5 research outputs found

    Predicting the Spectrum Quality and Digestive Enzyme for Shotgun Proteomics

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    In proteomics, database search programs are routinely used for peptide identification from tandem mass spectrometry data. However, many low-quality spectra cannot be interpreted by any programs. Meanwhile, certain high-quality spectra may not be identified due to incompleteness of the database, failure of the software, or sub-optimal search parameters. Thus, spectrum quality assessment tools are helpful programs that can eliminate poor-quality spectra before the database search and highlight the high-quality spectra that are not identified in the initial search. These spectra may be valuable candidates for further analyses. We propose SPEQ: a spectrum quality assessment tool that uses a deep neural network to classify spectra into high-quality, which are worthy candidates for interpretation, and low-quality, which lack sufficient information for identification. SPEQ was compared with a few other prediction models and demonstrated improved prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we propose a statistical model to automatically detect the enzyme used for digestion in a proteomics experiment, by analyzing the distribution of amino acids in peptides de novo sequenced with a nonspecific enzyme setting. Results demonstrate that this algorithm can accurately identify correct enzymes

    Decoy-Target Database Strategy and False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycan Identification

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    In recent years, the technology of glycopeptide sequencing through MS/MS mass spectrometry data has achieved remarkable progress. Various software tools have been developed and widely used for protein identification. Estimation of false discovery rate (FDR) has become an essential method for evaluating the performance of glycopeptide scoring algorithms. The target-decoy strategy, which involves constructing decoy databases, is currently the most popular utilized method for FDR calculation. In this study, we applied various decoy construction algorithms to generate decoy glycan databases and proposed a novel approach to calculate the FDR by using the EM algorithm and mixture model

    Enhanced label-free discovery proteomics through improved data analysis and knowledge enrichment

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    Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has evolved into an important tool applied in fundamental biological research as well as biomedicine and medical research. The rapid developments of technology have required the establishment of data processing algorithms, protocols and workflows. The successful application of such software tools allows for the maturation of instrumental raw data into biological and medical knowledge. However, as the choice of algorithms is vast, the selection of suitable processing tools for various data types and research questions is not trivial. In this thesis, MS data processing related to the label-free technology is systematically considered. Essential questions, such as normalization, choice of preprocessing software, missing values and imputation, are reviewed in-depth. Considerations related to preprocessing of the raw data are complemented with exploration of methods for analyzing the processed data into practical knowledge. In particular, longitudinal differential expression is reviewed in detail, and a novel approach well-suited for noisy longitudinal high-througput data with missing values is suggested. Knowledge enrichment through integrated functional enrichment and network analysis is introduced for intuitive and information-rich delivery of the results. Effective visualization of such integrated networks enables the fast screening of results for the most promising candidates (e.g. clusters of co-expressing proteins with disease-related functions) for further validation and research. Finally, conclusions related to the prepreprocessing of the raw data are combined with considerations regarding longitudinal differential expression and integrated knowledge enrichment into guidelines for a potential label-free discovery proteomics workflow. Such proposed data processing workflow with practical suggestions for each distinct step, can act as a basis for transforming the label-free raw MS data into applicable knowledge.Massaspektrometriaan (MS) pohjautuva proteomiikka on kehittynyt tehokkaaksi työkaluksi, jota hyödynnetään niin biologisessa kuin lääketieteellisessäkin tutkimuksessa. Alan nopea kehitys on synnyttänyt erikoistuneita algoritmeja, protokollia ja ohjelmistoja datan käsittelyä varten. Näiden ohjelmistotyökalujen oikeaoppinen käyttö lopulta mahdollistaa datan tehokkaan esikäsittelyn, analysoinnin ja jatkojalostuksen biologiseksi tai lääketieteelliseksi ymmärrykseksi. Mahdollisten vaihtoehtojen suuresta määrästä johtuen sopivan ohjelmistotyökalun valinta ei usein kuitenkaan ole yksiselitteistä ja ongelmatonta. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan leimaamattomaan proteomiikkaan liittyviä laskennallisia työkaluja. Väitöskirjassa käydään läpi keskeisiä kysymyksiä datan normalisoinnista sopivan esikäsittelyohjelmiston valintaan ja puuttuvien arvojen käsittelyyn. Datan esikäsittelyn lisäksi tarkastellaan datan tilastollista jatkoanalysointia sekä erityisesti erilaisen ekspression havaitsemista pitkittäistutkimuksissa. Väitöskirjassa esitellään uusi, kohinaiselle ja puuttuvia arvoja sisältävälle suurikapasiteetti-pitkittäismittausdatalle soveltuva menetelmä erilaisen ekspression havaitsemiseksi. Uuden tilastollisen menetelmän lisäksi väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan havaittujen tilastollisten löydösten rikastusta käytännön ymmärrykseksi integroitujen rikastumis- ja verkkoanalyysien kautta. Tällaisten funktionaalisten verkkojen tehokas visualisointi mahdollistaa keskeisten tulosten nopean tulkinnan ja kiinnostavimpien löydösten valinnan jatkotutkimuksia varten. Lopuksi datan esikäsittelyyn ja pitkittäistutkimusten tilastollisen jatkokäsittelyyn liittyvät johtopäätökset yhdistetään tiedollisen rikastamisen kanssa. Näihin pohdintoihin perustuen esitellään mahdollinen työnkulku leimaamattoman MS proteomiikkadatan käsittelylle raakadatasta hyödynnettäviksi löydöksiksi sekä edelleen käytännön biologiseksi ja lääketieteelliseksi ymmärrykseksi

    Fungi use highly diverse approaches for plant biomass conversion as revealed through bioinformatic analysis

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    Plant biomass is a magnificent renewable resource and therefore is of major importance for ecology and the global carbon cycle. In nature, fungi play central roles in the degradation of plant biomass, as they are highly efficient degraders of plant polysaccharides. Their ability to break down complex plant polysaccharides, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, into simple sugars is essential for the recycling of organic material in ecosystems. When it comes to the conversion of plant biomass, two crucial aspects of plant biomass conversion are of paramount importance: primary sugar metabolism and the extensive repertoire of Carbohydrate-Active enZymes (CAZymes) involved in the degradation of complex plant biomass substrates. Therefore, this thesis enhanced our comprehension of the diversity of primary carbon metabolism and the enzymatic capabilities of fungi. By investigating these aspects, we aimed to unravel the intricate mechanisms underlying fungal biomass conversion and shed light on the evolutionary adaptations and functional variations across fungi. To conclude, this thesis showcases using a combination of bioinformatic and omics approaches could help us to obtain a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in plant biomass conversion by fungi, and the differences in these approaches across the fungal kingdom