118,601 research outputs found

    Characterization of the extracellular lipase of Bacillus subtilis and its relationship to a membrane-bound lipase found in a mutant strain

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    Bacillus subtilis CMK33 is a mutant that is more osmotically fragile than the wild type when it is converted to the protoplast form. The protoplasts of this mutant contain a membrane-bound lipase, which is not found in protoplasts of the wild type. Hydrolysis of the membrane lipid of mutant protoplasts by the lipase is the cause of their fragility. A protein found in the wild type organism specifically inhibits the lipase (Kent, C., and Lennarz, W. J. (1972) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 69, 2793-2797). This paper reports that cultures of both mutant and wild type cells contain an extracellular lipase which accumulates during the logarithmic phase of growth. The extracellular activity appears to be induced by a component of the growth medium. The membrane-bound lipase of the mutant has been partially purified and its properties have been compared to those of the extracellular lipase of the wild type. Their properties and sensitivity to the wild type inhibitor are similar, which suggests that the two molecules are closely related. The subcellular location of the lipase in the mutant has been investigated and compared to the location of the membrane-bound portion of the lipase inhibitor in the wild type. The lipase is located almost exclusively in the cytoplasmic membrane and not in mesosomal vesicles. In contrast, the lipase inhibitor is located in both types of membranes and is more concentrated in mesosomal vesicles. Under appropriate conditions, the appearance of new extracellular lipase activity in mutant cultures is paralleled by the loss of an equivalent amount of lipase activity from protoplasts prepared from the cells. This suggests that the membrane-bound lipase may be an intermediate in the secretion of the extracellular lipase. Because of the mutation in B. subtilis CMK33, which results in the absence of the lipase inhibitor, this intermediate can be found in protoplasts of the mutant, although it is not detectable in the wild type. Consequently, the mutant may be useful in studies of the mechanism of secretion of exoenzymes by Bacilli

    Evaluation of Canine Pancreas-Specific Lipase Activity, Lipase Activity, and Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity in an Experimental Model of Acute Kidney Injury in Dogs.

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    BackgroundDiagnosis of pancreatitis in dogs is complicated by extrapancreatic disorders that can alter the results of laboratory tests. Extrapancreatic disorders can also affect the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). The effects of acute kidney injury (AKI) on pancreas-specific lipase activity (Spec cPL(®) Test), serum lipase activity and trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) in dogs have not been evaluated.Hypothesis/objectivesSerum Spec cPL, lipase activity, and TLI concentrations will increase secondary to decreased kidney function.AnimalsFive purpose-bred dogs.MethodsExperimental prospective study. Gentamicin was used to induce AKI in 5 purpose-bred dogs. Serum samples were collected for measurement of creatinine, Spec cPL, lipase activity and TLI over 60 days, during both induction of, and recovery from, AKI.ResultsAll dogs developed and recovered from AKI. Six of 52 (12%) serum Spec cPL concentrations were increased (2 in the equivocal zone and 4 consistent with pancreatitis) in 2 of 5 (40%) dogs. Two of 51 (4%) serum lipase activity values were increased in 2 of 5 dogs. Serum TLI was increased above the reference range in 17 of 50 (34%) samples in 3 of 5 dogs. For all biomarkers, there was no consistent correlation with increases in serum creatinine concentration.Conclusions and clinical importanceDecreased renal excretion during experimental AKI did not cause consistent and correlated increases in serum Spec cPL, lipase activity, or TLI in this cohort of dogs

    HIV infection significantly reduces lipoprotein lipase which remains low after 6 months of antiretroviral therapy

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    Purpose of the study Fractional clearance rate of apolipoprotein B100-containing lipoproteins is reduced in HIV infection before and after antiretroviral (ARV) treatment [1]. We compared lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity and gene expression in HIV-positive subjects before and 6 months after ARV with HIV-negative controls. Methods Fasting blood post heparin total and hepatic lipase activity,adiponectin, leptin, insulin, glucose, and lipid measurementswere made in 32 HIV-infected and 15 HIVnegative controls. LPL was estimated by subtractinghepatic lipase from total lipase. Adiponectin, LPL andhormone sensitive lipase (HSL) gene expression weremeasured from iliac crest subcutaneous fat biopsies.Patients were tested before, and 6 months after randomisation to AZT/3TC (n = 15) or TDF/FTC (n = 17) with EFV.Between-group comparison was by Mann-Whitney andpaired samples by the Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Summary of results There were no differences in gender, ethnicity, baseline BMI, regional fat distribution (whole body DEXA) and visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous fat (SAT) measured by abdominal CT scans between controls and patients. Trunk fat/BMI ratio, VAT and VAT:SAT ratio significantly increased after 6-month ARV therapy (p = 0.01). There were no differences between groups in serum NEFA,HOMA and leptin levels. Selected other results are shown in Table 1. Conclusion Post heparin lipoprotein lipase activity is reduced in HIV and does not return to control levels after 6 months of ARV therapy. AZT-containing regimens are associated with a greater increase in LPL, LPL gene expression and plasma adiponectin than TDF

    Performance of three commercial lipases in a model enzyme modified cheese system : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Food Technology at Massey University

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    The effects of Amano 'R' (from Penicillium roqueforti), Palatase (from Mucor miehei) and kid lipase (from kid goat) activity on hydrolysis of triglycerides in a constant enzyme modified cheese (EMC) base have been investigated. The effects of incubation time, temperature, enzyme concentration, pH, water activity (a w ) and salt-in-moisture content on enzyme activity were studied. Under the same conditions (0.15% enzyme, 30°C, 24 h), Palatase and Amano 'R' showed a greater extent of hydrolysis (total free fatty acids) than Kid lipase. The total free fatty acids (FFAs) released by Palatase, Amano 'R' and Kid lipase were 224, 188 and 20.5 mmol FFA. kg EMC. -1 , respectively. The optimum temperature for hydrolysis by Amano 'R', Palatase and Kid lipase was around 30°C, 55°C and 45°C respectively. Amano 'R' was very heat sensitive, compared to the other two enzymes. Hydrolysis increased with increasing initial pH. The optimum pH's determined for Amano 'R', Palatase and Kid lipase were 7.5, 8.0 and 5.5 respectively. Enzyme activity decreased slightly as water activity decreased and salt-in-moisture content increased, for all enzymes. The incubation time and enzyme concentration showed the expected trend. At all process conditions, a high percentage (about 55%) of the fatty acids released by kid lipase was butyric acid. Both Palatase and Amano 'R' were relatively non selective and released large amounts of all fatty acids. Compared to Palatase, Amano 'R' selectively released a higher percentage of butyric acid (about 15% compared to 10%). Generally, the rate of release of butyric acid was greater at lower incubation temperatures for all enzymes. Also, the percentage of butyric acid release decreased with increasing initial pH for Palatase lipase

    Estimation of extracellular lipase enzyme produced by thermophilic bacillus sp. isolated from arid and semi-arid region of Rajasthan, India

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    Thermophilic organisms can be defined as microorganisms which are adapted to live at high temperatures. The enzymes produce by thermophilic bacteria are capable of catalyzing biochemical reactions at high temperatures. Thermophilic bacteria are able to produce thermostable lipase enzymes capable of degradation of lipid at temperatures higher than those of mesophilic bacteria. Therefore, the isolation of thermophilic bacteria from natural sources and their identification are quite useful in terms of discovering thermophilic lipase enzymes. Due to great temperature fluctuation in hot arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan, this area could serve as a good source for new thermophilic lipase producing bacteria with novel industrially important properties. The main objective of this research is the isolation and estimation of industrially important thermophilic lipase enzyme produced by thermophilic bacteria, isolated from arid and semi-arid region of Rajasthan. For this research purpose, soil samples were collected from Churu, Sikar and Jhunjunu regions of Rajasthan. A total of 16 bacterial strains were isolated, and among these bacterial isolates only two thermophilic lipase producing bacteria were identified. The thermophilic lipase enzyme was estimated by qualitative and quantitative experiments. The isolate was identified as Bacillus sp. by microscopic, biochemical and molecular characterization. The optimum enzyme activity was observed at pH 8, temperature 60°C and 5% salt concentration at 24 hrs time duration. Lipases are useful in a variety of biotechnological fields such as food and dairy (cheese ripening, flavour development), detergent, pharmaceutical (naproxen, ibuprofen), agrochemical (insecticide, pesticide) and oleochemical (fat and oil hydrolysis, biosurfactant synthesis) industries. Lipases can be further used in many newer areas where they can serve as potential biocatalysts. 

    Lipolysis generates platelet dysfunction after in vivo heparin administration

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    Heparin, when administered to patients undergoing operations using cardiopulmonary bypass, induces plasma changes that gradually impair platelet macroaggregation, but heparinization of whole blood in vitro does not have this effect. The plasma changes induced by heparin in vivo continue to progress in whole blood ex vivo. Heparin releases several endothelial proteins, including lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, platelet factor-4 and superoxide dismutase. These enzymes, which remain active in plasma ex vivo, may impair platelet macroaggregation after in vivo heparinization and during cardiopulmonary bypass

    Steady state fluorescence studies on lipase-vesicle interactions

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    The interaction of lipase from Candida cylindracea (CCL) with positively charged polymerizable surfactant vesicles was studied by the use of steady-state fluorescence techniques. The phase transition of vesicles composed of nonpolymerized and polymerized N-allylbis[2-(hexadecanoyloxy)ethyl]methylammonium bromide (ABHEMA Br) was determined in the absence of lipase, by measuring the change in fluorescence anisotropy of the membrane probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH). The phase transition temperature for nonpolymerized vesicles is 49°C and for the polymerized analogues 45°C. Fluorescence anisotropy and resonance energy transfer measurements were used to illustrate the incorporation of the lipase in the vesicle membrane. These studies demonstrated that CCL is incorporated into the hydrophobic bilayer of the vesicle. By using an interfacial membrane probe 1-[4-(trimethylammonium)phenyl]-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene p-toluene sulphonate, TMA-DPH) and an internal membrane probe (DPH), it could be determined that the enzyme is incorporated more efficiently into nonpolymerized vesicles, and that the penetration of the enzyme into the bilayer is less deep in the case of the polymerized vesicles

    Incorporation of capric acid in pumpkin seed oil by sn-1,3 regioselective lipase-catalyzed acidolysis

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    Structured lipids (SLs) are novel triacylglycerols obtained by changing the native fatty acid (FA) profiles or by the incorporation of a new desired FA in the acylglycerol backbone. These modified fats present important medical and functional properties for food applications. This work aimed to synthetize a MLM-type SL, which consists of triacylglycerols containing a medium-chain FA (M) at sn-1,3 positions and a long-chain FA (L) at sn-2 position, by acidolysis of pumpkin seed oil with capric acid, catalyzed by a commercial lipase preparation from Thermomyces lanuginosa (Lipozyme TL IM). Reactions were performed at 45 degrees C, in solvent-free media, at 1: 2 molar ratio (pumpkin seed oil: capric acid) and a fixed amount of immobilized lipase of 5%, 10%, 15% or 20%. Incorporations of C10: 0 increased with time up to 31 h (29.9 +/- 0.7 mol-%) when 5% lipase load was used. Significant differences were only observed between the results obtained with 5 and 20% of biocatalyst load. The subsequent experiment was carried out with 5% lipase load, at 45 degrees C, 1: 2 molar ratio and in the presence of n-hexane. The results showed slightly higher incorporation yields in the presence of solvent, namely at 48 h-reaction (34.7 +/- 1.0 mol-%). However, since the structured lipids are to be used in food products, together with environmental and economic concerns, solvent-free systems are preferred. In this study, the synthesis of a MLM-type SL from pumpkin seed oil for food uses was well succeeded