898 research outputs found

    LÀxor som grÀnsobjekt för samverkan mellan hem och skola?

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    Studien analyserar läxor i ett läxsamarbe- te mellan hem och skola. Tidigare forskning med interaktiva läxor mellan hem och skola har studerat samarbetets betydelse för elev- ernas resultat. Här studeras däremot hur läx- or som utgår ifrån föräldrarnas erfarenheter kan bidra till samarbetet och till ett specifikt innehåll. Datamaterialet består av intervjuer, klassrumsobservationer och elevtexter insam- lade i samband med ett utvecklingsprojekt på en multietnisk och flerspråkig högstadieskola. Eleverna diskuterade läxan först i klassen, sedan hemma och därefter tillsammans i klas- sen – på så sätt kunde föräldrarnas bidrag bli en resurs för hela klassen. Begreppet gräns- objekt (Star & Griesemer, 1989) används för att analysera vad som kännetecknade de läxor som ledde till samtal i hemmen och i skolan. När innehållet i undervisningen stod i centrum skapades en annan sorts samarbete än det som traditionellt äger rum vid föräldramöten och utvecklingssamtal. Samarbetet med läxorna karakteriserades av diskussioner och samtal mellan ungdomar och vuxna om skolgång och barndom i olika delar av världen och kring existentiella frågor. Resultatet visar att läxor som berörde förälskelse, Mellanöstern och re- ligion inte kunde fungera som gränsobjekt. Re- sultatet visar också att föräldrar som i annan forskning emellanåt beskrivs som ett problem i samarbetet mellan hem och skola kunde bidra med sina livserfarenheter och värderingar till undervisningen. Studien ger en indikation om att lärare inte på egen hand kan skapa läxor för alla elever i flerspråkiga och multietniska klasser. För att lyckas krävs ett innehållsligt samarbete med elever och föräldrar.The study analyses homework assignments in a collaboration project between home and school. Previous research into interactive homework between home and school have studied the importance of this cooperation for student achievement. Here, however, a study is made of how homework assignments that are based on parents’ experiences can contribute to cooperation, and to specific content. The data consists of interviews, classroom obser- vations and student texts collected during a development project in a multi-ethnic, multi- lingual secondary school. Students discussed the homework assignment in their class first, then at home and then together in class so that the parents’ contribution could become a resource for the entire class. The concept of boundary object (Star & Griesemer, 1989) is used to analyse what characterised the home- 96776_nordiske udkast_1-2013_2k.indd 83 10-03-2014 11:32:59 84 Engelske resuméer work assignments that led to discussion at home and at school. When the content of teach- ing is central, a different kind of cooperation than that which traditionally takes place at parent-teacher meetings and parent/teacher meetings is created. Collaboration in relation to homework was characterised by discussions and conversations between young people and adults about schooling and childhood in vari- ous parts of the world and on existential issues. Results show that homework assignments that included subjects such as love, the Middle East and religion could not function as boundary objects. Results also show that parents, who in other research contexts are sometimes described as a problem in the collaboration be- tween home and school, could contribute their life experiences and values to the teaching. The study provides an indication that teachers, on their own, cannot create homework for all the students in multilingual, multiethnic classes. Success requires content related collaboration from students and parents

    Motivation inom trumundervisningen: en studie om trumelevers inre och yttre motivation

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    Motivation in drum education – A study in drum students intrinsic and extrinsic motivation What motivates drum students to practise their instrument? The purpose of this study is to get an insight of what factors motivates to play and prioritize the instrument. Motivation is of both intrinsic and extrinsic nature. The intrinsic motivation drives us to act without getting any external reward while the extrinsic motivation drives us to act to get a reward that doesn’t have to do with the context. A qualitative survey was implemented where students from school of music, school of art and students from arts program answered questions regarding their interests in drumming. The survey has been processed and interpreted based on hermeneutic theory. The results show that most students who begin to practise an instrument do it because of outer influences. Those who decide to continue their playing have increased the intrinsic motivation and have a goal with their playing. Positive feedback from family and friends is significant and playing in ensemble is considered fun and stimulating.Vad motiverar trumelever att spela sitt instrument? Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att fĂ„ en inblick i vilka faktorer som motiverar att spela och prioritera sitt instrument. Motivation Ă€r av bĂ„de inre och yttre natur. Den inre motivationen driver oss att handla utan att fĂ„ yttre belöning, medan den yttre motivationen driver oss att handla för att fĂ„ en belöning som inte hör ihop med handlingen i sig. En kvalitativ enkĂ€tundersökning har genomförts, dĂ€r elever frĂ„n musikskola, kulturskola och estetiska programmet har svarat pĂ„ kvalitativa frĂ„gor angĂ„ende deras intresse för trummor. EnkĂ€ten har bearbetats och tolkats med grund i hermeneutiken. Resultatet visar att de flesta som börjar spela ett instrument gör det av en yttre pĂ„verkan. De som vĂ€ljer att spela under en lĂ€ngre tid har hittat den inre motivationen och har ett mĂ„l med sitt spelande. Positiva reaktioner frĂ„n omgivningen Ă€r betydande och att spela tillsammans med andra anses vara bĂ„de roligt och viktigt för utvecklingen

    Svenska i finska gymnasier

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    Bedömnings-, dokumentationspraktiker och pedagogiska identiteter

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    When competition and an increasing level of marketisation characterises school life, the number of evaluations and the level of control has grown out of proportion. Through comparisons, assessments and ranking systems, also called ‘the terrors of performativity’ according to Ball (2003) commercial agents have gained influence over practices of assessment and documentation within the education system. Increased demands on pupils’ and parents’ participation and a belief that written documentation will lead to better results has caused an extensive use of different web based tools like Unikum. With the point of departure in a collected material of more than a hundred Individual Educations Plans (IEP) where commercial web based tools have been used, we make an analysis with Basil Bernstein’s (1996, 2000) concepts Pedagogic Identity, and Instructional and Regulative discourse in relation to expectations and constructions manifest in the plans. The results show that all four identities are expressed in the plans however, with an emphasis on a neo-liberal identity. We discuss the results in relation to the instructional and regulative discourses. The conclusion is that the tools both shape and determine possible identities and possible discourses in the web based interaction between children, parents and teachers

    Skolan som Inkluderingsverktyg: Tre elevers upplevelser av effekterna av beslutet att lÀgga ned RosengÄrdsskolans högstadium

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    RosengÄrdsskolan i Malmö fick under sina sista Är symbolisera de dalande resultaten i den svenska skolan pÄ ett nationellt plan. En lÄg mÄluppfyllelse och ohÄllbar arbetsmiljö ledde under 2013 till att skolans högstadium avvecklades med omedelbar verkan. Eleverna frÄn högstadiet spreds till skolor fördelade över hela staden. Den hÀr uppsatsen syftar till att reda ut om beslutet att lÀgga ned RosengÄrdsskolans högstadium fÄtt de positiva effekterna för eleverna som avsÄgs, men ocksÄ att vidare diskutera om det gjort att elevernas chanser till en vidare inkludering i samhÀllet ökat. I uppsatsen presenteras tre elevers berÀttelser och upplevelser av skolbytet och med hjÀlp av tidigare forskning och teori diskuteras deras berÀttelser i ett inkluderingsperspektiv. Slutsatsen Àr att de mÄl som avsÄgs med beslutet att lÀgga ned högstadiet generellt verkar ha uppfyllts och fÄtt positiva effekter i elevernas liv och för deras vidare inkludering i samhÀllet

    ” To be able to combine them you need to have a certain attitude towards what you are willing to do for sports and what you want to sacrifice.” : A thematic analysis of interviews with athletes in high school about dual careers.

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    Aim. The purpose of this study was to examine what perceptions athletic high school students have regarding the challenges and opportunities of a dual career. A successful dual career depends not only on the student himself, but also other factors have a strong influence on whether they succeed in combining sports with studies. Previous research shows that, among other things, the role of the support network is important for the young athlete. The study will also clarify how athletic students experience differences in schooling between themselves and non-athletes. In addition, the study reports for which skills athletes feel are important in both sports and studies. Methods. This study has been done in the form of a qualitative interview study. Eleven (11) athletes from a Swedish speaking high school in Finland participated in the study. The material was collected through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and were then analyzed with a thematic analysis model. Results and conclusions. The perceptions of what enables and challenges a successful dual career are unequivocal. The results of this study confirm the role of support network, however, it turns out that some people are considered to be more important than others. Flexible schedules and arrangements also proved to be essential for the young athletes. Furthermore, it can also be pointed out that factors such as sufficient sleep and nutrition, as well as a healthy approach to both sports and studies can have a positive effect on the dual career. Everyday life differs significantly between athletes and non-athletes and the biggest difference is the amount of school for the two different groups. In addition, it can be stated that the rights of athletic students help them combine the two, and without these privileges, schooling would be more similar to the non-athletes’ everyday school life. The results also show that athletes feel that certain skills, such as responsibility and mental strength, are essential as both an athlete and student.MĂ„l. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hurdana uppfattningar idrottande gymnasieelever har gĂ€llande dubbelkarriĂ€rens utmaningar och möjligheter. En lyckad dubbelkarriĂ€r beror inte enbart pĂ„ eleven sjĂ€lv, utan Ă€ven andra faktorer har en stark pĂ„verkan pĂ„ huruvida de lyckas kombinera idrott med studier. Tidigare forskning visar att bland annat stödnĂ€tverkets roll Ă€r viktigt för den unga idrottaren. Studien ska dessutom klargöra för hur idrottseleverna upplever skillnader i skolgĂ„ngen mellan sig sjĂ€lv och icke-idrottare. DĂ€rtill redovisar studien för vilka fĂ€rdigheter idrottare upplever att Ă€r viktiga bĂ„de inom idrott och studier. Metoder. Denna studie har gjorts i form av en kvalitativ intervjustudie. I studien deltog elva (11) idrottande gymnasieelever frĂ„n ett svensksprĂ„kigt gymnasium i Finland. Materialet samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna transkriberades och har dĂ€refter analyserats med en tematisk analysmodell. Resultat och slutsatser. Uppfattningarna om vad som möjliggör och utmanar en lyckad dubbelkarriĂ€r Ă€r entydiga. Studiens resultat bekrĂ€ftar stödnĂ€tverkets roll, dock visar det sig att vissa personer anses ha en större betydelse Ă€n andra. Flexibla scheman och arrangemang visade sig Ă€ven vara essentiellt för de idrottande ungdomarna. Vidare kan det Ă€ven poĂ€ngteras att faktorer som till exempel tillrĂ€ckligt med sömn och nĂ€ring, samt ett sunt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till bĂ„de idrott och studier kan inverka positivt pĂ„ dubbelkarriĂ€ren. Vardagen skiljer sig signifikant mellan idrottare och icke-idrottare och den största skillnaden Ă€r mĂ€ngden skola för de tvĂ„ olika grupperna. DĂ€rtill gĂ„r det att konstatera att idrottselevernas rĂ€ttigheter hjĂ€lper dem kombinera studier och idrott och utan dessa privilegier skulle skolgĂ„ngen likna mer de icke-idrottarnas skolvardag. Resultaten pĂ„visar ocksĂ„ att idrottseleverna upplever att vissa fĂ€rdigheter, som till exempel ansvarstagande och mental styrka, Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande som bĂ„de idrottare och student

    A thematic analysis of caregivers’ experiences on the digital communication with the class teacher

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    The digital communication between home and school has developed for a longer period besides the digitalization in our society. Studies have shown that the perception of digital communication related to school context varies and there is also an ongoing discussion about it in the media. The purpose of this study is to discover how caregivers experience the digital communication with the class teacher, and which tools are working well and not so well depending on different parts of the everyday school day. This study was executed as a qualitative study and the data was collected through an electronic form. The form was answered by 19 caregivers with children in grades 1-6 in basic education. The analysis in this study was conducted as a thematic analysis. Wilma and social media were used for digital communication between caregivers and class teachers. The digital communication tools were experienced as well functioning in informative occasions but not as well in situations that required a dialog. Lack of guidelines in the usage of digital communication tools were experienced to cause misunderstandings. Results in this study shows that awareness among caregivers and class teachers of how digital communication tools are used can conduct to a development of the digital communication to at best become an effective and smooth way to communicate. This benefits all partners. A well-reasoned usage of digital communication tools increases a feeling of participation and conducts to a feeling of welcomed in the school as a caregiver.Utvecklingen av den digitala kommunikationen mellan hem och skola har skett under en lĂ€ngre tid vid sidan av digitaliseringen i vĂ„rt samhĂ€lle. Studier visar att uppfattningen av digital kommunikation i skolkontext Ă€r varierande och en diskussion kring det pĂ„gĂ„r Ă€ven i medierna. Undersökningen gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att ta reda pĂ„ hur vĂ„rdnadshavare upplever den digitala kommunikationen med klasslĂ€raren gĂ€llande elevens skolvardag, samt vilka medel som fungerar bra eller mindre bra beroende pĂ„ olika delomrĂ„den inom skolvardagen. Studien utfördes som en kvalitativ studie och materialet samlades in genom en elektronisk enkĂ€t. EnkĂ€ten besvarades av 19 vĂ„rdnadshavare med barn i Ă„rskurserna 1–6 inom den grundlĂ€ggande utbildningen. Studiens analys gjordes i form av en tematisk analys. Wilma och sociala medier anvĂ€ndes för digital kommunikation mellan vĂ„rdnadshavare och klasslĂ€raren. De digitala kommunikationsmedlen upplevdes fungera vid informerande tillfĂ€llen men i situationer dĂ€r en dialog krĂ€vdes lĂ€mpade de sig inte lika vĂ€l. Brister pĂ„ riktlinjer i anvĂ€ndandet av de digitala kommunikationsmedlen upplevdes ofta leda till missförstĂ„nd. Resultaten i denna studie visar att medvetenheten hos vĂ„rdnadshavare och lĂ€rare om hur de digitala kommunikationsmedlen anvĂ€nds kan bidra till en utveckling av den digitala kommunikationen som i bĂ€sta fall blir ett effektivt och smidigt sĂ€tt att kommunicera pĂ„. Det gynnar alla parter. Ett genomtĂ€nkt anvĂ€ndande av digitala kommunikationsmedel ökar kĂ€nslan av delaktighet och bidrar till en kĂ€nsla av att som vĂ„rdnadshavare vara vĂ€lkommen i skolan

    ”Barnen talar tvĂ„ sprĂ„k och har tvĂ„ kulturer”

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    Cooperation between school and home is one of the cornerstones in school policies in Sweden, as well as internationally. During the last decades, questions of parental influence and the freedom to choose schools have come to the fore. The importance of well-functioning cooperation between school and home, aiming to support school performance and improve the pupils’ results, is another issue which has been stressed in policy, as well as in research. When implementing a major change, such as developing bilingual education, it is important to have the support and cooperation of the parents. In this paper the views of parents of pupils who received bilingual education in Arabic and Swedish are presented. Data was collected in questionnaires. In addition to information concerning the educational and linguistic background of the family, the parents gave their views on bilingual education in general, and on the bilingual education their children received, in particular. The parents appreciated the bilingual education and emphasized the importance of both mother tongue and Swedish for their children. They regarded bilingualism as an asset and wanted their children to become bilingual and bicultural

    VÀlfÀrdsstaten i förÀndring. En fallstudie om lÀxhjÀlp.

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    In this essay, I have investigated if there has been any change in the welfare regime that hangs together with the help that companies and organizations offer pupils in doing their homework. Primarily, I have been using Esping-AndersenÂŽs classification of three different welfare regimes to understand how shifts and developments can occur within different welfare areas. Through interviews with organizations that offer help with homework, I have enriched a deeper understanding of how they organize their work in practice. The result of my analysis shows that there has been a clear shift in the welfare regime. A couple of years ago, the social democratic welfare regime was still dominating the help pupils got with their homework, and there was barely any company or organizations offering help with the homework. Therefore, the pupils were dependent of their school and parents if they needed any help. Today, the liberal welfare regime and the rules and values that comes with it, has taken over. This has led to a growing disparity and a greater place for the freedom of choice for the pupils
