10,128 research outputs found

    Facial Expression Analysis via Transfer Learning

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    Automated analysis of facial expressions has remained an interesting and challenging research topic in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition due to vast applications such as human-machine interface design, social robotics, and developmental psychology. This dissertation focuses on developing and applying transfer learning algorithms - multiple kernel learning (MKL) and multi-task learning (MTL) - to resolve the problems of facial feature fusion and the exploitation of multiple facial action units (AUs) relations in designing robust facial expression recognition systems. MKL algorithms are employed to fuse multiple facial features with different kernel functions and tackle the domain adaption problem at the kernel level within support vector machines (SVM). lp-norm is adopted to enforce both sparse and nonsparse kernel combination in our methods. We further develop and apply MTL algorithms for simultaneous detection of multiple related AUs by exploiting their inter-relationships. Three variants of task structure models are designed and investigated to obtain fine depiction of AU relations. lp-norm MTMKL and TD-MTMKL (Task-Dependent MTMKL) are group-sensitive MTL methodsthat model the co-occurrence relations among AUs. On the other hand, our proposed hierarchical multi-task structural learning (HMTSL) includes a latent layer to learn a hierarchical structure to exploit all possible AU interrelations for AU detection. Extensive experiments on public face databases show that our proposed transfer learning methods have produced encouraging results compared to several state-of-the-art methods for facial expression recognition and AU detection

    A Multiple Kernel Learning Model Based on p

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    By utilizing kernel functions, support vector machines (SVMs) successfully solve the linearly inseparable problems. Subsequently, its applicable areas have been greatly extended. Using multiple kernels (MKs) to improve the SVM classification accuracy has been a hot topic in the SVM research society for several years. However, most MK learning (MKL) methods employ L1-norm constraint on the kernel combination weights, which forms a sparse yet nonsmooth solution for the kernel weights. Alternatively, the Lp-norm constraint on the kernel weights keeps all information in the base kernels. Nonetheless, the solution of Lp-norm constraint MKL is nonsparse and sensitive to the noise. Recently, some scholars presented an efficient sparse generalized MKL (L1- and L2-norms based GMKL) method, in which L1  L2 established an elastic constraint on the kernel weights. In this paper, we further extend the GMKL to a more generalized MKL method based on the p-norm, by joining L1- and Lp-norms. Consequently, the L1- and L2-norms based GMKL is a special case in our method when p=2. Experiments demonstrated that our L1- and Lp-norms based MKL offers a higher accuracy than the L1- and L2-norms based GMKL in the classification, while keeping the properties of the L1- and L2-norms based on GMKL

    Pareto-Path Multi-Task Multiple Kernel Learning

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    A traditional and intuitively appealing Multi-Task Multiple Kernel Learning (MT-MKL) method is to optimize the sum (thus, the average) of objective functions with (partially) shared kernel function, which allows information sharing amongst tasks. We point out that the obtained solution corresponds to a single point on the Pareto Front (PF) of a Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) problem, which considers the concurrent optimization of all task objectives involved in the Multi-Task Learning (MTL) problem. Motivated by this last observation and arguing that the former approach is heuristic, we propose a novel Support Vector Machine (SVM) MT-MKL framework, that considers an implicitly-defined set of conic combinations of task objectives. We show that solving our framework produces solutions along a path on the aforementioned PF and that it subsumes the optimization of the average of objective functions as a special case. Using algorithms we derived, we demonstrate through a series of experimental results that the framework is capable of achieving better classification performance, when compared to other similar MTL approaches.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Conic Multi-Task Classification

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    Traditionally, Multi-task Learning (MTL) models optimize the average of task-related objective functions, which is an intuitive approach and which we will be referring to as Average MTL. However, a more general framework, referred to as Conic MTL, can be formulated by considering conic combinations of the objective functions instead; in this framework, Average MTL arises as a special case, when all combination coefficients equal 1. Although the advantage of Conic MTL over Average MTL has been shown experimentally in previous works, no theoretical justification has been provided to date. In this paper, we derive a generalization bound for the Conic MTL method, and demonstrate that the tightest bound is not necessarily achieved, when all combination coefficients equal 1; hence, Average MTL may not always be the optimal choice, and it is important to consider Conic MTL. As a byproduct of the generalization bound, it also theoretically explains the good experimental results of previous relevant works. Finally, we propose a new Conic MTL model, whose conic combination coefficients minimize the generalization bound, instead of choosing them heuristically as has been done in previous methods. The rationale and advantage of our model is demonstrated and verified via a series of experiments by comparing with several other methods.Comment: Accepted by European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD)-201

    An oil painters recognition method based on cluster multiple kernel learning algorithm

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    A lot of image processing research works focus on natural images, such as in classification, clustering, and the research on the recognition of artworks (such as oil paintings), from feature extraction to classifier design, is relatively few. This paper focuses on oil painter recognition and tries to find the mobile application to recognize the painter. This paper proposes a cluster multiple kernel learning algorithm, which extracts oil painting features from three aspects: color, texture, and spatial layout, and generates multiple candidate kernels with different kernel functions. With the results of clustering numerous candidate kernels, we selected the sub-kernels with better classification performance, and use the traditional multiple kernel learning algorithm to carry out the multi-feature fusion classification. The algorithm achieves a better result on the Painting91 than using traditional multiple kernel learning directly

    Behavior Classification Using Multi-site LFP and ECoG Signals

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    Abstract-Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is an effective therapy that alleviates the motor signs of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Existing DBS is open loop, providing a time invariant stimulation pulse train that may generate cognitive, speech, and balance side effects. A closed-loop DBS system that utilizes appropriate physiological control variables may improve therapeutic results, reduce stimulation side effects, and extend battery life of pulse generators. Furthermore, by customizing DBS to a patient’s behavioral goal, side effects of stimulation may arise only when they are non-detrimental to the patient’s current goals. Therefore, classification of human behavior using physiological signals is an important step in the design of the next generation of closed-loop DBS systems. Ten subjects who were undergoing DBS implantation were recruited for the study. DBS leads were used to record bilateral STN-LFP activity and an electrocorticography (ECoG) strip was used to record field potentials over left prefrontal cortex. Subjects were cued to perform voluntary behaviors including left and right hand movement, left and right arm movement, mouth movement, and speech. Two types of algorithms were used to classify the subjects’ behavior, support vector machine (SVM) using linear, polynomial, and RBF kernels as well as lp-norm multiple kernel learning (MKL). Behavioral classification was performed using only LFP channels, only ECoG channels, and both LFP and ECoG channels. Features were extracted from the time-frequency representation of the signals. Phase locking values (PLV) between ECoG and LFP channels were calculated to determine connectivity between sites and aid in feature selection. Classification performance improved when multi-site signals were used with either SVM or MKL algorithms. Our experiments further show that the lp-norm MKL outperforms single kernel SVM-based classifiers in classifying behavioral tasks. References [1] H. M. Golshan, A. O. Hebb, S. J. Hanrahan, J. Nedrud, and M. H. Mahoor, “A multiple kernel learning approach for human behavioral task classification using STN-LFP signal,” EMBC, 38th IEEE International Conference on., pp.1030-1033, 2016. [2] H. M. Golshan, A. O. Hebb, S. J. Hanrahan, J. Nedrud, and M. H. Mahoor, “An FFT-based synchronization approach to recognize human behaviors using STN-LFP signal,” To appear in ICASSP, 42nd IEEE International Conference on., 2017

    Unified Spectral Clustering with Optimal Graph

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    Spectral clustering has found extensive use in many areas. Most traditional spectral clustering algorithms work in three separate steps: similarity graph construction; continuous labels learning; discretizing the learned labels by k-means clustering. Such common practice has two potential flaws, which may lead to severe information loss and performance degradation. First, predefined similarity graph might not be optimal for subsequent clustering. It is well-accepted that similarity graph highly affects the clustering results. To this end, we propose to automatically learn similarity information from data and simultaneously consider the constraint that the similarity matrix has exact c connected components if there are c clusters. Second, the discrete solution may deviate from the spectral solution since k-means method is well-known as sensitive to the initialization of cluster centers. In this work, we transform the candidate solution into a new one that better approximates the discrete one. Finally, those three subtasks are integrated into a unified framework, with each subtask iteratively boosted by using the results of the others towards an overall optimal solution. It is known that the performance of a kernel method is largely determined by the choice of kernels. To tackle this practical problem of how to select the most suitable kernel for a particular data set, we further extend our model to incorporate multiple kernel learning ability. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method as compared to existing clustering approaches.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 201
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