7,665,236 research outputs found

    Growing wheat

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    Wheat is the most important cereal grain in world commerce. The framework for all winter crop production in Victoria, Australia, is based on the principles and practice of successful wheat farming. This Agriculture Note gives an overview of those principles

    Growing canola

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    Canola is a profitable cropping option for many cropping regions of Victoria and it also brings diversity in terms of cropping rotations. Background information is provided for potential growers, agri-industry and students

    Effect of frost on cereal grain crops

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    Loss of wheat production due to frost damage is not common in Victoria. However, while the total loss is rarely great, individual growers can suffer heavy losses in some years. The factors exposing crops to loss are discussed along with tips to minimise the potential for frost damage to occur

    Estimating crop yields and crop losses

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    Accurate, early estimations of grain yield and crop loss are important skills in grain production and extensive personal experience is essential for estimating yields at early stages of growth

    Decimal growth scale of cereals

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    Accurate assessment of growth stage is important because the cereal plant\u27s response to herbicide, growth regulator or fertiliser application depends on its stage of development

    Identification of cereal seedlings

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    In order to identify different cereal species, close observation of the seedlings at the junction of the leaf-sheath and leaf-blade is required. This Ag Note helps to distinguish the different cereal species

    Body fractions: A physical approach to fraction learning

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    Many students experience great difficulty understanding the meaning of fractions (Anthony & Walshaw, 2007; Behr, Lesh, Post & Silver, 1983; Davis, Hunting & Pearn, 1993; Lamon, 2007; Verschaffel, Greer & Torbeyns, 2006; Young-Loveridge, Taylor, Hawera & Sharma, 2007). For many students who have spent their early mathematics lessons focusing on counting (whole) numbers, recognising that there are many numbers between those whole numbers called fractional numbers, is quite revolutionary. The foundation of understanding fractions is the idea that they are parts of a whole. The fact that one whole object can be divided into many equal parts, with each part having a name relative to the original whole, opens up a whole new realm of number understanding for the students

    Second annual school congress

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    Making mathematics meaningful: Using student-initiated problems to situate mathematics

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    Mathematics is everywhere-from the minute we open our eyes to check the alarm clock and calculate how many minutes extra we can afford to lie in bed, to measuring out our cereal for breakfast and estimating if we have enough petrol to make the 18 kilometre journey to work. As teachers of mathematics. we must ask ourselves if the way we teach reflects the real-life problem-solving situations our students will experience within their everyday world