202 research outputs found

    Modular Web Queries — From Rules to Stores

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    Even with all the progress in Semantic technology, accessing Web data remains a challenging issue with new Web query languages and approaches appearing regularly. Yet most of these languages, including W3C approaches such as XQuery and SPARQL, do little to cope with the explosion of the data size and schemata diversity and richness on the Web. In this paper we propose a straightforward step toward the improvement of this situation that is simple to realize and yet effective: Advanced module systems that make partitioning of (a) the evaluation and (b) the conceptual design of complex Web queries possible. They provide the query programmer with a powerful, but easy to use high-level abstraction for packaging, encapsulating, and reusing conceptually related parts (in our case, rules) of a Web query. The proposed module system combines ease of use thanks to a simple core concept, the partitioning of rules and their consequences in flexible “stores”, with ease of deployment thanks to a reduction semantics. We focus on extending the rule-based Semantic Web query language Xcerpt with such a module system though the same approach can be applied to other (rule-based) languages as well

    Multi-modal Embedding Fusion-based Recommender

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    Recommendation systems have lately been popularized globally, with primary use cases in online interaction systems, with significant focus on e-commerce platforms. We have developed a machine learning-based recommendation platform, which can be easily applied to almost any items and/or actions domain. Contrary to existing recommendation systems, our platform supports multiple types of interaction data with multiple modalities of metadata natively. This is achieved through multi-modal fusion of various data representations. We deployed the platform into multiple e-commerce stores of different kinds, e.g. food and beverages, shoes, fashion items, telecom operators. Here, we present our system, its flexibility and performance. We also show benchmark results on open datasets, that significantly outperform state-of-the-art prior work.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    An uncommon and elusive cause of cerebral venous thrombosis

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    We present a case of of young 27year male who was admitted with history of headache and vomiting for one week. He was diagnosed as having dural sinus thrombosis of superior sagittal, right lateral, right sigmoid sinus. There was previous history of uveitis 6 months prior to it. All thrombophilia workup was negative except homocysteine levels were moderately high. He was also found to be having recurring genital and oral ulcers. Pathergy test was negative. His HLA B 51/5 testing came back positive. Final diagnosis of Bechet’s disease was made and responded well to long term steroids and Colchicine. A multisystem vasculitis like Bechet’s disease should always be thought in patients with venous thrombosis with negative thrombophilia screening and recurrent oral and genital ulcers

    PARasites in Organic Livestock: innovative solutions to new challenges

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    Parasites are ubiquitous in livestock in general and organic livestock in particular due to manage-ment factors promoting transmission (pastures/outdoor runs, plenty of bedding, restrictive use of parasiticides). The parasites cause poor animal welfare, production losses, disease, and non-uniform products. Pig helminths with hard-shelled eggs are difficult to control, as the eggs are highly resistant and may survive for years. The present project focuses on reducing the transmission of hard-shelled eggs to growing pigs by investigating 1) long-term survival of eggs on pastures (for optimising pasture rotation), 2) inactivation of eggs in bedding material (reducing transmission), and 3) a novel approach in bio-inactivation of eggs (chitin-degrading microfungi). The overall objective is, through close interaction between researchers, advisors and farmers, to develop new strategies to control parasitism in organic livestock. The strategies will ensure high levels of animal welfare (credibility), increased animal productivity (growth), and a minimum reliance on chemical drugs (robustness)

    Predicting respiratory motion for real-time tumour tracking in radiotherapy

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    Purpose. Radiation therapy is a local treatment aimed at cells in and around a tumor. The goal of this study is to develop an algorithmic solution for predicting the position of a target in 3D in real time, aiming for the short fixed calibration time for each patient at the beginning of the procedure. Accurate predictions of lung tumor motion are expected to improve the precision of radiation treatment by controlling the position of a couch or a beam in order to compensate for respiratory motion during radiation treatment. Methods. For developing the algorithmic solution, data mining techniques are used. A model form from the family of exponential smoothing is assumed, and the model parameters are fitted by minimizing the absolute disposition error, and the fluctuations of the prediction signal (jitter). The predictive performance is evaluated retrospectively on clinical datasets capturing different behavior (being quiet, talking, laughing), and validated in real-time on a prototype system with respiratory motion imitation. Results. An algorithmic solution for respiratory motion prediction (called ExSmi) is designed. ExSmi achieves good accuracy of prediction (error 494-9 mm/s) with acceptable jitter values (5-7 mm/s), as tested on out-of-sample data. The datasets, the code for algorithms and the experiments are openly available for research purposes on a dedicated website. Conclusions. The developed algorithmic solution performs well to be prototyped and deployed in applications of radiotherapy

    Pengaruh Rawat Gabung Pasien HIV/IADS dengan Infeksi Pseudomonas Aeruginosa terhadap Risiko Transmisi ke Pasien Lain di Ruang Dahlia II Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso

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    .Pseudomonas aeruginosa merupakan patogen utama bagi manusia yang disebut patogen oportunistik, bakteri ini menjadi problema serius pada pasien rumah sakit yang menangani pasien AIDS yang mengalami penurunan sistem kekebalan akibat perkembangan virus.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh rawat gabung pasien HIV / AIDS dengan infeksi Pseudomonas aeruginosa terhadap resiko transmisi ke pasien lain di Ruang Dahlia II RSPI Sulianti Saroso Jakarta. Penelitin ini merupakan penelitian pre experimental dengan pre and posttest without control desaign. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien HIV/AIDS dewasa yang terinfeksi dan tidak terinfeksi Pseudomonas aeruginosa sebanyak 50 responden yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Dari 60 pasien didominasi oleh kelompok usia 31-40 Tahun yaitu sebanyak 29 (48.3%), jenis jenis kelamin laki–laki yaitu sebanyak 40 (67 %), tingkat kesadaran compos mentis yaitu sebanyak 50 (83.3 %), jumlah CD4 (0,05). Diharapkan rawat gabung pasien memperhatikan universal precaution