4,574 research outputs found

    Identity of Timo Cruz Character Through Needs Fulfillment in the "Coach Carter" Movie

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    This research aimed to find out how Timo Cruz as the main character in Coach Carter movie obtained his real identity by examining the needs Timo Cruz fulfilled using Abraham Maslow\u27s theory of Five Hierarchy of Needs. To begin with, the researcher analyzed the needs that Timo Cruz fulfilled from the first stage to the fifth stage. After analyzing the needs, the researcher then analyzed the four identities from James Marcia\u27s theory. Furthermore, the researcher identified what stage of needs that could be linked up to the identity. The method used in this research was qualitative research. The data were analyzed through Abraham Maslow\u27s theory about Five Hierarchy of Needs and Four Identity Status by James Marcia. The movie was analyzed by the characters\u27 conversation and dialogue script. The researcher used some steps to collect the data to be examined. In analyzing the data, the researcher was watching the movie several times, comprehended the dialogues and the pictures of the movie related to needs fulfillment and identity of Timo Cruz character. The researcher found the needs of Timo Cruz character based on the Abraham Maslow\u27s theory on five needs; physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The researcher also found the identity of Timo Cruz that focused on four identities; identity foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium and achievement. Afterwards, the researcher explained the most dominant needs like social needs and identity from character Timo Cruz

    Rebellion Against Racism and Discrimination in the Movies Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

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    Racism, discrimination and rebellion are three issues which still exist in the world we live these days. Racism is a belief that some groups are superior while some other groups are inferior. Discrimination is the unequal or unfair and violence actions toward others, basically based on their race, skin color and belief. Rebellion is an action or a movement against the pressures which comes from the outside. Those three issues can be found in the movies Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The purposes of this study are to identify and analyze the kinds of racism action from Humans which then emerged the resistance or rebellion from the Apes, and how do the Apes rebel to the Humans. The primary data of this study were collected from Mat Reeves's Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) movies. The theory of racism by Henry and Tator, discrimination theories by Theodorson and Theodorson and Larry Willmore and theory of rebellion by Karl Marx and D. E. H. Russel were used as the theoretical framework to find out and analyzed the kinds of racism that the Humans had done to the Apes and the way the Apes do the rebellion action in the movies Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes movies. The result of this study showed that the rebellion action from Apes toward Humans is appropriated with the rebellion theories from Karl Marx and D. E. H. Russel. The Apes did the rebellion actions toward the Humans because of the unfair treatments, racism and discrimination treatments from the Humans. Furthermore, the result of Ape's rebellion towards Human in the movies is only the destruction

    Character Analysis Of Dexter Morgan From Dexter TV Show: With Special Reference To Psychopath Or Sociopath Disorders

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    Dexter Morgan is the master of horrendous crimes without everyone acknowledgement, he is the master manipulator reflected through each episodes of Dexter TV Show. By using descriptive qualitative method, this study aimed to answer the following questions. The first research question is about the characters of Dexter Morgan, and the second research question is about how he conceals himself from the society. By using theories from Robert Hare's Psychopathy Checklist –Revised (PCL- R) and Hervey M. Cleckley'sThe Mask of Sanity, the questions are answered in a direct way. The results of the study showed that Dexter Morgan matches 19 from 20 of PCL- R traits from both two factors (Personality and Behavior) such as charming personality, grandiose of self-worth, proneness to boredom, liar, manipulative, lack of remorse, shallow affect, poor and early behavioral problems, promiscuous sexual behavior, lack of realistic goals, impulsive, irresponsible, cannot accept responsibility, short-term relationship, juvenile delinquency, and criminal versatility. The only exception in the trait is from second factor which is revocation of conditional release, because Dexter Morgan never got caught, so he does not need to escape or bail from restraining orders.The result of the second research question showed how psychopath or sociopath lurking around in our peaceful society filled with happiness and joys by faking a smile and superficial charming personality. Psychopath conceals themselves in our everyday lives. Based on the answers of research questions, Dexter Morgan has dominant character as a high functioning psychopath because he can manipulate everyone, undetected serial killer, and act like a wolf in sheep clothes

    Analisis Cerita Rakyat Kutai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti Ditinjau dari Fungsi Aspek Mitos dalam Masyarakatnya

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    Hal yang mendukung terbentuknya judul ini, yakni untuk melestarikan cerita Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti. Banyak masyarakat sekarang khususnya muda-mudi saat ini yang tidak mengetahui mitos lama ini. Selain itu untuk menambah wawasan kepada penerus kaum muda-mudi juga melestarikan tradisi suku Kutai, agar cerita ini dapat terus bertahan di era modern. Latar belakang dari penulisan Skripsi ini penulis ingin memperoleh gambaran dengan jelas mengenai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti Cerita Rakyat Kutai. Penelitian ini dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian di ajukan beberapa masalah yaitu kondisi cerita rakyat Kutai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti yang melatar belakangi partisipasi masyarakat untuk terus melestarikannya. Tujuan penelitian persepsi masyarakat terhadap Cerita Rakyat Kutai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti ialah untuk mengetahui situasi dan kondisi cerita tersebut untuk masa yang akan datang dan sebagai karya ilmiah bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sastra yang sering dipakai secara umum untuk meneliti suatu objek. Penelitian sastra juga bisa menggunakan metode kuantitatif maupun kuantitatif. Selain itu peneliti juga menggunakan metode baik metode observasi maupun kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian dari cerita Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti Cerita Rakyat Kutai bahwa Cerita tersebut sebagai mitos karena cerita yang terkandung di dalamnya benar-benar terjadi, cerita bersifat mite karena apa yang dijabarkan dalam cerita tersebut bersifat mistis/gaib dan tokoh dalam cerita tersebut anak keturunan dewa-dewa di kahyangan. Juga merupakan sejarah kolektif. Selain itu, cerita juga bersifat siklus artinya cerita haruslah memuat inti cerita berkisar pada suatu tokoh dalam cerita, baik latar belakang kehidupan tokoh, peristiwa yang dialami hingga asal-muasal dari pelaku tokoh terbentuknya suatu cerita dan cerita merupakan berasal dari suatu daerah dan hanya terjadi pada daerah tertentu

    Perjuangan Tokoh Perempuan Dalam Novel Tanah Tabu Karya Anindita S. Thayf: Kajian Feminisme Eksistensialis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fakta cerita dan perjuangan tokoh perempuan dalam novel Tanah Tabu karya Anindita S. Thayf ditinjau dari feminisme eksistensialis. Penulis tertarik mengkaji novel Tanah Tabu, karena novel ini menghadirkan tokoh perempuan yang mampu berjuang mendapatkan kebebasan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu untuk memperoleh informasi dan gambaran perjuangan tokoh perempuan dalam novel Tanah Tabu berdasarkan feminisme eksistensialis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan struktural. Sumber data penelitian adalah novel Tanah Tabu karya Anindita S. Thayf. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik baca, simak, dan catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa fakta cerita novel Tanah Tabu karya Anindita S. Thayf, terdiri atas alur, tokoh penokohan, dan latar. Tokoh dalam novel ini mempunyai peranan sebagai tokoh utama dan tokoh tambahan. Latar berada di Papua dengan latar suasana kehidupan masyarakat Papua. Waktu cerita menunjukan tahun 2012, 1946, 1956, 1958, dan 1960. Novel ini menggunakan alur mundur. Perjuangan tokoh perempuan dalam novel TanahTabu karya Anindita S. Thayf berdasarkan feminisme eksistensialis, terdiri atas kesadaran sebagai liyan, kebebasan, dan transendensi. Kesadaran sebagai liyan terjadi pada Mabel, Mace, dan Mama Helda. Ketiga tokoh ini menyadari telah tertindas. Melalui kesadaran ini pula, mereka memilih berjuang untuk keluar dari ketertindasan. Kebebasan dimiliki oleh Mabel, Mace, dan Mama Helda. Mereka bebas menentukan pilihan yang mereka anggap benar dan berani bertanggung jawab atas pilihan tersebut. Transendensi dilakukan oleh Mabel, Mace, dan Mama Helda. Mereka menjadi perempuan pekerja, perempuan intelektual, perempuan transformasi sosialis, dan perempuan mengikuti kelompok dominan

    Politeness Strategies Used by the Characters in Finding Neverland Movie (2004)

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    Politeness is one of important thing in doing conversation to avoid misunderstanding between speaker and hearer during the conversation to make the social interaction running more harmony. The purposes of this research were to find out types of politeness strategies, factors influencing the characters in using politeness strategies and the dominant politeness strategy used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. The research method in this research was descriptive qualitative research, the theory of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson (1987) was used to analyze the four types of politeness strategy. The result of this research showed that there were fifty eight utterances represented four politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. Fourteen utterances represented of bald on record strategy, twenty seven utterances represented of positive politeness strategy, sixteen utterances represented of negative politeness strategy and oneutterance represented bald off record strategy. There are 2 factors influencing the choice of politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. They are intrinsic payoff and relevant circumstances. Fifty eight utterances categorized as politeness strategies, twenty seven of them belong to positive politeness strategy, so that positive politeness strategy is the most dominantly used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie

    The Differences Between Men and Women\u27s Language in the Devil Wears Prada Movie

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    This research with the title investigated the differences between men and women\u27s language feature and the consistency of the using of that language features by each gender. This research used the theory from Coates (2004) about men\u27s language features and Lakoff, quoted by Holmes (2003) about women\u27s language. The researcher got the data from every dialogue by main and supporting characters. The research design in this research used qualitative method from Mack et al (2005). The data source of this research got from the dialogue of men and women\u27s characters and the researcher also used books and journals which are related to this research to analyze the data. The technique of data analysis is descriptive method. The researcher draws two conclusions: firstly, this research found that men and women\u27s character in The Devil Wears Prada movie did not use all of the language features from Coates and Lakoff. Secondly, the researcher found that in some situation, the men and women\u27s character did not consistent use their own language features

    Illocutionary Act of Grug Utterances in the Croods Movie

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    Illocutionary act is performing an act by saying something. There were five types of illocutionary act, namely: assertives, directives, commissives, expressives and declaratives. The Croods movie is a story about the journey of a family who wants to find a safer place for them to life. The aims of this research were to find out the types and to know the context of illocutionary act of Grug\u27s utterances in The Croods movie. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method, because the data of this research were from the utterances containing the types and the context of illocutionary act of Grug\u27s utterances. The data of this research were taken from 38 sample utterances of Grug\u27s conversation. From the analysis can be concluded that they were 13 utterances in the form of assertive which can be categorized into stating, concluding and asserting. Thirteen directive utterances in the form of commanding, requesting, ordering, questioning and forbidding. Commissive appeared in six utterances in the form of promising and refusing. The last types of illocutionary act was expressive which appeared in six utterances in the form of thanking, apologizing, praising and stating anger

    Jesse\u27s Psychosocial Development in the Novel My Sister Keeper by Jodi Picoult (2004)

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    This research identified about the stages of Jesse\u27s psychosocial development and the kind of factors that changed Jesse as a dynamic character. The method used descriptive qualitative, where the researcher described the stages of psychosocial development views of Jesse character and then tried to find out about the familial conflict that occurred on him. First was early childhood, Jesse was two years old and his personality still good. Second was play age. In this stage, Jesse changed his personality, because of the different treatment by his parents that he was yelled by his parents. Third was school age, Jesse was five until eleven years old. He did some rebellion to get attention from his parents, for example; revoked his teeth by using a fork and tried to suicide. Fourth was adolescent, it was the climax of Jesse\u27s character, between the age of twelve to eighteen years old; Jesse performed some bad behaviors or risky behaviors. He did smoking, consuming drugs, stealing, and having obsession with fire. He did all of them, because he depressed with many conflict in his family. In the last stage was middle adulthood, Jesse was taken care again by his parents

    Nilai Dalam Cerita Rakyat Suku Dayak Tunjung Tulur Aji Jangkat Di Kutai Barat: Kajian Folklor

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam cerita Tulur Aji Jangkat. Peneliti tertarik mengkaji cerita Tulur Aji Jangkat, karena cerita ini menggambarkan tentang pemimpin pertama yang memimpin kerajaan Suku Dayak di Kutai Barat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif (kualitatif). Peneliti berusaha menggambarkan dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam cerita Tulur Aji Jangkat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, wawancara, catat, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fakta cerita Tulur Aji Jangkat, terdiri atas tema, alur, tokoh penokohan, latar. Peranan tokoh dalam cerita ini adalah tokoh utama dan tokoh tambahan. Latar berada di Bengkalakng, Lunukng, dan Sendawar dengan suasana perkampungan Dayak dan hutan belantara. Cerita ini menggunakan alur maju. Nilai yang ditemukan dalam cerita Tulur Aji Jangkat berupa nilai budaya, nilai religius, dan nilai moral. Masing-masing nilai diperoleh berdasarkan sikap dan perbuatan tokoh dan kelompok dalam cerita seperti keberanian, bergotong royong, kasih sayang, saling berbagi dan penghambaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
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