165,415 research outputs found

    The history of written language disorders: reexamining Pitres’ case (1884) of pure agraphia

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    The first clinical description of pure agraphia was reported by the French neurologist Pitres in 1884. Pitres used the case study evidence to argue for modality-specific memory representations and the localization of writing. This article reviews Pitres’s contribution to the study of acquired writing disorders, the components of writing models and the cerebral localization which subserve writing, in light of the views entertained by his contemporaries and current authors. Although numerous cases have been reported throughout this century, the view that writing can be impaired while other language functions and motor activities remain intact is still challenged

    Awareness, attitudes and knowledge about evidence based medicine among doctors in Gaza:A cross sectional survey

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    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has emerged as a strategy to integrate research evidence within clinical decision-making. We have explored awareness, knowledge and attitudes about EBM among doctors in the Gaza Strip. In 2014, we conducted a cross-sectional survey among doctors working in health centres in Gaza, using a 20 item, web-based self-administered questionnaire. Approximately two thirds of the respondents welcomed EBM in principle, and believed that it could improve patient care. However, they had a relatively low level of knowledge about EBM. The main barriers to EBM mentioned by respondents were lack of knowledge needed to practise EBM [n= 47 (35%)]; negative attitude among senior colleagues [n= 34 (25%)]; lack of relevant resources [n= 31 (23%)]; work overload [n= 27 (20%)]; and lack of institutional support [n= 248 (18%)]. Thus, there are personal and organisational barriers to its practice that need to be addressed


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    Article synthétique sur les médecines en Inde, de la période coloniale à aujourd'hui

    Detection of Change--Points in the Spectral Density. With Applications to ECG Data

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    We propose a new method for estimating the change-points of heart rate in the orthosympathetic and parasympathetic bands, based on the wavelet transform in the complex domain and the study of the change-points in the moments of the modulus of these wavelet transforms. We observe change-points in the distribution for both bands.Comment: proceeding of the workshop 'Fouille de donn\'ees temporelles et analyse de flux de donn\'ees' EGC'2009, january 27, Strasbourg, Franc

    Nutritional outcomes in HIV Exposed Infants in the Mingha Program, Dschang-Cameroon (2003-2011)

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    Background: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) is a set of interventions that contribute in reducing the risk of HIV transmission from mother (parents) to the child. The infant feeding choice in the HIV context remains a key item of PMTCT. This study aimed at evaluating the nutritional status of children followed by the Mingha / PMTCT program in the Dschang Health District (DHD) during 09 years of activities. We used a descriptive study based on retrospective data from an intervention conducted at the DHD between 2003 and 2011 on a group of mother-child pairs in the PMTCT (Mingha/PMTCT) facilitation program. The intervention was the formula feeding given to the children from birth till 18 months. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS Version 18 software. Results: Among 328 children accessed, we had a sex ratio of 0.83 with more boys than girls. Severe wasting was found only within 11 boys (3.26%) and only <6 months old children were concerned. Moderate wasting was found among 6 girls (1.74%) and 5 boys (1.52%) and <6 months old children were highly concerned 10 (3.17%). Overweight (3.26%) was highly predominant among 8 boys (2.24%) and except those of <6 months, all the other age groups were concerned. There were no cases of obesity or stunting. Conclusions: The nutritional status of the Mingha/PMTCT program children was quite satisfactory. It characterizes the hope for a suitable nutritional follow up of children in HIV context. Therefore programs like Mingha/PMTCT should be promoted and transferred to other Health Districts and even resource-limited countries

    Self-machinery?: steel trusses and the management of ruptures in eighteenth-century Europe

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    Abstract: Effectiveness Of Rice Husk Ash And Poly Aluminum Chloride In Reducing Exposure Colour Liquid Waste Industry Sasirangan. Sasirangan fabric industry is the textile of industry in Kalimantan Selatan produce wastewater of dyeing cloth sasirangan process that uses water as a primary adjuvant in stage process.The study aims to determine the effectiveness of rice husk ash and Poly Aluminium Chloridereduce levels of dyes in wastewater sasirangan "Oriens Handycraft". This study tested a laboratory scale with dose variation of rice husk ash and Poly Aluminium Chloride for reduced levels of dyes in wastewater sasirangan. The study design is a randomized pretest - posttest control group design. The population of the waste liquid fabric manufacturesasirangan results and samples are the waste from the manufacture of cloth sasirangan which represents the population. This study conduct statistical tests usingKruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney Test.Theresultsofthestudyof color levels priorto treatment equal to 2,712 PtCo and after treatment ranges from 676.3 to 978.7 PtCo at a dose of 58 grams of rice husk ash; 59 g; 60 g; 61 g; 62 gr and Poly Aluminium Chloride 0.5 gr. For a dose of 58 grams of rice husk ash; 59 g; 60 g; 61 g; 62 gr and Poly Aluminium Chloride 1 g of color levels before treatment and after PtCo 1775 amounted to 227.7 PtCo ranges up to 240 PtCo. Rice husk ash and Poly Aluminium Chloride effective at pH 6.5 - 7. Results of normality test showed abnormal data. Kruskal Wallis test probability value 0.002 <0.05, there is a difference between the average dosing in the control group and the treatment group and the Mann-Whitney Test probability value of 0.009 (0.018 <0.05), the rice husk ash dosing and Poly Aluminium Chloride 1 g more effective than rice husk ash dosing and Poly Aluminium Chloride 0.5 g.Efforts government can do is provide the appropriate policy on effluent quality standards and attention to industrial waste disposal sasirangan. For the industry can manage its waste before waste into the environment. Keywords: SasiranganWaste; Materials coagulant; pH; Dye

    Prevalence of stress among Iranian medical students: A questionnaire survey

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    A cross-sectional study measured the frequency of self-reported stress symptoms among a weighted random sample of medical students in Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran. The data were gathered using the Kessler 10-item psychological distress scale. The overall prevalence of stress among 222 students was 61.3% and there were no statistically significant differences in stress levels between students in the pre-clinical and clinical phases or different years of study. Married students had significantly lower scores than single students but there were no differences between the sexes. Students who chose to study medicine had lower stress scores than those who were influenced by family or had no choice about the subject. Students with mild to moderate stress were significantly more likely to suffer physical problems (OR = 4.42). Interventions are needed to tackle stress and improve Iranian medical students' physical and psychological well-being

    The taeniasis-cysticercosis complex in Cameroon

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    Call for papers and conferences / Appels de communications et conférences

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