not act as a pain receptor felt by the body but the skin. Surprisingly, this was explained by the Koran long before the discovery of that discovery. In the Koran an-Nisa 'verse 56 explained that the time will come when people who reject the religion of God will be put into hell and tortured in the form of skin changes. when evidenced by the very combustion process, the sensory nerve endings will be damaged. This results in the skin no longer being able to receive stimulation. Therefore, in hell God replaces the skin of the inhabitants of hell with a new skin which is intended to renew sensory nerve endings so that they feel the torments of hell again. The purpose of this study is to harmonize by presenting scientific evidence as a means of supporting interpretation. This study uses a qualitative research model which in its presentation uses descriptive-analysis techniques. This research is based on the scientific interpretation theory. Data collection was carried out using library research techniques in the form of interpretation books, science books and books that have a correlation with this research. The results of this study are the findings of science have been written in the Koran. Basically when the skin is burned, there will be three phases of change in the skin, namely first bruising, then feeling severe pain, and finally numbness because the sensory nerve endings in the skin have been damaged


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    This study aims to analyze the ideological dynamics that occur in the main character named Geologist in the short story 'Thousand Years of Future' by Taufiq el-Hakim. This analysis uses Marx's theory of sociological literature which focuses on the grouping of classes of people based on infrastructure and superstructure in literary works. Exposure analysis includes; (1) discussion of ideological conceptualization, (2) discussion of Marx's sociology about the paradigm of 'Death' short stories relation to the structure of social class in society which includes: (a) analysis of the structure of literary social classes, identification of social backgrounds into the context of their occurrence, identification of social classes, analysis of social activities that occur between social classes represented in interrelated relations related, and (b) the relationship of the structure of the social class of literature with the structure of the social class of society. Based on the analysis, we found the forms, causes and impacts of the ideological dynamics of geologists on society

    Islamic Ethical Thought of Nasruddin Thusi

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    Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the thoughts Nashiruddin Ath-Thusi especially his thoughts on Islamic ethics. Ethics or what is often referred to as morality is a behavior or habit done by humans in their daily lives. This ethic is related to right and wrong actions, both good and bad, which are carried out by humans, which should be sourced from the Qur’an and As-Sunnah. As we know the current generation has begun to decrease to pay attention to good ethics or morals in everyday life. Ethics is usually also interpreted as teachings or assumptions about character that discusses values as a measure of an action or act that can be called good or bad. In this paper also discusses how Ath-Thusi life and some of his work. Not only that this writing also discusses some thoughts of Ath-Thusi such as the politics, of the soul, and the household. Keywords: Nasruddin Thusi, Islamic Ethic, Thought

    Construction of Islamic Boarding Shcool in Developing Moderate Islam

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    Islamic teachings are moderate teachings as set out in the Koran. However, at the level of practice, Islam sometimes becomes radical and sometimes becomes liberal. This is because of the lack of in-depth Islamic knowledge. Therefore, this study examines the construction of Islamic thought, develops moderate Islam. Based on the analysis of literature and field facts, moderate Islam in pesantren is inseparable from the Wali Songo who spread the religion of Islam in the archipelago by (1) maintaining the balance of fiqh reasoning and Sufism, (2) making the theology of Ahlussunah a monotheistic approach, (3) maintaining traditions that exist in the community. The pesantren develops (1) values ​​in caring for the understanding of Islamic religious thought, (2) values ​​in caring for the understanding of thought among religious people, (3) values ​​in caring for religious and cultural understanding. These values ​​are always maintained and preserved by pesantren in the process of religious thought, education and preaching

    Values of Akhlak Education Based on Suluk Tareeqa Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah

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    This study raises the theme of the values ​​of Moral-Based Moral Education in the Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah Islamic Boarding School of Al-Manshur Popongan Klaten. The research method used is qualitative method, using the one used is phenomenology, the subject is the Murshid of the Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah Order, the Naqshyabandiyah Khalidiyah Congregation and religious figures around the popongan Islamic boarding school, analyzing the data using structured analysis methods, monitoring, and triangulation of data. The results of his research are: 1) Moral Education in the Procession of Suluk Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah Boarding School Al-Manshur Popongan Klaten. Based on the content of the requirements and the harmony of the above, that in the procession of suluk it takes the values ​​of moral education that is able to improve the quality of human beings to be perfect beings. And in it there are morals towards Allah SWT, Teachers, Students and Fellow. The implementation of suluk can also be actualized in social life, 2) Values ​​of moral education in the Suluk Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah pesantren Al-Mansur Boarding School in Klongan. That contains moral education which includes: 1. Morals towards God, namely Repentance, Gratitude, Tawakal, and Ikhlas. 2. Morals towards Teachers, namely Ridho, Ta'dzim, Obedience and Amanah. 3. Morals towards Yourself, namely Sidiq, Mujahadah, Istiqomah and Wara '. 4. Morals towards Others, C) Implementation of Suluk Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah in Community or Daily Life. 1. Ukhuwah Islamiyah, 2. Tawadhu ’, 3. Ta'awun and 4. Husnudza

    Consumers' Research on Cosmetic Brands Preference and Purchasing Behavior: Thai Brands and Chinese Domestic Brands

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    The research theme is put forward under the realistic background of the development of Thai cosmetics in the Chinese market. Intends to start from cosmetics, with some college students and working youth groups as samples to study the evolution of Thai cosmetics in the Chinese market. Based on reviewing the research results of related topics at home and abroad, this paper draws on the classic consumer ethnocentrism and Chinese goods purchasing behavior relationship model, collects data through questionnaires, and uses SPSS data analysis software to trust the recovered data, validity test, and regression analysis to test each hypothesis. The results confirmed the consumer's relationship between the category of cosmetics, Chinese goods awareness and brand preference, brand identity perception and purchase, and their variables in the context of Chinese and Thai brands