4,527 research outputs found

    Elevated Fasting Blood Glucose Levels Are Associated With Lower Cognitive Function, With a Threshold in Non-Diabetic Individuals: A Population-Based Study.

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    BACKGROUND:Cognitive dysfunction has been recognized as a diabetes-related complication. Whether hyperglycemia or elevated fasting glucose are associated with cognitive decline remains controversial. We aimed to investigate the relationship between fasting glucose levels and cognitive function in diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.METHODS:Participants were Japanese diabetic (n = 191) and non-diabetic (n = 616) men, aged 46-81 years, from 2010-2014. Blood samples were taken after a 12 h fast. The Cognitive Ability Screening Instrument (CASI), with a maximum score of 100, was used for cognitive assessment. Cognitive domains of CASI were also investigated. Fractional logit regression with covariate adjustment for potential confounders was used to model cross-sectional relationships between fasting blood glucose and CASI score.RESULTS:For diabetic individuals, CASI score was 0.38 (95% confidence interval: 0.66-0.12) lower per 1 mmol/L higher fasting glucose level. Short-term memory domain also exhibited an inverse association. For non-diabetic individuals, a reverse U-shaped relationship was observed between fasting glucose and cognitive function, identifying a threshold for highest cognitive performance of 91.8 CASI score at 3.97-6.20 mmol/L (71.5-111.6 mg/dL) fasting glucose. Language ability domain displayed a similar relationship with fasting glucose.CONCLUSIONS:Elevated fasting glucose levels in diabetic men were associated with lower cognitive function, in which short-term memory was the main associated domain. Interestingly, in non-diabetic men, we identified a threshold for the inverse relationship of elevated fasting glucose with cognitive function. Contrastingly to diabetic men, language ability was the main associated cognitive domain among non-diabetic men

    Modulation of Proteome Profile in AβPP/PS1 Mice Hippocampus, Medial Prefrontal Cortex, and Striatum by Palm Oil Derived Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction.

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    Tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) is a mixture of vitamin E analogs derived from palm oil. We previouslydemonstrated that supplementation with TRF improved cognitive function and modulated amyloid pathology in AβPP/PS1 mice brains. The current study was designed to examine proteomic profiles underlying the therapeutic effect of TRF in the brain. Proteomic analyses were performed on samples of hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and striatum using liquid chromatography coupled to Q Exactive HF Orbitrap mass spectrometry. From these analyses, we profiled a total of 5,847 proteins of which 155 proteins were differentially expressed between AβPP/PS1 and wild-type mice. TRF supplementation of these mice altered the expression of 255 proteins in the hippocampus, mPFC, and striatum. TRF also negatively modulated the expression of amyloid beta A4 protein and receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase alpha protein in the hippocampus. The expression of proteins in metabolicpathways, oxidative phosphorylation, and those involved in Alzheimer\u27s disease were altered in the brains of AβPP/PS1 mice that received TRF supplementation

    Effects of malalignment and disease activity on osteophyte formation in knees of rheumatoid arthritis patients.

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    PURPOSE:Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with secondary osteoarthritis (OA) in a knee joint following a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedure have been increasing. Here, we investigated osteophyte formation in knee joints of RA patients and associated factors.METHODS:We retrospectively examined findings of 35 knees in 30 RA patients (26 females, 4 males; mean age: 63.0 years; median disease duration: 15 years) who underwent TKA, including preoperative anteroposterior view radiographs of the knee joint. Using the ImageJ software package, osteophyte size in the medial femur (MF), medial tibia (MT), lateral femur (LF), and lateral tibia (LT) regions was also determined.RESULTS:The mean femorotibial angle was 179°, while Larsen grade was 2 in 1, 3 in 12, 4 in 18, and 5 in 2 patients. Osteophyte sizes in the MF, MT, LF, and LT regions were 37.2, 17.0, 27.2, and 4.57 mm2, respectively, and significantly greater in the medial compartment (MC; MF+MT) than the lateral compartment (LC; LF+LT) (p < 0.001). In varus cases, osteophyte size in the MC was significantly larger than normal and valgus cases (p = 0.0016). Furthermore, osteophyte size in the MC was negatively correlated with the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (r = -0.492, p = 0.0027) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (r = -0.529, p = 0.0016), whereas that in the LC was negatively correlated with disease activity (r = -0.589, p = 0.0023).CONCLUSION:Our results suggest that alignment and disease activity influence osteophyte formation in RA patients, with secondary OA a more prominent symptom in RA patients with controlled inflammation

    Japanese cross-cultural validation study of the Pain Stage of Change Questionnaire.

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    Introduction:Although evidence supports efficacy of treatments that enhance self-management of chronic pain, the efficacy of these treatments has been hypothesized to be influenced by patient readiness for self-management. The Pain Stage of Change Questionnaire (PSOCQ) is a reliable and valid measure of patient readiness to self-manage pain. However, there is not yet a Japanese version of the PSOCQ (PSOCQ-J), which limits our ability to evaluate the role of readiness for pain self-management in function and treatment response in Japanese patients with chronic pain.Objective:Here, we sought to develop the PSOCQ-J and evaluate its psychometric properties.Methods:We recruited 201 patients with chronic pain. The study participants were asked to complete the PSOCQ-J and other measures assessing pain severity, pain interference, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, and pain coping strategies.Results:The results supported a 4-factor structure of the PSOCQ-J. We also found good to excellent internal consistencies and good test-retest reliabilities for the 4 scales. The Precontemplation scale had weak to moderate positive correlations with measures of pain-related dysfunction and maladaptive coping. The Action and Maintenance scales had weak to moderate positive correlations with measures of self-efficacy and adaptive coping. The Contemplation scale had weak positive correlations with measures of pain interference and both adaptive and maladaptive coping.Conclusions:The PSOCQ-J demonstrated adequate psychometric properties in a sample of Japanese patients with chronic pain. This measure can be used to evaluate the role that readiness to self-manage pain may play in adjustment to chronic pain in Japanese pain populations

    Diagnosis of demyelinating brain lesion simulating brain tumors on fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition magnetic resonance imaging.

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    Background:A single inflammatory demyelinating brain lesion sometimes mimics a brain tumor on conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and thus poses a considerable diagnostic challenge. We assessed the usefulness of a new MRI technique, fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA), for the diagnosis of inflammatory demyelinating disease (IDD).Methods:Three patients (2 males, 1 female) with a histopathologically proven inflammatory demyelinating brain lesion which mimicked a brain tumor on MRI were evaluated with a post-contrast three-dimensional FIESTA sequence before biopsy and treatment. Those images were compared with the images of intra-axial brain tumors (n = 147).Results:Preoperative FIESTA showed an iso- or slightly hyperintense distinct intralesional structure that appeared reticulate or broad-line in patients with IDD. These structures traversed a hyperintense demyelinating lesion in the deep grey matter (DGM) and were connected to the surrounding extralesional area, which appeared to be dense fibers between DGM. Such distinct intralesional structures were not observed in most brain tumors.Conclusion:Reticulate or broad-line-like intralesional structures on FIESTA may, therefore, be suggestive of IDD rather than indicate a brain tumor

    タイキテキ チュウスイ セツジョ ジュツゴ ノ シンダンサレタ テイイケイド チュウスイ ネンエキセイ シュヨウ ノ 3ショウレイ ノ リンショウ ビョウリガクテキ トクチョウ

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    待機的虫垂切除術 (Interval appendectomy,以下IA) は,膿瘍・腫瘤形成性虫垂炎に対して急性期に保存的加療を行い,炎症が沈静化してから手術を施行する治療で広く普及している.一方で,IAを施行した症例で虫垂腫瘍の発生率が高いという報告がある.我々も成人に対してIAを施行し,低異形度虫垂粘液性腫瘍(low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm,以下LAMN)を認めた3例を経験したので,それらの臨床病理学的特徴について報告する.IAの明確な定義はされていないが,本検討では発症から60日以上経過した症例をIAと定義した.LAMNが観察された患者はすべて40歳以上であり,虫垂炎発症時に腹部CTで限局性膿瘍形成ありと診断された症例である.また,LAMNの3例のうち1例には虫垂憩室を認めた.結論として,40歳以上の成人の穿孔性虫垂炎に対してIAを施行する場合は,LAMNを合併している可能性を考慮し,穿孔性虫垂炎患者は保存的加療後に比較的早期にIAを含む手術をするか,手術を施行しない場合でも長期的にフォローアップする必要があると考えられる.Interval appendectomy (IA) is a good treatment for abscess-forming appendicitis that is caused by perforation. However, neoplasms frequently occur in patients who undergo IA. We investigated the reason why neoplasms are involved in IA and report their clinicopathological features. Nine patients underwent IA two months or more after the onset of acute appendicitis. Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms (LAMNs) were identified in three of the nine patients who underwent IA. All of the LAMN patients had perforated and abscess-forming appendicitis, and they underwent surgery three months or more after the onset of appendicitis. In addition, an appendiceal diverticulum was observed in one of the three LAMN patients. In conclusion, our results suggest that the prevalence of LAMN may increase in patients who undergo IA following acute appendicitis with perforation. Therefore, these patients should receive surgery, including IA, or be followed up in the long term

    Novel Respiratory Impedance-Based Phenotypes Reflect Different Pathophysiologies in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients.

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    Purpose: The forced oscillation technique (FOT) is a non-invasive method to measure respiratory impedance, the respiratory resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs). The disease probability measure (DPM) is a useful computed tomography (CT) imaging variable for the assessment of gas trapping and emphysema in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) using pairs of inspiratory and expiratory CT images. We aimed to develop FOT-based phenotypes and determine whether the phenotypes and their imaging characteristics could facilitate the understanding of COPD pathophysiology.Patients and methods: FOT and spirometry were examined in 164 COPD patients and 22 non-COPD smokers. COPD patients were divided into four FOT-based phenotypes (NL, normal group; RD, resistance-dominant group; XD, reactance-dominant group; and MIX, mixed group) based on the 3rd quartile values of R5 (Rrs at 5Hz) and X5 (Xrs at 5Hz) in the non-COPD group. The emphysematous lesions and the airway lesions were quantitatively assessed in CT images by low attenuation volume and the square root of the wall area of a hypothetical airway with an internal perimeter of 10 mm (√Aaw at Pi10), respectively. DPM imaging analysis was also performed in 131 COPD patients. We investigated the differences in COPD parameters between the FOT-based phenotypes.Results: √Aaw at Pi10 were significantly higher in the RD, XD, and MIX groups than in the NL group. The XD group showed lower pulmonary function and higher dyspnea scores than the RD group. No significant changes in DPM values were observed between the RD and the NL groups. The gas-trapping area was significantly higher in the XD group than in the NL group. The MIX group showed the highest dyspnea score, most emphysematous lesions, and the lowest forced expiratory volume in 1 s % predicted value.Conclusion: The FOT-based phenotyping may be useful to assess pathophysiological changes of COPD with CT assessments


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    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. 2019 Dec;53(6):329-336.滋賀医科大学令和元年

    [滋賀医科大学雑誌第31巻第2号 全]

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