511 research outputs found

    Politično-ekonomski temelji novega zahodnoafriŔkega naftnega mesta Sekondi-Takoradi

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    V članku se z institucionalno-analitično metodo ekonomske zgodovine preučujejo izvor, rast in razvoj novega zahodnoafriŔkega naftnega mesta Sekondi-Takoradi. Posebna pozornost je namenjena vlogi pristaniŔč in železnic, njihovemu razvoju in sodelovanju s politično-ekonomskimi ustanovami v preteklih stotih letih. Ta pregledna zgodovinska analiza nakazuje, da je novo zahodnoafriŔko mesto spet tam, kjer je bilo na začetku. Podobno kot v 20. letih 20. stoletja v državnih in mednarodnih krogih danes ponovno vzbuja nacionalno, regionalno in mednarodno pozornost. Vse kaže, da je treba znova ovrednotiti sodobne zgodbe, ki trdijo, da sta razmah virov in družbeni propad v determinističnem odnosu

    An overview of the beginnings of hydrology from Da Vinci onwards

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    In the thesis da Vinciā€™s theories of water, its movement, the hydrologic cycle, water in the atmosphere, the sea, etc. are presented. In addition to da Vinciā€™s views on water, some contemporary views on his theories and theses are also added. Pictures of certain phenomena, inventions and his notes are included, as well as drawings, which represent the formation of a phenomenon. In the introductory chapters, the life of da Vinci is briefly described, and the history of hydrology before and after his time is presented. Next, his theories and theses from the book Leonardo Da Vinciā€™s Water Theory: On the Origin and Fate of Water, which is the basis for this thesis, are presented. Da Vinciā€™s main goal was to develop a theory of the water cycle, as well as explain and describe it in detail. This is why the main focus of this thesis is on the phenomenon of the water cycle. It is dependent on solar energy and is a complex system of water circulation on Earth. At the end of the thesis, da Vinciā€™s inventions connected to water are presented. Some of these inventions helped him prove his theories and theses. Others were mainly used for military purposes. It is evident that many of his inventions are still widely used today

    Strukturnovsebinske preobrazbe slovenskih obalnih mest

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    Strukturne preobrazbe slovenskih obalnih mest so rezultat vsebinskih razvojnih strategij, ki so jih narekovali različni mestni akterji v različnih zgodovinskih obdobjih. Zaradi procesa industrializacije je prostor obalnih mest dobil novo strukturo v obliki industrijskih objektov. Danes ostajajo te strukture brez ustreznih vsebin in predstavljajo degradirana območja mesta, ki jih poskuŔa na vsak način uravnavati interes kapitala. Povojno obdobje funkcionalizma je zaznamovalo prizadevanje za ustvarjanje prostorskih možnosti za potrebe delavskega razreda, ki se je naseljeval v novih stanovanjskih soseskah. Iz industrijskih struktur, ki so se Ŕirile v horizontalo, se je v Ŕestdesetih letih 20. stoletja pojavila nova tipologija stanovanjskega nebotičnika, ki se je začela dvigovati v vertikalo. Obdobje po tranziciji je v obalni prostor vneslo sploŔno kaotično stanje na ravni organizacije prostora, saj so posege izvajali po željah kapitala in manj na podlagi strokovnih usmeritev. Urbanizem kot stroka ni dovolj prožen za uravnavanje hitrih preobrazb oblik kapitala, zato se ta neomejeno oblikuje čez vse meje mesta

    Port Hinterland Modelling Based on Port Choice

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    This paper presents a new approach for hinterland modelling based on the results of port choice modelling. The paper follows the idea that the shippersā€™ port choice is a trade-off between various objective and subjective factors. The presented model tackles the problem by applying the AHP method in order to obtain portsā€™ preference rates based on subjective factors, and combine them with objective factors, which include port operation costs, sailing times, and land transport costs using MILP. The portsā€™ hinterlands are modelled by finding the optimal port of choice for different locations across Europe and merging the identical results. The model can be used in order to produce captive hinterland of ports and can also be exploited in order to analyse how changes in the traffic infrastructure influence the size of hinterlands


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    Diplomska naloga je namenjena pogledu v prihodnost kontejnerizacije v Jadranskem morju. Dejstvo je, da se vse več tovora pretovarja s pomočjo kontejnerjev, kar ima za posledico nenehno vlaganje v pristaniÅ”ke kapacitete. Ne smemo mimo ključnega dejavnika, zaradi katerega je Jadran zanimiv za ladjarje. V mislih imam SueÅ”ki prekop, saj drastično zmanjÅ”a pot tovora, ki je namenjen v osrednjo in vzhodno Evropo. Diplomsko delo pričnem s predstavitvijo zgodovine kontejnerizacije, njenega idejnega očeta in razvoja same tehnologije. Nadaljujem z dejavniki, ki vplivajo na gibanje pretovorjenih kontejnerjev na svetovni ravni. Sledi medsebojna primerjava devetih kontejnerskih terminalov v Å”tirih različnih državah vzdolž Jadranskega morja, njihove trenutne kapacitete in opremljenosti. V nadaljevanju se ozrem v prihodnost, ki prinaÅ”a velike projekte, ki bodo služili povečanju možnosti pretovorjenih kontejnerskih enot. Ob bok naÅ”emu slovenskemu ponosu, ki sliÅ”i na ime Luka Koper, postavim vse ostale kontejnerske terminale, ki sem jih predstavil v nalogi. Primerjam zmogljivost naÅ”ega pristaniŔča, projekte, ki so v realizaciji, ali Å”e čakajo nanjo. Ne morem mimo projekta, o katerem sem pogovarjamo že dobri dve desetletji ā€“ to je 2. tir. Prav omenjeni projekt je ključ do nadaljevanja uspeÅ”ne zgodbe razvoja naÅ”ega okna v svet, ki, tako pri ladjarjih kakor strankah, uživa velik ugled.This bachelor thesis takes a look at the future of containerization in the Adriatic Sea. It is a fact that more and more cargo is being transshipped with the help of containers, resulting in constant investments into port capacities. We must not overlook the key factor that makes the Adriatic Sea interesting for shipowners. I am of course talking about the Suez Canal, as it drastically reduces the route of cargo destined for Central and Eastern Europe. I begin my thesis with a presentation of the history of containerization, its conceptual founder and the development of technology itself. I continue with the factors that influence the movement of transshipped containers globally. This is followed by a comparison of nine container terminals in four different countries on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, their current capacities and equipment. Then I look to the future that brings major projects that will serve to increase the potential of transhipped container units. Alongside the Slovenian national pride that is the Port of Koper I place all the other container terminals that I presented in my thesis. I compare the capacity of our port and discuss projects that are already in progress or are still pending. I can\u27t fail to mention the project we\u27ve been talking about for more than two decades ā€“ the 2nd track. It is precisely this project that is key to continuing the success story of the development of our window into the world, which enjoys a great reputation among both shipowners and customers

    Trst kot stičiŔče prekomorskega izseljevanja pred prvo svetovno vojno

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    The paper examines the migratory processes through the port of Trieste and the role that it played in international overseas emigration from the 1880s to 1914. The focus is on the failed attempt to establish routes for emigrants via Trieste in 1888/89; the late entrance of the main Austro-Hungarian port into the international maritime migratory business and its role within transatlantic migratory movements from Eastern and Southeastern Europe, especially within emigration from the Austro-Hungarian area itself; the organizational aspects of the traffic and the problems faced by the companies, the municipality and the emigrants due to a lack of suitable accommodations, and the implications the increasing flow of emigrants had for public order and everyday life in the city. Attention is also paid to migration currents that bypassed Trieste and to the role of Ljubljana as a hub of emigration.Prispevek govori o selitvenih procesih skozi Trst in prometni vlogi glavnega avstrijskega pristaniŔča v mednarodnem prekomorskem izseljevanju med letoma 1890 in 1914. V srediŔču obravnave so propadla prizadevanja za vzpostavitev ladijskih prog za izseljence skozi Trst v letih 1888/89; zapoznel vstop Trsta v mednarodni posel prevažanja izseljencev in vloga, ki jo je odigral v prekomorskem izseljenskem prometu iz vzhodne in jugovzhodne Evrope, predvsem iz avstro-ogrske monarhije; organizacijski vidiki izseljenskega prevoza, od prihoda izseljencev po železnici in njihovega bivanja v mestu pred vkrcanjem, do problemov, s katerimi so se zaradi nezadostnih in neustreznih nastanitvenih struktur spoprijemali izseljenci, ladjarske družbe in mestne oblasti; posledice, ki jih je imela vse večja množica potnikov za javni red in vsakdanje življenje v mestu. Prispevek se posveča tudi izseljenskemu prometu mimo Trsta oziroma skozenj proti Genovi in severnoevropskim pristaniŔčem ter prometu skozi Ljubljano

    Confining the Plague in Northern Adriatic Ports: Comparison Between Venetian Istria and Austrian Littoral in the Eighteenth Century

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    Prispevek skuŔa podati pregled nekaterih ukrepov za sistematično preprečevanje nalezljivih bolezni, zlasti kuge, ki je v 18. stoletju Ŕe zadnjič ogrožala tudi severni in vzhodni Jadran. Ta prostor je bil politično razdeljen med HabsburŔko monarhijo in BeneŔko republiko, ki sta vsaka na svoj način, a vendar tudi skladno izvajali zdravstveni nadzor pomorskega in kopenskega prometa. Problematiko pomorske in kopenske sanitete primorskih mest je seveda treba umestiti v prvi vrsti v politični in ekonomski kontekst, v katerem se ob boju za primat nad pomorsko trgovino znajde to območje, posebej v času po uvedbi prostih pristaniŔč.The article reviews several measures and apparatus for systematic prevention of infectious diseases, especially the plague, in the eighteenth century endangering the Northern and Eastern Adriatic for the last time. Th is area was politically divided between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Republic of Venice, each of which in their own way, but also concordantly, implemented sanitary control over maritime and land transport.Although historical studies usually address only one state health policy at a time, the author believes that paralleling the Venetian and Habsburg defence against infectious diseases in the area is necessary. The vivacious maritime trade in both states encouraged a focus on the maritime health on one hand, but also on the anti-plague control in the hinterland of coastal towns on the other. These issues are thus examined within the politico-economic context of the struggle for primacy over the maritime trade aft er the introduction of the free ports
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