7 research outputs found

    Emotion detection based on sentiment analysis : an example of a social robots on short and long texts conversation

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this paper is to present a solution to detect emotions from text obtained in a conversation with a social robot. Emotions will be detected using sentiment analysis based on the English and Polish lexicon.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Data from social robot conversation records will be converted into text and then split into short and long speech. The original language utterances will then be analysed using the Polish lexicon, while the translated texts will be analysed using the English emotional lexicon.FINDINGS: The results obtained indicate the same or similar distribution of emotions made by sentiment analysis using both plNetWord and NRC lexicons.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results obtained can be used for further research addressing the creation and development of lexicons based on the selected language. They are also applicable to the implementation of solutions for detecting and responding to conversational emotions by social robots.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The analyses so far mostly take up the subject of textual analysis in English. The aim of the present study is to analyse a Polish text and to compare the results obtained with those for English texts. The analysis of differences in the emotional sentiment of utterances may lead to the construction of more effective models based on the chosen language.This publication was supported under the Initiative of Excellence— Research University program implemented at the Silesian University of Technology, 2020– 2022peer-reviewe

    Słowa klucze kultury jako nazwy pojęć wyrazistych o wysokim stopniu utrwalenia a zagadnienia synonimii leksykalnej

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    The paper discusses a method for discovering important concepts of culture through the process of scrutinizing the most numerous sets of synonyms (which are treated as names of entrenched and sali-ent concepts of the given language’s culture), and subsequently combining them in a set of cultural concept networks. The author focuses on the evolution of cultural concepts and the linguistic mate-rial from th and th c. dictionaries of synonyms, and the Polish version of WordNet which served as the base for the analysis. The paper shows the evolution of some of the concepts of culture established in the th c. and still vivid in present day discourse of collective identity

    Lexical platform – the first step towards user-centred integration of lexical resources

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    Lexical platform – the first step towards user-centred integration of lexical resources Lexical platform – the first step towards user-centred integration of lexical resources The paper describes the Lexical Platform - a means for lightweight integration of independent lexical resources. Lexical resources (LRs) are represented as web components that implement a minimal set of predefined programming interfaces. These provide functionality for querying and generate a simple, common presentation format. Therefore, a common data format is not needed and the identity of component LRs is preserved. Users can search, browse and navigate via resources on the basis of a limited set of anchor elements such as base form, word form and synset id.   Platforma leksykalna – pierwszy krok w kierunku integracji zasobów leksykalnych zorientowanej na użytkowników Artykuł opisuje Platformę Leksykalną – sposób na lekką integrację niezależnych zasobów leksykalnych. Zasoby leksykalne są na niej reprezentowane jako komponenty webowe, które implementują minimalny zestaw predefiniowanych interfejsów programistycznych. Interfejsy te dostarczają funkcjonalność do przeszukiwania oraz generują prosty, jednolity format prezentacji zasobów. W związku z tym wspólny format danych nie jest konieczny i tożsamość składowych zasobów leksykalnych jest zachowana. Użytkownicy mogą przeszukiwać zasoby na podstawie ograniczonego zbioru odwołań takich jak forma podstawowa, forma wyrazowa i identyfikator synsetu

    Attempt to understand public-health relevant social dimensions of COVID-19 outbreak in Poland

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    Recently, the whole of Europe, including Poland, have been significantly affected by COVID-19 and its social and economic consequences which are already causing dozens of billions of euros monthly losses in Poland alone. Social behaviour has a fundamental impact on the dynamics of the spread of infectious diseases such as SARS-CoV-2, challenging the existing health infrastructure and social organization. Modelling and understanding mechanisms of social behaviour (e.g. panic and social distancing) and its contextualization with regard to Poland can contribute to better response to the outbreak on a national and local level. In the presented study we aim to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 on society by: (i) measuring the relevant activity in internet news and social media; (ii) analysing attitudes and demographic patterns in Poland. In the end, we are going to implement computational social science and digital epidemiology research approach to provide urgently needed information on social dynamics during the outbreak. This study is an ad hoc reaction only, and our goal is to signal the main areas of possible research to be done in the future and cover issues with direct or indirect relation to public health

    The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies

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    This open access handbook presents a multidisciplinary and multifaceted perspective on how the ‘digital’ is simultaneously changing Russia and the research methods scholars use to study Russia. It provides a critical update on how Russian society, politics, economy, and culture are reconfigured in the context of ubiquitous connectivity and accounts for the political and societal responses to digitalization. In addition, it answers practical and methodological questions in handling Russian data and a wide array of digital methods. The volume makes a timely intervention in our understanding of the changing field of Russian Studies and is an essential guide for scholars, advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying Russia today

    The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies

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    This open access handbook presents a multidisciplinary and multifaceted perspective on how the ‘digital’ is simultaneously changing Russia and the research methods scholars use to study Russia. It provides a critical update on how Russian society, politics, economy, and culture are reconfigured in the context of ubiquitous connectivity and accounts for the political and societal responses to digitalization. In addition, it answers practical and methodological questions in handling Russian data and a wide array of digital methods. The volume makes a timely intervention in our understanding of the changing field of Russian Studies and is an essential guide for scholars, advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying Russia today