5,554 research outputs found

    Сharacteristics of self-determination of students with disabilities

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    У статті розглядаються психологічні особливості студентів що мають інвалідність. Виявлені їхні індивідуально-психологічні особливості, свідчать про переважаючу сформованість у даної категорії осіб ефективних моделей взаємодії із соціальним оточенням, адекватного самоприйняття, достатньо активну суб’єктну життєву позицію. Визначено, що найбільше значення на розвиток складових самодетермінації студентів з інвалідністю мають такі особистісні утворення як життєві цілі, особистісна автономія, прагнення до особистісного зростання, впевненість в собі.The article describes the psychological characteristics of students with disabilities. Their individual psychological characteristics are identified and they indicate existence at such students of effective models of interactions with their social environment, adequate self-acceptance, enough active life philosophy. The article determines that such personality formations as life goals, personal autonomy, desire for personal growth, self-confidence are the most important for development of self-determination of students with disabilities


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    Nowadays, very topical is the ability to communicate, cooperate, make decisions, become co-responsible and think critically. Critical thinking plays a crucial role, as its primary function is the ability to choose between alternatives and make decisions. One must be able to justify one's decisions and beliefs. Critical thinking is just as necessary as reading and writing, and is one of the components of today's curriculum. Critical thinking is based on intellectual criteria. It is the clarity, validity, accuracy and honesty of thinking. Dance classes are a popular leisure activity for young people. Youth are best in contact with a teacher who is a friend, mentor and someone to resemble. If a dance teacher include  exercises in his class to promote critical thinking it gives the opportunity to unite dancers, gain dancers who are aware of their abilities and who work to improve their weaknesses. The purpose of this article is to explore the promotion of critical thinking among young people in dance classes and it will be more successful if a system of exercises appropriate to the age of the youth is purposefully designed and implemented. In the practice of dance pedagogy, the promotion of critical thinking in dance classes is a novelty. In the study participated dancers aged 16-25. The research consists of several stages: development of an exercise system to promote critical thinking; introduction of exercises in dance classes in the theater dance studio “Savanna”; measuring exercise efficiency; analysis of results; making recommendations. In total, five tests were used in the study: "Conclusion", "Recognition of Assumptions", "Deduction", "Interpretation", "Evaluation of Arguments".


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    Rising environmental standards for treated waste water necessitates to improve current waste water treatment methods or to look for the new ones. Often this task is rather difficult because new or modified methods have to be investigated thoroughly and the main parameters for process modeling and effectiveness estimation have to be set. Biomass concentration in biosorption process is important technological parameter though there is no accurate technique for its estimation. Thermal dissociation technique to determine biomass concentration was developed as an alternative to the standard volatile suspended solids (VSS) method. Biomass content is important for the technological calculations of the system, estimation of the oxidation potential and for the evaluation of biomass growth in accordance to decomposed pollutants, etc. Thermal dissociation technique is based on the difference in the sorbent and biomass burn out temperatures. The biomass content research results are given for sand, gravel and for activated carbon BAS-A


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    The survey of lake sediments is complex, time consuming and costly process with risks to human health. Additionally, manually obtained sediment samples provide incomplete data about a survey region. In turn, remote sensing methods are cost-effective and can provide continuous data about a survey region. Therefore, authors decided to perform a pilot experiment with a remote sensing method in order to detect clay sediments deposited in lakebeds. The evaluated method is the analysis of spectral images of Sentinel-2. Pearson coefficient and C4.5 datamining methods were applied for data analysis. Survey objects are Latgale lakes with and without clay sediments. The pilot experiment showed, that spectral imaging of lake water is not applicable method to detect definitely clay sediments in lakes, however, research results provide ideas about indirect methods, which must be studied in the future


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    Currently, the use of firearms and special devices by law enforcement agencies in civilised democracies is strictly determined in accordance with the current legislation on the use of firearms and special devices. Their illegitimate or unauthorised application causes censure and sparks public outcry. Nevertheless, sometimes situations arise in which it is difficult and problematic for a law enforcement officer to make the right decision on the use of firearms, physical force, special devices and military working dogs. At the moment, the officers of the Latvian Border Guard are often simply unable to resist the illegal actions of offenders, since the current legislation is not always capable of justifying the lawful actions of the border guard. Also, sometimes the specific character of duty performance (a large crowd of people, the proximity of the state border) makes it impossible to use firearms. At the same time, the lack of regular training on the practical use of special devices (stack, handcuffs and others) significantly reduces the chances of their successful use by the Latvian Border Guard officers. Bearing and using electroshock weapons, and specifically stun guns of the TASER type, will significantly increase the level of security of the Latvian Border Guard staff, and will also allow the use of stun guns to ensure public order without risk to others and with minimal risk to the offender. The stun guns will allow you to blur the lines between physical abilities and the degree of physical fitness of the border guard and the offender, as a result of which a fragile girl - border guard can easily neutralise a raging athlete who is trying to disrupt public order and border control order with minimal harm.


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    Latgalian culture of the 60s and 70s of the 20th century is still insufficiently studied and evaluated. Although this time in Latvia is marked by the dominance of the Soviet ideology in all spheres of social life, russification, and ban of Latgalian print, there were people who managed to develop Latgalian identity and culture. Terēze Broka (1925) and Stanislavs Broks (1926–1977), the two outstanding choir conductors, are among such people. After graduation from Latvia State Conservatory they were appointed to work in Daugavpils. In this city, characterized by Russian spirit and with no choirs, the two conductors within a short period of time managed to establish musical collectives and develop repertoires where along with the obligatory Soviet songs Latgalian folk songs were included. In autumn 1954, Terēze Broka established a women’s vocal ensemble „Daina” and a group of kokle (a Latvian national musical instrument) players, and looked for more unknown Latgalian songs at the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. The folk songs were arranged by her husband, conductor and director of Daugavpils Music College Stanislavs Broks who in 1956 established a mixed choir, later called „Daugava”. Due to their persevering work in a short period of time both Daugavpils musical collectives gained brilliant success and were nominated to the VI World Youth and Students Festival in Moscow in summer 1957 where they were awarded the silver prize. This success is followed by the bright parade of Latgalian performance, the week of Latgalian culture in Riga in December 1958, where the two Daugavpils collectives were at the centre of all events. It is noteworthy that the two collectives mainly consisted of Latvians, Russians and Poles who did not know the Latgalian language, but were diligent and motivated to learn to be able to sing in Broks’ collectives. In 1961 the Latvian Music Department in Minneapolis (USA) released the first disc of the Latgalian folk songs “Latgalian (Latvian) Folk songs“ compiled by Mikelis Bukšs. The disc contains 15 music pieces from the repertoire of Daugavpils mixed choir „Daugava” (conducted by S. Broks) and the women’s vocal ensemble „Daina” (led by T. Broka). „Aiz azara bolti bārzi”, „Aiz azara augsti kolni...”, „Siermi zyrgi, jauni puiši...”, „Audzit muni gari lyni”, „Es sovai māmeņai...” and other Latgalian folk songs arrangements served as a specific brand of Daugavpils, which strengthened the self-confidence of Latgalians of that time


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    Looking at the events of the last decade in the life of Latgalian popular music, there may be twofold feelings; one will feel that in the field of popular music life is in full swing; another will feel that everything is stunted and hopeless. The purpose of the research is to describe the situation of Latgalian popular music (success, problems) between 2005 and 2016. The object of the research is Latgalian groups and performers. In the given study, the concept of the popular Latgalian music is presented, which includes pop music, rock music, jazz, rap, and other styles of popular music that may involve folk elements, as well as shlager music performed in the Latgalian language, as well as its authors (preferably) have a kinship with Latgale and who (preferably) have released at least one album where at least one song (preferably not a folk song) is in Latgalian, and even if it is a folk song, then in a less traditional arrangement. The following resources are used: correspondence with musicians, Internet resources, author’s own observations as a listener and as a musician. In Latgale musical tendencies keep up with the times and, this is also confirmed by one of the few music reviewers who mentions Latgalian music, Sandris Vanzovičs, here (in Latgale) virtually all the music styles of the world are represented, all niches are filled (Gusāns 2015: 1). Latgalian popular music has high quality ethno-rock artists – „Laimas muzykanti”, poprock group „Bez PVN”, „Dabasu Durovys”, specific rap group „Borowa MC”, strong rock and metal performers „Green Novice” and Sovvaļnīks, and a representative of ethno jazz Biruta Ozoliņa. Also in the last few years an interesting alternative stage has been created represented by the group „Kapļi” and „Jezups i Muosys”. Between 2005 and 2016 at least 39 albums of Latgalian popular music have been released. The most successful style for Latgalian performers („Galaktika”, „Ginc un Es”, Inga un Normunds, „Baltie Lāči”, „Patrioti. Ig”, „Dricānu Dominante”, etc.) was and still is the shlager music style, where several performers are still active and gaining success in the main criterion of Latvian music evaluation - in different song polls. The list of successes for pop and rock musicians is not so long, also taking into account the differences in the rating system, usually only the winner is emphasized; therefore, getting on the list of the five nominees for the given prize is highly appreciated. The biggest problem in Latgale and also in Latvian music is the decline of the music market. The greatest potential for loss and success is the introduction of new technologies, which make the majority of listeners choose to play music on their phone or computer, resulting in the loss of significance of music recorded in CDs. Artists are now trying to distribute music through the Internet, where much is determined by chance for the group to be noticed among other amounts of information and thus begins to symbolically earn on the sale of recordings on the Internet, but very often there are situations where high quality performances and lovely songs are left unnoticed. Thus, it is also musicians' own responsibility for the originality of the material being placed on the Internet, both in musical, textual and visual form, to promote visibility. The second biggest problem is the decrease in the audience that affects musicians in several ways: a) the decrease of the number of people, including the Latgalian audience (emigration), makes the sale of CDs meaningless; the lack of purchasers; b) the decrease of population also has an effect on the concerts and festivals; c) not only a part of the public, but also talented musicians emigrate in relation to the economic situation. Also, the third problem of Latgalian popular music is very topical; it is the place of Latgalian culture in the Latvian media, here it is worth noting the intolerance of the Latvian media, especially the strongest broadcasting stations (with a few exceptions over a decade) against songs performed in Latgalian. Therefore, Latgalian groups can rarely present their musical compositions elsewhere in Latvia, as a result of which many performers write songs in Latvian, not in Latgalian. It is necessary to emphasize that in recent years musicians („Dabasu Durovys”, „Green Novice”, etc.) pay more attention to the written language and its consistent use in published texts and song titles unless it is presented as a stylistic, specific feature of the group. Thus group texts can be mentioned as worth considering for people who want to learn or get in touch with Latgalian texts. Acquiring a place on the Latvian music market depends on many factors – recognizable, high quality song, successful management, solid concert performance, and elaborate group image and, above all, the idea of why it is being done


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    The authors of this article describe the current situation in the service organization of the road border crossing points of the State Border Guard (SBG) of the Republic of Latvia. There are summarized the information based about the legal acts regulating the systematic border control in the international and national legislation and the essence of their execution. There are analysed the use of human resources and possible solutions at the border crossing points and are provided comparative description of the border control points, emphasizing positive and negative features, and also the need for different approaches to service organization by organizing effective systematic border control


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    The function of research and promotion is not unique only to museums and libraries, but also to archives, because these institutions’ activity is aimed to public needs. Nowadays greater importance is given to the archives communication. Communication with public is one of the components of the archive image. Archives cooperate to a much greater extent with public, informing people and making people aware of national documentary heritage. The archives cooperation with educational institutions and teachers is positively regarded. The important direction of the Latvian National Archives activity is the document digitization in order to expand access to documents. Therefore, with the possibilities of new information technologies, the archive becomes more open. Most recently the important role of archives activity was only documents accumulation for evaluation and preservation. Until 21st century there was not a wide access to the archival records, therefore archives pedagogy is a new branch in Latvia


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    The purpose of the research is to identify the functioning role of the regional system of qualifications through the features of the development of relevant professions system in tourism and logistics industry within the digital economy field. The problem of research is associated with contradictions in the regional labor market due to low demand for former professions as well as the devaluation of the educational system because of the lack of technology in the process of educative and other alternative platforms and profiled sites development. The novelty of the research is in the application of the institutional approach of the strategic model of interaction for the implementation of professional standards in the actualization of qualifications in the labor market as well as employment by means of design and professional examination sites. The main conclusions of the research are expressed by the fact that the model of interaction of the three forces in the implementation of the institutional approach to the development of the regional system of qualifications as a tool for modifying the economic and labor potential of the Pskov region is presented on the principles of competitive advantage including the working out, modification and implementation of educational programs in the tourism area