109,059 research outputs found

    Anti-terrorism politics and the risk of provoking

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    A population''s level of terrorism depends on two factors: people''s preferences (would they like creating damage?) and the constraints under which people act (what damage could they create, and at what punishment?). Cause-related policies, e.g. improving social stability or education, aim at appeasing preferences, thereby reducing terrorism. Symptom-related policies, e.g. embargoes or wars, change the constraints (`deterrence''), but may have side effects on preferences (`provocation''); terrorism increases if provocation overweighs deterrence. I model preferences for damage as endogenous and policy-dependent. I argue that provocation by tough policies is easy to overlook, and show that provocation-neglect leads to toughness-exaggeration.microeconomics ;

    Revisiting Fredericksburg: Using Provocation to Explore New Questions

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    To Freeman Tilden, provocation was an essential ingredient to effective interpretation, and I tend to agree with that idea. Both my walking tour at the Fredericksburg Battlefield Visitor Center and the interpretive exhibits at Chatham Manor utilize provocation in different forms, with different challenges and opportunities. Overall, the atmosphere of Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park is one that supports and encourages provocative thinking by visitors

    Feminist Reflections on the 'End' of the War on Terror

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    This article examines the range of arguments articulated to justify the use of force under the ‘War on Terror’. The three key justifications for unilateral force directed against terrorist actors, pre-emptive force, implied authorisation and the use of force to prevent terrorist actors operating from failed states, are demonstrated as analogous to domestic provocation excuses. As such, the article argues the ‘end’ of the ‘War on Terror’ has been in name only as the Obama Administration in the United States continues to develop practice in line with that of its predecessor. The analogy with domestic provocation excuses demonstrates weaknesses of contemporary US practice and of the pre-emptive force justification. Using a feminist understanding of the limitations of provocation defences and of the relationship between social, cultural, political and legal norms, the legacy of the ‘War on Terror’ is demonstrated as an assertion of a limited model of security that ignores the role militaries play in women’s insecurity and which limits women’s participation through the use of sexual stereotypes. The article concludes with a discussion of the range of feminist strategies that might be invoked to challenge the legacy of the ‘War on Terror’

    SIAIP position paper: provocation challenge to antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in children

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    Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) in childhood are mainly caused by betalactam or non-betalactam antibiotics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Laboratory tests for identifying children who are allergic to drugs have low diagnostic accuracy and predictive value. The gold standard to diagnose DHR is represented by the drug provocation test (DPT), that aims of ascertaining the causative role of an allergen and evaluating the tolerance to the suspected drug. Different protocols through the administration of divided increasing doses have been postulated according to the type of drug and the onset of the reaction (immediate or non immediate reactions). DPT protocols differ in doses and time interval between doses. In this position paper, the Italian Pediatric Society for Allergy and Immunology provides a practical guide for provocation test to antibiotics and NSAIDs in children and adolescents

    Influence of sensitization and allergen provocation procedures on the development of allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity in conscious, unrestrained guinea-pigs

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    The effects of different sensitization and allergen provocation regimens on the development of allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR) to histamine were investigated in conscious, unrestrained guinea-pigs. Similar early and late phase asthmatic reactions, BHR for inhaled histamine after the early (6 h) as well as after the late reaction (24 h), and airway inflammation were observed after a single allergen provocation in animals sensitized to produce mainly IgG or IgE antibodies, respectively. Repeating the allergen provocation in the IgE-sensitized animals after 7 days, using identical provocation conditions, resulted in a similar development of BHR to histamine inhalation. Repetition of the allergen provocation during 4 subsequent days resulted in a decreased development of BHR after each provocation, despite a significant increase in the allergen provocation dose necessary to obtain similar airway obstruction. The number of inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage was not significantly changed after repeated provocation, when compared with a single allergen provocation. Finally, we investigated allergen-induced bronchial hyperreactivity by repetition of the sensitization procedure at day 7 and 14 (booster), followed by repeated allergen provocation twice a week for 5 weeks. Surprisingly, no BHR to histamine could be observed after either provocation, while the number of inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after 5 weeks was enhanced compared with controls. These data indicate that both IgE and IgG sensitized guinea-pigs may develop bronchial hyperreactivity after a single allergen provocation. Repeated allergen exposure of IgE sensitized animals causes a gradual fading of the induced hyperreactivity despite the on-going presence of inflammatory cells in the airways, indicating a mechanism of reduced cellular activation

    The Future of the Defence of Provocation in Nigerian Criminal Law

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    Provocation as a defence is subjected to a considerable degree of criticism especially in the countries where the abolition of capital punishment has taken place and in those of common Law jurisdiction. In these countries there has been an argument on the future of provocation as a line of a partial defence. This is because there are some problems associated with the reasonable relation rule and the question of objectivity in the defence of provocation. In Nigeria, the defence of provocation is a partial defence and the law on provocation needs urgent attention. The doctrine of provocation, however, raises a number of problems for the law students, judges and the practicing lawyers. In the first place, there is the important question as to whether the provocation, in its application to homicide, is defined by the codes themselves or by reference to common law, however, the common law has continued to be a guide in the interpretation of the codes’ provisions. To this extent the law of provocation in Nigeria is supplemented by common law principles. For example, the proportionality rule, though not found in Nigerian codes, is frequently incorporated by the courts in their decisions. Provocation is, therefore, only a mitigating factor so that men will exercise some rational judgment in dealing with each other. The plea of provocation is founded on loss of self-control both actual and reasonable. There is a combination of subjective and objective elements in the plea. Apart from the fact that the accused has received grave and sudden provocation, he must also have been provoked. The objective element in provocation emanates from the reasonable man test and includes the proportionality rule. The second problem in the plea of provocation is the applicability of the objective test in Nigeria and elsewhere. Since the Nigerian legal system is influenced by the Islamic law, reference also will be made to the Maliki School of jurisprudence in the non-recognition of the plea of provocation by its doctrines. Provocation as a defence has given rise to many conceptual difficulties and no easy solution presents itself. It is therefore aimed that this article will examine some aspects of the plea of provocation in an attempt to put it in more rational basis reflecting the basic realities in the Nigerian society of today

    Some effects of color incongruity in a visual Ad

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    While the effects of an ad's colour on attitudes towards it have already been investigated, far less work has been done on the influence of incongruous colours. This paper examines the effects of an ad using an incongruous colour on several variables of the advertising persuasion process. Analyses of variance have been conducted for an experimental study involving 407 respondents. The results show that a colour that is incongruous with the ad or with the product advertised affects the elements of surprise, perceived provocation, attitudes towards the ad and the positive beliefs about it.Incongruity, Surprise, Provocation, Attitude towards an advertisement, Beliefs about an advertisement.

    A Provocation for Quality Product

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    The new problems on global market bring a wind of changes in our lives, as well in technology, in environment protection, the future provoke us to find immediately solution and identify new sources for industry. The solution to this problem is the improvement of quality management of enterprises and also of products which must be designed taking into consideration the protection of environment. From this point of view we have to change the total quality management.Also the target of this research is to identify new solutions and recycle the possibilities of the materials.The intense search for solutions, the needs for a system of approach, the use of knowledge or models, can be used as a measure to reduce variations between different countries and develop a new system inside the universities which implemented a new eco age and which are preparing the new generation to redesign the mantra of this new eco-age and its green products.A solution to this challenge, and an explanation of applying a sustainable strategy under the principles of quality and continuous improvement in research work done in our universities will be presented in this article, as well as some solutions which guarantee the efficiency as a result to the new challenges in our market place and technological processquality, technological process