89,631 research outputs found

    Implementasi Program “Life Skills” Dan “Broad-based Education” Sebagai Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah

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    Dalam perspektif sejarah persekolahan, kebermaknaan suatu se-kolah/madrasah selalu dilihat dalam alasan “kehadirannya” sebagai institusi masyarakat, yaitu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, baik individual maupun ke-lompok. Salah satu ke­butuhan tersebut adalah kepemilikan kemampuan yang diperlukan dalam kehidupan masyarakat ituDewasa ini, posisi pendidikan di sekolah/madrasah diberi peranan yang sangat dinamis. Pendidikan semakin diarahkan kepada tujuan-tujuan nasional. Sebagai salah satu di antara “industri” vital negara, pendidikan mengabdikan diri untuk menghasilkan manusia- manusia yang diperlukan dalam memajukan kemakmuran bangsa, bahkan memajukan kedudukan bangsa dan negara di dunia yang bersaing. Pernyataan-pernyataan seperti “pendidikan sebagai investasi” atau “pendidikan adalah kunci Perubahan” pada dewasa ini sedang memperoleh pengakuan sebagai kebenaran di kalangan para pemimpin negara, para perancang kebijakan, dan para ahli yang menaruh minat dalam proses pembangunan.Salah satu pendekatan untuk memposisikan peran pendidikan di se-kolah/madrasah adalah melihat peran sekolah/madrasah untuk menolong individu, keluarga, masyarakat, dan negara dalam menjawab permasalahan yang perlu di-pecahkan. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi pada saat ini adalah adanya Kenyataan sebagian besar (53,12%) lulusan sekolah/madrasah (khususnya SMU/MA) yang tidak melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi dan sebagaian besar lulusan SLTP/MTs tidak melanjutkan ke SLTA Kenyataan ini mengundang pemikiran yang serius, karena lulusan SLTP/MTs dan SMU/MA pada dasarnya tidak dibekali kecakapan khusus (life skills) untuk memasuki dunia kerja

    Life Skills Orientation in Madrasah Curriculum

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    This article intends to elaborate a charge include life skills opportunities in both madrasah curriculum of ibtidaiyah, tsanawiyah and aliyah. The approach used is the science of Islamic education. Some important concepts in Islam that allows it to be analyzed and used as the basis of life skills-based curriculum contained in QS. Al-Ghâsyiyah [88]: 17-20, QS. Fâthir [35]: 39, QS. Al-Jâtsiyah [45]: 12-13, QS. Al-A‟râf [7]: 56-85 and QS. Al-Hujurât [49]: 1, 13, 18. Ethical values (Rasul Muhammad) Islam that allows elaborating life skills is shiddiq, amanah, fathanah and tabligh. The fourth value is assumed to equip graduates of madrassas that he later had a number of personal, social, academic, vocational and soft. The fourth value is assumed to equip graduates of madrassas that he later had the skills. A number of core Islamic values should be in synergy with the age issues such as democracy, globalization, the mastery of science, technology and information (the environment)

    Pendidikan Hostik Berbasis Life Skills : Kunci Sukses Menghadapi Pasar Tunggal ASEAN 2015

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    The competent human resourceis a thing that have prepared to arrogate a chance ofASEAN Community 2015.Renovation curriculum have done to produce a qualified graduates and marketable.However, practically there are thousands non-productive graduates and become object of advancement of era. The aim of this paper is to reactualization of education concept in order to qualify teaching and learning proccess that it is a exactly instrument to prepare availability the excellent human resource in various professions and skills. One of it is application of holistic education based life skills, that develops the whole student’s potentials and shows futuristic way to the graduates so they will have : 1) personal and interpersonal competence, 2) information and technology mastery competence, 3) productivity competence, 4) problem solving competence. Finally, The qualified education system that it can be reached by all level of societyhave seek so it will product the experts output who are prepared to arrogate a chance and to run against the other ASEAN countries

    Life Skills” Yang Relevan Untuk Keperluan Pendidikan Di Sekolah

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    Tulisan ini adalah kajian lanjutan tentang Pola Induk Pengembangan Model Penerapan ‘Life Skills” dalam Konteks Pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Umum, seperti yang ditulis oleh Djam'an Satori dan Udin S. Saud (2001) yang diangkat kembali dalam tulisan pembuka jurnal ini. Pemahaman terhadap konteks “life skills” dapat dilakukan dengan mengkaji pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dimaksudkan untuk keperluan pengembangan kurikulum yang menekankan pada “life skills”. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu di antaranya adalah: Kecakapan hidup (life skills) apakah yang relevan yang harus dibekalkan dan dipelajari siswa di sekolah? Bahan belajar apakah yang harus dipelajari siswa untuk mengerti dan memahami life skills itu? Kegiatan dan pengalaman belajar apakah yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk dapat menguasai life skills itu? Fasilitas, alat, dan sumber belajar yang bagaimanakah untuk bisa menguasai life skills itu? Bagaimanakah caranya mengetahui bahwa siswa telah menguasai life skills itu? Tulisan ini hanya mengkaji pertanyaan tentang life skill apa yang relevan yang harus dibekali dan dipelajari siswa di sekolah sedangkan kajian terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan lainnya akan disampaikan pada tulisan lain. Life skills yang relevan untuk keperluan pendidikan di sekolah di antaranya adalah life long learning, group (complex) thinking, effective communication, collaboration, responsible citizenship, employabilit

    Influence of Life Skills on Sexual Behaviorin Adolescent at Seberang Ulu Area of Palembang City

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    Background: Sex is an aspect that is important for the development of adolescent. Mobility and construction of various facilities in Palembang city, especially Seberang Ulu area is increasing. Increased development raises its own dilemma, on one side the people in dire needs of development, but on the other side occurs that changed the moral decline in adolescent values, norms and lifestyles are followed by a media revolution and an increasingly independent behavior. This study aims to determine the influence of life skills on sexual behavior in adolescents. This research was done in May-June 2011 in the Seberang Ulu Area. Methods: This is quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The subject were all of adolescents aged 12-21 years in Seberang Ulu area of Palembang City with 96 respondents sample. The statistical test used chi square test by using SPSS version 17 program. Result: The results showed that there is the influence of life skills (p = 0.015), hard skills (knowledge of sex) (p = 0.012), soft skills (religiosity, self-confidence, and self-concept) (p = 0.000) towards sexual behavior in adolescent, partially religiosity (p = 0.015), confidence (p = 0.018), and self-concept (p = 0.027) also influence of sex behavior. Conclusion: Life skills, soft skills, religiosity, self-confidence, and self-concept is a risk factor while the hard skills is preventing factor of free sex in adolescents. We need a development model life skills-based education for free sex prevention

    Family Life & Life Skills Education for Adolescents: Trivandrum Experience

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    Adolescence is a period of experimenting, experiencing and expanding. Adolescents need help and guidance in decision-making, problem solving, critical thinking, developing interpersonal skills, self-awareness, empathy, coping with stress and managing emotions. The rebelliousness and dislike for parental intrusion usually keeps parents at bay because teenagers do not relish the idea of help and guidance from parents. However, this may not always be so. Beneath frequent violent outbursts, sudden mood swings and related interpersonal problems of an adolescent, there may be a person crying out for professional help. All adolescents need support and guidance. When parents find it difficult to handle signs of trouble, professional help should be sought at the earliest. Extra care is needed while offering help to adolescents problems because it is not easy for teenagers to accept the fact that they need help. Attempts should be made to understand the adolescent, and to safeguard, protect and guide him/her. The Family Life & Life Skills Education Programme is a good support system for adolescents at the community level
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