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    This paper examines the question of the legal nature of the right to sport. Furthermore, it explores the right to sport as a human right. Sport represents a global phenomenon that attracts the attention of a great number of people and has become an important factor of human life that deserves deeper legal analysis. This paper starts from the definition of the sport and its role in the society. The main premise is that the right to sport represents the human right and as such exists in the international legal system. The author uses a comparative legal analysis to explore the existence of the right to sport in several European countries, with a particular interpretation of international legal framework of sport. The elements that comprise the right to sport are also analyzed. At the end of the paper, the issue of protecting the right to sport as a human right is also examined.Rad istražuje pitanje pravne prirode prava na sport. Sport kao globalni fenomen koji zaokuplja pažnju velikog broja ljudi i postaje važan faktor ljudskog života zaslužuje i pravnu analizu. U radu se polazi se od određenja značenja i defnicije sporta, kao i njegove uloge u društvu i važnosti regulisanja pravnim normama. Glavna premisa je da pravo na sport predstavlja ljudsko pravo i da kao takvo postoji u međunarondom pravnom poretku. Autor je uporedno pravnim pristupom istražio postojanje prava na sport u nekoliko evropskih država. Poseban akcenat stavljen je na tumačenje međunarodno pravne regulative o sportu. Elementi od kojih se sastoji pravo na sport takođe su analaizirani. Ispituje se i problematika zaštite prava na sport kao ljudskog prava


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    The era of communication in which we live, is inevitably reflecting in all spheres of our lives, including human rights. Speed of information is something that has become a basic need of modern man. Methods how people are informing today are drastically differ from the methods of, say twenty years ago. Bearing in mind that the man is accustomed to live with modern technologies and often through them, exercised their fundamental life activities, there is a need to examine the current settings on certain human rights, primarily on freedom of opinion and expression. Hardly any development of technologies, such as appearance of the Internet has had such far-reaching effects. Allowing individuals to exchange information and ideas immediately and cheap but regardless of national boundaries, Internet provides access to information and knowledge that were previously unattainable. Bearing that in mind, some States have right to access to the Internet raised at the level of human rights. The phenomenon of the Internet within the protection and improvement Human Rights was also dealt by the UN Special Rapporteur in his report, which is considered in this paper.Doba komunikacija, u kojem živimo, neminovno se reflektuje na sve sfere života, pa tako i na ljudska prava. Brzina informacije je nešto što je današnjem čoveku postala osnovna potreba. Metodi na koji se ljudi danas informišu drastično se razlikuju od metoda, recimo pre dvadeset godina. Imajući u vidu da se čovek saživeo sa modernim tehnologijama i da često putem njih ostvaruje svoje bitne životne aktivnosti, nameće se potreba da se preispitaju dosadašnje postavke o pojedinim ljudskim pravima, prvenstveno o slobodi mišljenja i izražavanja. Retko koji razvoj tehnologija, kao pojava Interneta, je imao tako dalekosežne efekte. Omogućavajući pojedincima da razmenjuju informacije i ideje momentalno i jeftino, nezavisno od nacionalnih granica, Internet omogućava pristup informacijama i znanju koji su prethodno bili nedostižni. Imajući navedeno u vidu, pojedine države su pravo na pristup Internetu podigle na nivo ljudskog prava. Fenomenom Interneta u sklopu zaštite i unapređenja lјudskih prava bavio se i specijalni izvestilac Ujedinjenih nacija u svom izveštaju, koji je razmatran u ovom radu


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    In the first part of the article the author explains the Good law doctrine built in the comparative jurisprudence and the documents of the European Union, that has for the purpose to achieve legislation as good as possible and, particularly, explains fundamental criteria of the good law. In the second part of the article the author explains fundamental principles of enhancing the legislative process as the system in which good law is created, with particular regard to the principles and the recommendations of the European Commission and the OCDE that he suggests for adoption in Serbia and; in the end, he suggests specific suggestions for modifications of the legislative process in Serbia.U prvom delu članka autor objašnjava doktrinu dobrog prava koja je nastala u uporednoj sudskoj prakse i dokumentima Evropske Unije, čiji je cilj da se postigne što kvalitetnije zakonodavstvo i posebno iznosi osnovne kriterijume dobrog prava. U drugom delu članka autor objašnjava osnovne principe za unapređenje zakonodavnog procesa kao sistema u kome nastaje dobro pravo, s posebnim osvrtom na principe i preporuke Evropske Komisije, OECD-a koje predlaže za usvajanje u Srbiji, te na kraju iznosi specifčne predloge za izmene zakonodavnog procesa u Srbiji


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    Textbook review: Academician Prof. Rajko Kuzmanović Ph.D, Prof. Siniša Karan, Ph.DPrikaz udžbenika:Akademik Prof. dr Rajko Kuzmanović i Prof. dr Siniša Kara

    Pravo na kaznu?

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    It appears at least intuitively appropriate to claim that we owe it to victims to punish those who have wronged them. It also seems plausible to state that we owe it to society to punish those who have violated its norms. However, do we also owe punishment to perpetrators themselves? In other words, do those who commit crimes have a moral right to be punished? This work examines the sustainability of the right to be punished from the standpoint of the two main theories of rights—the will and the interest conceptions. The right to be punished is shown to be largely indefensible on both accounts: on the will theory, the right to be punished conflicts with autonomy, and it can neither be claimed nor waived by a perpetrator; on the interest theory, a perpetrator’s interest in punishment, inasmuch as it exists, is not sufficient to ground a duty on the part of the state.Intuitivno se čini prikladnim tvrditi da žrtvama dugujemo kažnjavanje onih koji su im naštetili. Čini se također plauzibilnim tvrditi da dugujemo društvu kaznu za one koji narušavaju njegove norme. Međutim, dugujemo li kaznu i samim počiniteljima? Drugim riječima, imaju li oni koji čine zločine moralnu dužnost biti kažnjeni? Ovaj rad istražuje održivost prava na kaznu iz točke gledišta dviju teorija prava—koncepcije volje i interesa. Pokazuje se da je pravo na kaznu uvelike neobranjivo prema obje teorije: prema teoriji volje, pravo na kaznu je u konfliktu s autonomijom te ga se ne može niti tražiti niti ga se odreći; prema teoriji interesa, interes počinitelja da bude kažnjen, ukoliko postoji, nije dovoljan da utvrdi dužnost države


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    Ovlasti i obveze institucija u Hrvatskoj, uključujući i njezine sudove, promijenile su se s ulaskom Hrvatske u članstvo EU-a. Ovaj članak analizira i objašnjava situacije u kojima nastaje ovlast, odnosno ponekad obveza za hrvatske kaznene sudove da surađuju sa Sudom EU-a kroz prethodni postupak. Neposredni motiv za pisanje članka bile su izjave u odlukama hrvatskih sudova koji su sudili u predmetu Perković, povezanim s provedbom Europskog uhidbenog naloga, kako pokretanje prethodnog postupka nije potrebno ili čak ni moguće kad je europski propis proveden u hrvatsko pravo. Prilog objašnjava zašto je takvo stajalište pogrešno. Pitanje koje se može postaviti pred nacionalnim sudom, a zbog kojeg se on može ili mora obratiti Sudu EU-a, doista se uvijek mora odnositi na pravo EU-a, a ne na nacionalno pravo. To međutim ne znači da u situaciji kad je pravo EU-a (primjerice neka okvirna odluka ili direktiva) preneseno u nacionalno pravo potreba za tumačenjem europskog pravnog instrumenta nestaje. Upravo suprotno, stoga što su nacionalni sudovi obvezni tumačiti nacionalno pravo u skladu s europskim pravom, tumačenje europskog propisa nužno im je za ispravno tumačenje doma- ćeg prava. U prilogu se prikazuju situacije u kojima će sudovi koji sude u kaznenim stvarima u Hrvatskoj moći, a ponekad i morati, ući u izravni dijalog sa Sudom EU-a kroz prethodni postupak, uključujući i radi postavljanja pitanja valjanosti primjenjivog europskog prava

    Improving regional regulatory platform tools for the development of small and medium businesses

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    Introduction. Taking into account the priorities of the state policy in the field of economic and innovative development of the Perm region, assessment of the regional potential of the digital economy, the strategic importance of economic activities implemented by SMEs for the economy of the region and the country as a whole, the actual impact of the norms on the instruments of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Perm region is assessed. The purpose of this study is to improve the regional regulatory platform of tools for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Perm region in order to gain the status of an investment-attractive region in the digital economy of the Russian Federation, taking into account the Strategy of the information society in the Russian Federation, which will ultimately contribute to the development of e-business in the Perm region, rehabilitation and competitiveness of the economy of the Perm region in the global market. Methodology. The General methodological basis of the study was the dialectical- materialistic method of cognition of legal reality, which allowed to study the tools of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Perm region in their development, to consider the problems of tools for the integrated development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Perm region, taking into account the changed socio-economic conditions in inseparable unity with other related tools relevant to the needs of digitalization of society. Such universal scientific methods as analysis and synthesis of doctrinal and normative materials were used in the work. In addition, special legal methods were used: the method of legal modeling, which allows to design possible legal situations using digital tools for the development of small and medium- sized businesses in the Perm region; the method of systematic interpretation used in assessing the actual impact of regional norms on the tools of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Perm region. Results. The article proposes a new tool for the development of SMEs as a regional electronic platform for the promotion of goods, works and services of SMEs in the Perm region. Attention is paid to the level of digital literacy of SMEs and consumers of their goods, works and services: the conclusion about the lack of digital competence. Conclusion. It is necessary to improve the regional regulatory platform taking into account economic trends: it is important to introduce digital competencies everywhere, including at the professional level in relation to SMEs in the Perm region, in order to increase the business activity of young people and other representatives of the working population. As for the actual introduction of new tools for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Perm region, we propose that the regional legislator develop a new electronic information platform at the expense of the regional budget to promote goods, works and services sold by SMEs in the Perm region. We believe that the measures proposed by us to enhance the economic activity of SMEs can be perceived by other regions


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    There are 86 Federal Rules of Civil procedure in the U.S. These Rules provide the basic principles of Civil procedure in the U.S.: truth, accuracy, procedural economy, fairness and satisfaction of both litigation parties. For better understanding of the right to claim and the right to appeal, this article makes a brief introduction into history of civil procedure in the U.S., organization of court system in the U.S., influence of verdict brought in previous litigation in a latter one, a well as some cases in which there is more than one person in role of a litigation party.Građanski sudski postupak u SAD regulisan je Federalnim pravilima građanskog sudskog postupka. Budući da je reč o pravnom sistemu koji pripada anglo-američkoj pravnoj porodici, radi boljeg razumevanja prava na tužbu i prava na žalbu u sistemu građanskog sudskog postupka SAD, u članku će biti objašnjen istorijat građanskog sudskog postupka u SAD, njegova specifičnost u odnosu na originalni, britanski model, organizacija sudova u SAD, uticaj prethodno donesene sudske odluke u kasnijem sudskom postupku, kao i neki slučajevi učestvovanja više stranaka u parnici i učestvovanja trećih lica u parnici

    Povezanost interesa pojedinaca i pravo na brisanje osobnih podataka

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    The subject of this article is an aspect of personal data protection, the data subject’s right of erasure, or respectively the „right to be forgotten“. The rights of the data subjects concerning the protection of personal data have been more clearly defned. One of the most important of those rights is the right of erasure, resulting in reafrmation and strengthening of the active role of the subject in all phases of personal data processing. Besides outlining and commenting on the conditions required in order to consume this right, the article explains the delicate relationship between the interests of the individuals and the right of erasure of personal data of the subject with the public or individuals’ right of access to information together with possible conflicts as a result. There is also a comparison between the right to erasure and the right to rehabilitation from the perspective of penology.Tema je ovoga članka pogled na zaštitu osobnih podataka, pravo na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca, to jest ,,pravo na zaborav’’. Jasnije su određena prava pojedinaca na zaštitu osobnih podataka. Pravo na brisanje jedno je od najvažnijih prava vezanih uz zaštitu podataka. To pravo dovodi do ponovnog potvrđivanja i jačanja aktivne uloge pojedinca u svim fazama obrade osobnih podataka. Osim pregleda i tumačenja uvjeta koji su potrebni kako bi se koristilo to pravo - ovaj članak govori i o osjetljivoj povezanosti interesa pojedinaca i prava na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca u javnosti; kao i o pravima pojedinaca na pristup informacijama iz kojeg može doći do mogućih sukoba. Članak sadrži i usporedbu prava na brisanje i prava na obnovu podataka iz perspektive penologije. Tema je ovoga članka pogled na zaštitu osobnih podataka, pravo na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca, to jest ,,pravo na zaborav’’. Jasnije su određena prava pojedinaca na zaštitu osobnih podataka. Pravo na brisanje jedno je od najvažnijih prava vezanih uz zaštitu podataka. To pravo dovodi do ponovnog potvrđivanja i jačanja aktivne uloge pojedinca u svim fazama obrade osobnih podataka. Osim pregleda i tumačenja uvjeta koji su potrebni kako bi se koristilo to pravo - ovaj članak govori i o osjetljivoj povezanosti interesa pojedinaca i prava na brisanje osobnih podataka pojedinca u javnosti; kao i o pravima pojedinaca na pristup informacijama iz kojeg može doći do mogućih sukoba. Članak sadrži i usporedbu prava na brisanje i prava na obnovu podataka iz perspektive penologije