4,773 research outputs found

    Quasi-Coxeter categories and a relative Etingof-Kazhdan quantization functor

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    Let g be a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra and U_h(g) its quantized enveloping algebra. The quantum Weyl group operators of U_h(g) and the universal R-matrices of its Levi subalgebras endow U_h(g) with a natural quasi-Coxeter quasitriangular quasibialgebra structure which underlies the action of the braid group of g and Artin's braid groups on the tensor product of integrable, category O modules. We show that this structure can be transferred to the universal enveloping algebra Ug[[h]]. The proof relies on a modification of the Etingof-Kazhdan quantization functor, and yields an isomorphism between (appropriate completions of) U_h(g) and Ug[[h]] preserving a given chain of Levi subalgebras. We carry it out in the more general context of chains of Manin triples, and obtain in particular a relative version of the Etingof-Kazhdan functor with input a split pair of Lie bialgebras. Along the way, we develop the notion of quasi-Coxeter categories, which are to generalized braid groups what braided tensor categories are to Artin's braid groups. This leads to their succint description as a 2-functor from a 2-category whose morphisms are De Concini-Procesi associahedra. These results will be used in the sequel to this paper to give a monodromic description of the quantum Weyl group operators of an affine Kac-Moody algebra, extending the one obtained by the second author for a semisimple Lie algebra.Comment: 63 pages. Exposition in sections 1 and 4 improved. Material added: definition of a split pair of Lie bialgebras (sect. 5.2-5.5), 1-jet of the relative twist (5.20), PROP description of the Verma modules L_-,N*_+ (7.6), restriction to Levi subalgebras (8.4), D-structures on Kac-Moody algebras (9.1

    Algebraic K-theory of quasi-smooth blow-ups and cdh descent

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    We construct a semi-orthogonal decomposition on the category of perfect complexes on the blow-up of a derived Artin stack in a quasi-smooth centre. This gives a generalization of Thomason's blow-up formula in algebraic K-theory to derived stacks. We also provide a new criterion for descent in Voevodsky's cdh topology, which we use to give a direct proof of Cisinski's theorem that Weibel's homotopy invariant K-theory satisfies cdh descent.Comment: 24 pages; to appear in Annales Henri Lebesgu

    New Duality Transformations in Orbifold Theory

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    We find new duality transformations which allow us to construct the stress tensors of all the twisted sectors of any orbifold A(H)/H, where A(H) is the set of all current-algebraic conformal field theories with a finite symmetry group H \subset Aut(g). The permutation orbifolds with H = Z_\lambda and H = S_3 are worked out in full as illustrations but the general formalism includes both simple and semisimple g. The motivation for this development is the recently-discovered orbifold Virasoro master equation, whose solutions are identified by the duality transformations as sectors of the permutation orbifolds A(D_\lambda)/Z_\lambda.Comment: 48 pages,typos correcte

    Acyclic curves and group actions on affine toric surfaces

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