238 research outputs found

    Intelligence and creativity among adolescents

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    Subjektivne teorije in težave vzgojitelja pri delu z nadarjenim otrokom

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    In this paper, main problems regarding preschool teacher\u27s subjective theories, problems and professional development in working with gifted children are presented. The results of the empirical research show the following problems: preschool teachers are inadequately informed about the issues concerning identifying and working with gifted young childrenthey tend to have low self-competence in identifying personal characteristics of gifted children and in the appropriate use of teaching strategies when working with gifted childrenthey stress the necessity for further education and professional training in the field of gifted children education. In addition to various possibilities of further education and in-service training, there are some issues that should be arranged on the national level, e. g.: empowering preschool teachersproviding teaching materials, teaching aids and special - didactic recommendationsshorter training workshops and othersV prispevku predstavljamo nekatera ključna teoretična izhodišča s področja subjektivnih teorij, težav in profesionalnega razvoja vzgojitelja pri odkrivanju in delu z nadarjenimi otroki. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na: neustrezno informiranost vzgojiteljev na področju prepoznavanja in dela z nadarjenimi otrokislabšo samooceno usposobljenosti učiteljev na področju poznavanja osebnostnih značilnosti nadarjenih ter ustrezne uporabe didaktičnih strategij pri delu z njimitežave na področju osiromašenosti didaktičnih pripomočkov, dodatnega učnega gradiva, specialno-didaktičnih priporočil idr. Na področju stališč in čustev v odnosu do nadarjenih otrok izpostavljamo vzgojiteljeve kognicije, ki so v veliki meri pozitivno naravnane. V sklepih prispevka predstavljamo možne predloge in izboljšave ter opozorimo na nekatere možne sistemske rešitve za delo z nadarjenimi v prihodnje. Predvsem v smislu dodatnega izobraževanja in spopolnjevanja na nacionalnem nivojubogatega učnega gradiva, učil, učnih pripomočkov in specialno-didaktičnih priporočilkrajših izobraževanj, delavnic idr


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    The following article presents the results of research, whose purpose was the analysis of the artistic creativity level and development of fine arts skills among students in the third cycle of elementary school. We monitored the level of artistic creativity and analysed the differences between artistic creativity from the viewpoint of factors among eighth-grade students of different elementary schools in Maribor, Slovenia. The aim of the research, which included 101 students (n=101), was to highlight the importance of art-oriented educational work on creativity among students finishing elementary school, in comparison to the students of lower grades. The results revealed that the level of artistic creativity between genders, showed statistically significant differences in only one factor – fluency, with the girls being more successful. There was a tendency of elaboration and flexibility, where girls achieved slightly better results as well. In comparison to previous research, we can conclude that the girls in lower and higher grades were more creative than boys

    Gregor Krek in začetki slavistike na Univerzi v Gradcu

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    Dejavnost in znanstveno delo Gregorja Kreka spadajo v obdobje institucionalizacije predmeta slovanske filologije v okviru skupne zamisli indoevropskega jezikoslovja na srednjeevropskih univerzah, med drugim na »Univerzo za južni in jugovzhodni del cesarstva«, tj. Univerzi Karla in Franca v Gradcu. *** Gregor Krek’s activity and scholarship belong to the era when Slavic philology was institutionalized as a field as part of general efforts in Indo-European linguistics at universities in Central Europe, including at the “university serving the south and southeast part of the empire” – that is, the University of Graz


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    Sestavek govori o didaktično metodičnih možnostih uporabe slik, plakatov in razstave pri pouku. Avtorica posebej izpostavi sliko in poster kot motivacijsko sredstvo in opredeli potek učnega dela ob uporabi teh sredstev. Prikazanih je nekaj primerov različnih sodobnih didaktičnih pristopov k slikam in postrom. Tudi razstava omogoča aktivnost učencev. Skupna značilnost teh metod je, da spodbujajo pri učencih ustvarjalnost in jih usmerjajo v oblikovanje in uporabo novih idej pri delu.Rad govori o upotrebi slika, postera i izložbe u nastavnom procesu. Sve ovo ima veliki utjecaj na motivaciju učenika. U radu je izloženo nekoliko primjera modernog pristupa i dobre upotrebe ovog materiala u nastavi. Isto tako je izložba radova učenika vrlo interesantna jer prokazuje na kreativnost mladih. Suvremena strategija učenja i poučavanja pomoću slika, postera i izložbe učeničkih radova omogućava inovativnost učenika i stimulaciju za nove ideje koje služe za bolji uspjeha učenika.The article treats the possibilities of the use of pictures, posters and exhibitions in lessons. The author believes the pictures and posters to be a good motivational device and talks about the teaching process involving the use of this teaching material. A few examples of various modern didactic approaches to the use of pictures and posters are presented. Also, the exhibition enables the greater activity of the students. The common feature of these methods is that they all encourage creativity and stimulate students to form new ideas and apply them in their work

    Cognitive Efficiency of Slovenian, Indian and Gambian Gifted Students in Performing Mental Tasks

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    In this paper, we present a comparative analysis between registered gifted Slovenian, Gambian, and Indian students in which we sought to find out how they perform in solving selected mental tasks, where we were focused on logical-mathematical and spatial intelligence as a function of the social environment from which the students came. We found that the results for the test groups differed. Out of ten task sets, Slovenian students performed better than their Indian and Gambian peers in as many as seven task sets; in four tasks we found a statistically significant difference between Slovenian and Indian children, and a comparison between Slovenian and Gambian students shows that Slovenian children scored better on mental task sets in all groups