394,980 research outputs found

    Topical scientific researches into resource-saving technologies of mineral mining and processing

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    Table of contents Preface . 5 Malanchuk Z.R., Soroka V.S., Lahodniuk O.A., Marchuk M.M. Physical-mechanical and technological features of amber extraction in the Rivne-Volyn region of Ukraine . 6 Moshynskyi, V.S., Korniyenko V.Ya., Khrystyuk A.O., Solvar L.M. Research of energy effective parameters of the process of hydro mechanical extraction of amber from sandy deposits . 24 Mohamed Tafsir Diallo, Mamadou Oury Fatoumata Diallo Tidal Park – Modeling and Control Strategy . 38 Savina N.B., Malanchuk L.O., Ignatiuk I.Z., Moshchych S.Z. Institutional basis and trends of management of the use of the subsoil in Ukraine . 51 Dedelyanova Kr.Y. Column flotation machine – innovative aeration, vibra-tory – acoustic and technological researches . 60 Makarenko V.D., Manhura A.M., Lartseva I.I., Manhura S.I. Magnetic field on asphalt, resin, paraffin and salt deposits 79 Krzysztof Tomiczek The problem of beds stability in the conditions of undermining higher deposited beds in the context of selected analytical solutions . 95 Safonyk A.P., Koziar M.M., Martyniuk P.M., Fylypchuk V.L. Management of pollution - purification system for mining plants . 117 Marinela Panayotova, Vladko Panayotov Recent developments in the flotation of sulfide ores of base metals - bioflotation . 130 Remez N., Dychko A., Bronytskyi V., Kraychuk S. Simulation of shock waves from explosion of mixture explosive charges . 149 Melodi M.M. Akande V.O. Analysis of productivity and technical efficiency in granite aggregate production in selected quarries in south-western, Nigeria . 166 Doroshenko Ya.V., Karpash O.M., Rybitskyi I.V. Investigation of dispersed contaminates influence on the hydraulic energy consumption of elements of gas pipeline systems with complex geometry . 182 Skipochka S.I., Krukovskyi O.P., Krukovska V.V., Palamarchuk T.A. Features of methane emission in coal mines at high speed longwall face advance 208 Daouda Keita, Valery Pozdnyakov Statistical analysis of experimental data on the indices of operation of the loading units of the bauxite compa-ny of Guinea (CBG) . 226 Yevhenii Malanchuk, Sergiy Stets, Ruslan Zhomyruk, Andriy Stets Modeling of the process of mining of zeolite-smectite tuffs by hydro-well method . 244 Samusia V. I., Kyrychenko Y. О., Cheberiachko I. M., Trofymova, O. P. Development of experimental methods to study heterogenic flows in the context of hydraulic hoisting design . 260 Makarenko V.D., Kharchenko M.O., Manhura A.M., Petrash O.V. Magnetic treatment of production fluid with high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits . 268 Kovshun N.E., Ignatiuk I.Z., Moshchych S.Z. Malanchuk L.O. Innovative model of development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine 279 Bondarenko А.O., Ostapchuk O.V. Design and implementation of a jet pump dredge . 296 Sotskov V.O., Dereviahina N.I. Research of dependencies of stope stress-strain state change under various conditions of partial stowing of developed space . 305 Sakhno S., Liulchenko Y., Chyrva T., Pischikova O. Determination of bear-ing capacity and calculation of the gain of the damaged span of a railway overpass by the finite element method . 326 Melodi М.М., Ojulari M.K. Oluwafemi V.I. Economic and environmental impacts of artisanal gold mining on near-by community of Sauka-Kahuta, Nigeria . 340 Kruchkov A.I., Besarabets Y.J., Yevtieieva L.I. Energy saving modes of excavators type power shovel . 353 Hryhorash M.V., Kuzminskyi V.P., Ovchinnikova O.V., Kukhar V.Yu. Energy saving through quality of technical water: new types of mechanical screen filters for various links of water treatment . 369 Didenko M. The modeling of the interaction of rock mass and compliant lining while it is expanded . 394 Makarenko V.D., Liashenko A.V. Complex approach to research and selection of hydrocarbon solvents for asphaltene-resin-paraffin-hydrate deposits control . 408 Mykhailovska O.V., Zotsenko M.L. Investigation of the oscillations amplitudes bases and foundations of the forming machine . 417 Inkin O.V., Puhach A.M., Dereviahina N.I. Physical-chemical and technological parameters of improving profitability of underground coal burning . 42

    Sarnia-Lambton Association: Wetland Treatment of Wastewater

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    This document describes the functions and values of wetlands, and includes keywords and illustrations. Wetlands have received wastewater discharges from many different situations in the past, but only recently have they been recognized as potentially cost-efficient treatment systems. They can effectively remove or convert large quantities of pollutants from point sources (municipal and industrial wastewaters) and non-point sources (mine, agricultural and urban runoff). Educational levels: High school, Middle school, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division

    Design criteria monograph for liquid propellant gas generators

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    Monograph reviews and assesses current design practices, and from them establishes firm guidance for achieving greater consistency in design, increased reliability in end product, and greater efficiency in design effort. Main emphasis of monograph is on bipropellant gas generators using hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine monopropellants

    Unions, Associations and Twenty-First Century Professionals

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    [Excerpt] Unions that represent professional and technical workers are at a critical juncture in their evolution. On the one hand, there is tremendous opportunity; disproportionate employment growth can be expected for professional and technical occupations in health care, education, science and technology, performing arts, media and communication. On the other hand, there are clear challenges. Professional labor markets and the contemporary workplace are being reconfigured by neoliberal economic policies, technological change, and the spread of contingent employment arrangements. Twenty-first century professional workers will respond positively to unions only if they see organizations that are agile enough to adapt to the workers\u27 own shifting concerns

    Blueprint for Change: A National Assessment of Winning Union Organizing Strategies

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    In the last seven years the AFL-CIO has put forth an immense effort to facilitate, support, and encourage organizing initiatives by all affiliates. Although to date progress has been much slower than the leadership of the labor movement had hoped, more recently there have been some signs that those efforts are beginning to bear fruit. A growing number of unions are putting more resources into organizing, recruiting and training more organizers, running more organizing campaigns, winning more elections and voluntary recognitions, and winning them in larger units. Yet, despite all the new initiatives and resources being devoted to organizing and all the talk of changing to organize, American unions today are at best standing still. Massive employment losses in manufacturing, retail, hospitality, and airline industries have eliminated hundreds of thousands of union jobs, raising the bar even higher for the number of new workers needed to maintain current union density, much less grow. At the same time, the political climate for organizing has become ever more hostile as the threat of terrorism and the fog of war have been used to justify a full scale attack on civil liberties, federal sector unions, immigrant workers, and organizing and collective bargaining rights. Even in this climate, some unions, in some industries, have still managed to make major organizing gains, despite intensive employer opposition. In just the last several years we have witnessed significant victories such as CWA at Cingular Wireless, IFPTE at Boeing, UAW at New York University, PACE at Imerys, SEIU at Catholic Healthcare West, UNITE at Brylane, and HERE in the Las Vegas hotels. Although there was great variation in the industry, workforce, union, and company characteristics in each of these campaigns, still a pattern becomes evident—the unions that are most successful at organizing run fundamentally different campaigns, in both quality and intensity, than those that are less successful. In this paper we focus on these fundamental differences in the nature of winning and losing campaigns which provide us with a blueprint for the kinds of comprehensive organizing strategies that are required to win across a wide range of organizing environments and company and unit characteristics. We also look at the strategic, organizational, and cultural changes the U.S. labor movement must make in order to be able to mount these more comprehensive campaigns and make the gains necessary to significantly increase union density and the political and economic power that goes with it

    Skills, organisational performance and economic activity in the hospitality industry : a literature review

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    This monograph aims to understand the pressures which push organisations to adopt particular routes to competitive advantage. The monograph aims to discover if the best practice high skill, high wage and high quality route is used in the hospitality industry. It seeks to determine the influence of companies' product market strategies and their in-company and external structural factors on skills levels, work organisation, job design and people management systems. The monograph looked at the notion of best practice approaches and then moved on to consider the best way to carry forward the future research agenda of reviewing the nature of human resource management (HRM) in the hospitality sector. Conclusions were drawn from a range of interviews and from existing work which has sought to address the issue of HRM in the hospitality sector

    Trade’s Hidden Costs: Worker Rights in a Changing World Economy

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    [Excerpt] For decades, the U.S. foreign assistance program has sought with limited results to further economic development and growth in Third World countries. We have witnessed some countries making real progress toward development through industrialization, only to find more of their people trapped in hunger and poverty. Hopefully, it is apparent that for development to be effective, it must benefit the broadest sectors of the population within any society. Why are worker rights crucial to the development process? The capacity to form unions and to bargain collectively to achieve higher wages and safer working conditions is essential to the overall struggle of working people everywhere to achieve minimally decent living standards and to overcome hunger and poverty. The denial of worker rights, especially in Third World countries, tends to perpetuate poverty, to limit the benefits of economic development and growth to narrow, privileged elites and to sow the seeds of social instability and political rebellion
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