15 research outputs found

    Description, Implementation and Evaluation of an Affinity Clause for Task Directives

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    International audienceOpenMP 4.0 introduced dependent tasks, which give the programmer a way to express fine grain parallelism. Using appropriate OS support (such as NUMA libraries), the runtime can rely on the information in the depend clause to dynamically map the tasks to the architecture topology. Controlling data locality is one of the key factors to reach a high level of performance when targeting NUMA architectures. On this topic, OpenMP does not provide a lot of flexibility to the programmer yet, which lets the runtime decide where a task should be executed. In this paper, we present a class of applications which would benefit from having such a control and flexibility over tasks and data placement. We also propose our own interpretation of the new affinity clause for the task directive, which is being discussed by the OpenMP Architecture Review Board. This clause enables the programmer to give hints to the runtime about tasks placement during the program execution, which can be used to control the data mapping on the architecture. In our proposal, the programmer can express affinity between a task and the following resources: a thread, a NUMA node, and a data. We then present an implementation of this proposal in the Clang-3.8 compiler, and an implementation of the corresponding extensions in our OpenMP runtime LIBKOMP. Finally , we present a preliminary evaluation of this work running two task-based OpenMP kernels on a 192-core NUMA architecture, that shows noticeable improvements both in terms of performance and scalability

    Recursion based parallelization of exact dense linear algebra routines for Gaussian elimination

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    International audienceWe present block algorithms and their implementation for the parallelization of sub-cubic Gaussian elimination on shared memory architectures.Contrarily to the classical cubic algorithms in parallel numerical linear algebra, we focus here on recursive algorithms and coarse grain parallelization.Indeed, sub-cubic matrix arithmetic can only be achieved through recursive algorithms making coarse grain block algorithms perform more efficiently than fine grain ones. This work is motivated by the design and implementation of dense linear algebraover a finite field, where fast matrix multiplication is used extensively and where costly modular reductions also advocate for coarse grain block decomposition. We incrementally build efficient kernels, for matrix multiplication first, then triangular system solving, on top of which a recursive PLUQ decomposition algorithm is built. We study the parallelization of these kernels using several algorithmic variants: either iterative or recursive and using different splitting strategies. Experiments show that recursive adaptive methods for matrix multiplication, hybrid recursive-iterative methods for triangular system solve and tile recursive versions of the PLUQ decomposition, together with various data mapping policies, provide the best performance on a 32 cores NUMA architecture. Overall, we show that the overhead of modular reductions is more than compensated by the fast linear algebra algorithms and that exact dense linear algebra matches the performance of full rank reference numerical software even in the presence of rank deficiencies

    Parallel computation of echelon forms

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    International audienceWe propose efficient parallel algorithms and implementations on shared memory architectures of LU factorization over a finite field. Compared to the corresponding numerical routines, we have identified three main difficulties specific to linear algebra over finite fields. First, the arithmetic complexity could be dominated by modular reductions. Therefore, it is mandatory to delay as much as possible these reductions while mixing fine-grain parallelizations of tiled iterative and recursive algorithms. Second, fast linear algebra variants, e.g., using Strassen-Winograd algorithm, never suffer from instability and can thus be widely used in cascade with the classical algorithms. There, trade-offs are to be made between size of blocks well suited to those fast variants or to load and communication balancing. Third, many applications over finite fields require the rank profile of the matrix (quite often rank deficient) rather than the solution to a linear system. It is thus important to design parallel algorithms that preserve and compute this rank profile. Moreover, as the rank profile is only discovered during the algorithm, block size has then to be dynamic. We propose and compare several block decomposition: tile iterative with left-looking, right-looking and Crout variants, slab and tile recursive. Experiments demonstrate that the tile recursive variant performs better and matches the performance of reference numerical software when no rank deficiency occur. Furthermore, even in the most heterogeneous case, namely when all pivot blocks are rank deficient, we show that it is possbile to maintain a high efficiency

    X-Kaapi: a Multi Paradigm Runtime for Multicore Architectures

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    International audienceThe paper presents X-Kaapi, a compact runtime for multicore architec- tures that brings multi parallel paradigms (parallel independent loops, fork-join tasks and dataflow tasks) in a unified framework without performance penalty. Comparisons on independent loops with OpenMP and on dense linear algebra with QUARK/PLASMA confirm our design decisions. Applied to EUROPLEXUS, an industrial simulation code for fast transient dynamics, we show that X-Kaapi achieves high speedups on multicore architectures by efficiently parallelizing both independent loops and dataflow tasks.Ce rapport présente X-Kaapi, un support exécutif pour archi- tecture multi-cœur qui permet l'exploitation conjointe de plusieurs paradigmes de programmation parallèle (boucles indépendantes, fork-join, flot de don- nées). Les surcoûts à l'exécution sont faibles et nous présentons des compara- isons pour la programmation de boucles indépendantes avec OpenMP, et sur des problèmes en algèbre linéaire dense nous nous comparons à QUARK/- PLASMA. Enfin nous présentons les résultats obtenus lors de la parallélisa- tion du code EUROPLEXUS de dynamique rapide et qui utilise plusieurs de ces paradigmes

    Description, Implementation and Evaluation of an Affinity Clause for Task Directives

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    International audienceOpenMP 4.0 introduced dependent tasks, which give the programmer a way to express fine grain parallelism. Using appropriate OS support (such as NUMA libraries), the runtime can rely on the information in the depend clause to dynamically map the tasks to the architecture topology. Controlling data locality is one of the key factors to reach a high level of performance when targeting NUMA architectures. On this topic, OpenMP does not provide a lot of flexibility to the programmer yet, which lets the runtime decide where a task should be executed. In this paper, we present a class of applications which would benefit from having such a control and flexibility over tasks and data placement. We also propose our own interpretation of the new affinity clause for the task directive, which is being discussed by the OpenMP Architecture Review Board. This clause enables the programmer to give hints to the runtime about tasks placement during the program execution, which can be used to control the data mapping on the architecture. In our proposal, the programmer can express affinity between a task and the following resources: a thread, a NUMA node, and a data. We then present an implementation of this proposal in the Clang-3.8 compiler, and an implementation of the corresponding extensions in our OpenMP runtime LIBKOMP. Finally , we present a preliminary evaluation of this work running two task-based OpenMP kernels on a 192-core NUMA architecture, that shows noticeable improvements both in terms of performance and scalability

    Preliminary Experiments with XKaapi on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor

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    International audienceThis paper presents preliminary performance comparisons of parallel applications developed natively for the Intel Xeon Phi accelerator using three different parallel programming environments and their associated runtime systems. We compare Intel OpenMP, Intel CilkPlus and XKaapi together on the same benchmark suite and we provide comparisons between an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor and a Sandy Bridge Xeon-based machine. Our benchmark suite is composed of three computing kernels: a Fibonacci computation that allows to study the overhead and the scalability of the runtime system, a NQueens application generating irregular and dynamic tasks and a Cholesky factorization algorithm. We also compare the Cholesky factorization with the parallel algorithm provided by the Intel MKL library for Intel Xeon Phi. Performance evaluation shows our XKaapi data-flow parallel programming environment exposes the lowest overhead of all and is highly competitive with native OpenMP and CilkPlus environments on Xeon Phi. Moreover, the efficient handling of data-flow dependencies between tasks makes our XKaapi environment exhibit more parallelism for some applications such as the Cholesky factorization. In that case, we observe substantial gains with up to 180 hardware threads over the state of the art MKL, with a 47% performance increase for 60 hardware threads

    Using data dependencies to improve task-based scheduling strategies on NUMA architectures

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    International audienceThe recent addition of data dependencies to the OpenMP 4.0 standard provides the application programmer with a more flexible way of synchronizing tasks. Using such an approach allows both the compiler and the runtime system to know exactly which data are read or written by a given task, and how these data will be used through the program lifetime. Data placement and task scheduling strategies have a significant impact on performances when considering NUMA architectures. While numerous papers focus on these topics, none of them has made extensive use of the information available through dependencies. One can use this information to modify the behavior of the application at several levels : during initialization to control data placement and during the application execution to dynamically control both the task placement and the tasks stealing strategy , depending on the topology. This paper introduces several heuristics for these strategies and their implementations in our OpenMP runtime XKAAPI. We also evaluate their performances on linear algebra applications executed on a 192-core NUMA machine, reporting noticeable performance improvement when considering both the architecture topology and the tasks data dependencies. We finally compare them to strategies presented previously by related works

    VtkSMP: Task-based Parallel Operators for VTK Filters

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    International audienceNUMA nodes are potentially powerful but taking benefit of their capabilities is challenging due to their architec- ture (multiple computing cores, advanced memory hierarchy). They are nonetheless one of the key components to enable processing the ever growing amount of data produced by scientific simulations. In this paper we study the parallelization of patterns commonly used in VTK algorithms and propose a new multi- threaded plugin for VTK that eases the development of parallel multi-core VTK filters. We specifically focus on task-based approaches and show that with a limited code refactoring effort we can take advantage of NUMA node capabilities. We experiment our patterns on a transform filter, base isosurface extraction filter and a min/max tree accelerated isosurface extraction. We support 3 programming environments, OpenMP, Intel TBB and X-KAAPI, and propose different algorithmic refinements according to the capabilities of the target environment. Results show that we can speed execution up to 30 times on a 48-core machine

    An Efficient OpenMP Loop Scheduler for Irregular Applications on Large-Scale NUMA Machines

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    International audienceNowadays shared memory HPC platforms expose a large number of cores organized in a hierarchical way. Parallel application programmers strug- gle to express more and more fine-grain parallelism and to ensure locality on such NUMA platforms. Independent loops stand as a natural source of paral- lelism. Parallel environments like OpenMP provide ways of parallelizing them efficiently, but the achieved performance is closely related to the choice of pa- rameters like the granularity of work or the loop scheduler. Considering that both can depend on the target computer, the input data and the loop workload, the application programmer most of the time fails at designing both portable and ef- ficient implementations. We propose in this paper a new OpenMP loop scheduler, called adaptive, that dynamically adapts the granularity of work considering the underlying system state. Our scheduler is able to perform dynamic load balancing while taking memory affinity into account on NUMA architectures. Results show that adaptive outperforms state-of-the-art OpenMP loop schedulers on memory- bound irregular applications, while obtaining performance comparable to static on parallel loops with a regular workload