3 research outputs found

    ESTCube-2 tähejälgija riistvaraarendus

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    In English: Star trackers are used on satellites for accurate attitude determination. This thesis focuses on developing and testing the hardware for the ESTCube-2 star tracker prototype. The workflow consisted of selecting suitable components, creating a schematic and a PCB layout, assembling and testing the hardware. The created hardware can take images with an image sensor and transmit the image data to a computer. Some software was written to ease the testing of the hardware. The software allows users to control power buses, update the FPGA configuration, configure the image sensor and view the captured images from a personal computer. The created hardware serves as a basis for future software development and the creation of the flight model of the ESTCube-2 star tracker. Eesti keeles: Tähejälgijaid kasutatakse satelliitide täpse asendi määramiseks. Käesolev bakalaureusetöö kirjeldab ESTCube-2 tähejälgija prototüübi riistvaraarendust ning selle testimist. Töö käigus valiti sobivad komponendid, koostati elektriskeem ja trükkplaadi disain, koostati ja testiti tähejälgija riistvara. Loodud seade on võimeline tegema pildianduriga pilte ja väljastama pildiinfot arvutisse. Riistvara testimiseks loodud tarkvara laseb arvutist lülitada tähejälgijal sisse/välja toitepingeid, uuendada FPGA konfiguratsiooni, konfigureerida pildiandurit ning laseb vaadata pildianduri tehtud pilte. Loodud riistvara on aluseks tulevasele tarkvaraarendusele ja tähejälgija lennumudeli valmistamisele

    Make It White – a white balance adjustment app for iOS

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    Käesoleva töö eesmark on kirjeldada miks ja kuidas loodi valge tasakaalu seadmise rakendus iOSile. Mõistmaks vajadust sellise rakenduse järgi antakse esmalt ülevaade valge tasakaalu probleemi olemusest ning kirjeldatakse olemasolevaid lahendusi. Nendel kirjeldustel põhinedes seletatakse ja põhjendatakse rakenduse loomisel tehtud filosoofilisi valikuid. Seejärel annab töö minimaalse vajaliku teoreetilise raamistiku mõistmaks valge tasakaalu muutmise matemaatilist tausta, sest foto valge tasakaalu muutmine ei ole triviaalne tegevus. Viimaks kirjeldatakse põgusalt loodud rakendust ning peatutakse selle keerulisematel tehnilistel aspektidel. Töö autor loodab, et rakenduse publitseerimisel Apple'i AppStore'i leiab see ka ostjaid.The goal of this thesis is to describe how and why a white balance adjustment app was created for iPhone. To facilitate understanding why this kind of app is necessary, an overview of the white balance problem domain and a tour of currently existing solutions on iPhone are given. Based on these descriptions the philosophical choices made about what kind of app to develop are described and justified. Since changing a photograph’s white balance is not a trivial thing, just enough theory is introduced to provide the necessary mathematical background to white balance adjustments. Built upon this background, the chosen colour correction solution is described in step by step in theoretical terms. Finally, a brief technical overview is provided to point out the more complex implementation problems solved during the development of the app. The author of this thesis hopes that when Make It White is completed and published it will find buyers from Apple’s AppStore

    Development of electromyography biofeedback device

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    Magistritöö Ergonoomika õppekavalElektromüograafia (EMG) on valdkond, mis on spetsialiseerunud elektrooniliste seadmete kasutamisele lihaste bioelektrilise aktiivsuse mõõtmiseks ja analüüsimiseks. Ergonoomikas kasutatakse lihasaktiivsuse mõõtmiseks mitteinvasiivset meetodit – pinnaelektromüograafiat (sEMG).Magistritöös uuriti Eesi maaülikoolis arendatava EMG tagasisideseadme edasiarenduse võimalusi, milleks viidi läbi mitmeetapiline patendiuuring ning uuriti seadme kasutusmugavust valjult mõtlemise meetodil. Patendiuuringust selgus, et EMG seadmete puhul kasutatakse peamiselt visuaalset, akustilist, taktiilset ning ka elektrilist tagasisidet. Arendatava seadme puhul kaaluti akustilise tagasiside lisamist. Samuti võib järeldada, et EMG-seadmetele on antud mitmeid patente, kuid ainult vähesed on saavutanud kommertsedu. Seega innovatsioon, mis võiks viia patenteerimiseni, seisneb pigem konstruktsioonielementide arendamises. Kasutajakogemuse uuringus tuvastati mitmed võimalikud seadme kasutamisest tulenevad vead ning esitati need parendusettepanekutena uue prototüübi disainimiseks.Electromyography (EMG) is a study specializing in the use of electronic devices to measure and analyse the bioelectric activity of muscles. In ergonomics a noninvasive method to measure muscle activity - surface electromyography (sEMG) is used. The Master's thesis examined the further development of the EMG feedback device developed at Estonian University of Life Sciences, for which a multi-stage patent study was carried out and the usability of the device was studied by means of Think Aloud Protocol. The patent study showed that in EMG devices mainly visual, acoustic, tactile and electrical feedback types are used. In the case of the device being developed, the addition of acoustic feedback was considered. It can also be concluded that numerous patents regarding EMG devices have been granted, but only few have been commercialised. and the innovative patentable solutions lie in developing particulate parts of the device. In the user experience study, several possible errors in the use of the device were identified and presented as suggestions for improvement to design a new prototype