2,783 research outputs found

    Key considerations in building new versus renovation of cooperative building Ig

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    In this diploma paper we present a multi-criteria method of two possibilities how to deal with a\ud bad shape of the cooperative building in Ig (Zadružni dom Ig). As the first possible solution we\ud suggest a full restoration of the building and as the second we consider a total substitute\ud construction of the building. For both approaches mentioned above we have taken into\ud consideration besides working costs also the duration of reconstruction and the functionality\ud of both possibilities. In the closure of the paper we recommend the possibility that is most\ud favourable

    Intuitivno odločanje v modelu celostne zasnove odločanja

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    V raziskavi smo oblikovali model celostne zasnove odločanja, ki integrira dobre lastnosti sodobnih pristopov, pri čemer smo v model vgradili tudi intuitivno odločanje. S pomočjo analize, ki je bila opravljena v dvanajstih lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih v Sloveniji smo proučevali, na osnovi česa se managerji v slovenskih lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih odločajo in kakšno je njihovo poznavanje možnosti uporabe intuicije pri odločanju. Primerjava dobljenih rezultatov s trendi na področju odločanja v svetu je pokazala, da jeproces odločanja v lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih v Sloveniji dokaj konzervativen in da se lahko z dodatnim izobraževanjem sedanjega managementa procesi odločanja bistveno izboljšajo.A model of integral decision-making scheme is presented, combining positive attributes of contemporary approaches. Intuitive decision-making was integrated into the model as well. With the aid of analysis carried out in twelve wood industry enterprises in Slovenia, we tried to establish on what basis the managers of Slovene woodprocessing firms make their decisions and what is their knowledge as far as the possibility of using intuition in decision-making is concerned. A comparison of the obtained results with the current world trends in the sphere of decision-making has shown that the process of decision-making in Slovene woodworking companies is fairly conservative and that with additional training of the existing management the decision-making processes could be substantially improved

    Determinants of career decision-making in adolescents

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    An analysis of the importance of information for the planning and running the production in wood industry companies

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    V lesni industriji ločimo tri tipe proizvodenj: kosovno, serijsko in masovno. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali, katere informacije so ključne za uspešno planiranje in vodenje posamezne vrste proizvodnje. Potrdili smo hipotezo, da ima vsaka od omenjenih vrst proizvodnje svoje specifičnosti in zato so tudi vrste informacij, ki so potrebne za odločanje v posameznih proizvodnjah, različno pomembne. Rezultati raziskave, opravljene v dvanajstih slovenskih lesnih podjetjih, prikazujejo, katere so tiste informacije, ki so pri odločitvi v zvezi s planiranjem in vodenjem proizvodnje najpomembnejše. Izsledke raziskave bi bilo smiselno upoštevati pri postavitvi informacijskih sistemov v lesnih podjetjih.In wood industry, three types of production are known: piecework, serial and mass production. The presented research attempted to determine which information was crucial for successful planning and running of an individual type of production. We confirmed the supposition that each of the mentioned types of production has its own specifics and that the sets of information necessary for decision-making in an individual type of production are therefore of different importance. The results of the research performed in twelve Slovenian wood industry companies show that the information is of the utmost importance for decision-making as far as planning and running the production is concerned. It would be quiet reasonable to take into account the results of the research when setting up information system in wood industry companies

    Lansiranje delovnih nalogov v proizvodnjo lesnega podjetja z metodo večkriterijskega odločanja

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    Quality information is crucial for planning and running of production in wood industry companies. Information of crucial importance is the following: quality in the production process according to work orders and types of product, the information on the missing materials i.e. constituent parts according to projects i.e. work orders and the information on launching work orders into production. The method of multi-criteria decision-making was used for determining the order of launching group products into production. We studied three main criteria: market factors, organisation-production factors and economic factors. For computer support, we chose the computer programme DEXi, which represents the framework of the expert system for multi-criteria decision-making.Za planiranje in vodenje proizvodnje v lesnih podjetjih so ključne kakovostne informacije. Zelo pomembne so informacije o kakovosti v proizvodnem procesu glede na delovne naloge in vrste izdelkov, informacije o manjkajočih vrstah materialov oz. sestavnih delov glede na projekte oz. delovne naloge ter informacije o lansiranju delovnih nalogov v proizvodnjo. Metoda večkriterijskega odločanja nam je služila za določitev vrstnega reda lansiranja družin izdelkov v proizvodnjo. Proučevali smo tri glavne kriterije:trženjske dejavnike, organizacijsko-proizvodne dejavnike in ekonomske dejavnike. Za računalniško podporo smo izbrali programsko orodje DEXi, ki predstavlja lupino ekspertnega sistema za večkriterijsko odločanje

    Varnostnik - poklic ali zgolj izhod v sili

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    Namen prispevka je ugotoviti ali se posamezniki odločijo za delo varnostnika, ker si želijo opravljati poklic varnostnika, pomagati ljudem in ker si želijo ustvariti kariero na tem področju, oziroma ali so se za izbrani poklic odločili le zato, ker druge zaposlitve niso dobili

    Decision Model for the Media Selection

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    The article presents the decision model for choosing the media in the performance of public relations (PR). The core of the model lies in the use of modern information methods with the accent on the artificial intelligence methods in decision-making processes which allow transparency and simple explanation of the decision knowledge and of the decision itself. The framework of the solution is the description of the realization of the model with the support of the DEXi system. The model covers the qualitative and the quantitative measures for the final choice. This allows a more wholesome overview of the media and of the goals the decision aims to achieve. The determined fundamental elements of the model are: the target public, the goals the organization aims to achieve via public relations, the resources assigned to the public relations, the messages to transmit to the public, etc. The criteria which form constituent parts of the decision model have been designed on the basis of public relations literature study and the practical experience of the Faculty