944,723 research outputs found

    Developing Strategic Marketing Plan

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    This publication is first in a series targeted for Coordinators and Managers within Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach Programs concerned with developing continuous quality improvement approaches. This early publication focuses on understanding strategies for market position, strategic planning and provides a tool for conducting an organizational self-assessment along with a stakeholder analysi

    Personal Marketing Plan and Its Influence on Employability

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    The objective of this paper is to review and analyze the main components of a personal marketing plan Engineers in Business Management Graduates ITLAC for better employability in the labor market. The analys is assumes that currently personal marketing has become an in dispensable tool to achieve professional and personal success, enabling graduates of this professional profile make selling your image to achieve their objectives and goals. The method used is descriptive analytic from a literature review. Finallya marketing personal marketing plan is proposed.Keywords. Graduates, Employability, Personal image, The labor market and personal marketing plan.JEL. I21, J44, L84, M31


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    Hospitality marketing: Principles and practice (2nd Edition)

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    Ideal for those new to the topic of marketing, this book discusses the eight elements of the marketing mix with direct reference to the specifics of the hospitality industry.Part A: Introduction: Introduction to hospitality marketing; Part B: Pre-encounter marketing; Marketing research; Understanding and segmenting customers; Competitive strategies; Developing the offer; Locating the offer; Pricing the offer; Distributing the offer; Communicating the offer; Part C: Encounter marketing; Managing the physical environment; Managing service processes; Managing customer-contact employees; Part D: Post-encounter marketing; Managing customer satisfaction; Relationship marketing; Part E: The marketing plan; Marketing Planning.434 page(s)2nd ed


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    The paper aims to highlight the strategic planning role and place in bank marketing, define the concepts of strategic planning and marketing planning and the tactical planning, marketing plan and marketing program. In this context, the author emphasize the strategic marketing planning process and its implementation stages (defining the specific mission, environmental analysis, formulation of objectives, strategies, action plans and programs, implementation, testing, overhaul and performance evaluation). Also, are reviewed organizational and decision levels specific for the strategic planning, higher organizational level, strategic unit level and operational level and the criteria considered in formulating objectives: acceptability, flexibility, motivating character, clarity, feasibility and compatibility.marketing plan; marketing planning; strategic planning; tactical planning; marketing program; higher organizational level; unit level strategic; operational level

    Perancangan Marketing Plan sebagai Salah Satu Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan pada Pa Tani Organik

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    Ketertarikan masyarakat untuk mengkonsumsi makanan organic mulai meningkat, dalam hal ini adalah sayuran dan buah. Masyarakat mulai perduli terhadap kesehatan. “Pa Tani Organik” salah satu produsen penghasil sayur dan buah organic berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat tersebut. Proses pemasaran yang selama ini dilakukan melalui direct marketing. Untuk meningkatkan penjualan pada “Pa Tani Organik” maka perlu dirancang marketing plan agar diperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Analisa strategi akan dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi 5C (Company, Customer, Competitor, Collaborator, Context); Analisa SWOT; analisa STP (Segmentasi, Targeting, Positioning); Analisa 4P (Product, Price, Promotion, Place)

    Marketing Plan for Company X

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    In the globalization era where competition is tighter than ever, creating a sustainable and customized marketing strategy that would withstand the fast shift in trends is of utmost importance. Unfortunately, many B2B businesses are still underestimating innovative B2C channels, which leads to the late adoption of marketing trend. Company X is also experiencing this problem where they are too dependent on clients' loyalty. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to create a tailored and innovative marketing plan for Company X. Qualitative method will be utilized by interviewing internal and external parties related with Company X. The findings show that creating a consumer-centric company supported with the multichannel model will be beneficial in increasing awareness, exposure and even sales of Company X

    Social Networking: Changing the way we communicate and do business.

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    This paper reviews the value of social networking and the impact it can have on small and large businesses. The paper also reviews the Social Networking Business Plan and the power of recommender networks. Examples are given of inbound and outbound marketing techniques. Social Networking is an integral part of inbound marketing. A synopsis of the evolving demographic of social networkers is presented to add clarity and show potential for social networking websites and tools.social networking, business, Facebook, The Social Network Business Plan, Social Networking Strategy, social networking demographics, inbound marketing, outbound marketing, advertising in the 21st century

    Buffalo Niagara Convention & Visitors Bureau

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    The CVB is currently drafting a five-year strategic plan that will guide its sales and marketing efforts on behalf of the local tourism industry. The plan, when complete, will serve to refine the CVB’s mission as a destination marketing organization and the official tourism promotion agency for Erie County. Focus groups have been conducted with a variety of partner organizations representing the hotel, restaurant, retail, attraction, sports, cultural and philanthropic communities. In-person interviews with key stakeholders and written surveys will supplement the focus group data that has been collected. The entire CVB board will participate in drafting the plan and approving its final recommendations. A draft plan is expected to be submitted by September 1, 2008. As of October 2, 2008 no drafts had been released to the public

    Marketing Plan sebagai Upaya Pencapaian Strategi Pemasaran Perguruan Tinggi Swasta

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    Marketing Plan digunakan untuk membantu pihak manajemen untuk menjalankan pemasarannya. Hasil kerja tahun lalu tergolong berhasil namun belum mencapai target yang diharapkan. Hal ini terjadi karena ketatnya persaingan dan kurangnya kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan Oleh Politeknik Pos Indonesia, sehingga hal tersebut akan menjadi peluang bagi pesaing untuk mengambil bagian pasar yang tersedia. Jika hal ini terus berlanjut maka Politeknik Pos Indonesia dapat berkurang jumlah mahasiswa. Didukung oleh sarana dan prasarana kampus yang lengkap seperti : lapangan tenis dan badminton, internet yang memadai dan gratis dengan mendaftarkan user pada tehnisi, untuk menunjang dan memperluas jangkauan belajar dan waktu belajar dan sarana informasi yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa. Strategi yang dilakukan Politeknik Pos Indonesia dengan melihat Kekuatan, kelemahan, Peluang dan Ancaman yang ada, sebagai berikut : Langkah yang dilakukan Politeknik Pos Indonesia untuk menerapkan strategi, anggaran pemasaran, Pengawasan dilakukan oleh Direktur Politeknik Pos Indonesia dibantu oleh Wakil Direktur dengan schedule yang telah direncanakan. Pengawasan dilaukan dengan membaca dan mempelajari laporan tertulis dari pelaksanaan. Kegiatan pengawasan adalah mengukur atau menilai pelaksaanaan atau hasil pekerjaan dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan kesepakatan