13,916 research outputs found

    From phenotype to function via mass spec-based proteomics

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    Epiphytic bryophytes of Monteverde, Costa Rica

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    A survey of the literature and collections in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve and adjacent pastureland yielded a total of 198 epiphytic bryophyte taxa (120 species of hepatics in 50 genera, 77 species of moss in 48 genera, and 1 hornwort): 178 in the primary forest, 63 in the secondary forest, and 84 in the pastureland

    A checklist of the hepatics and anthocerotes of Panamá

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    A brief account of the geography and floristic regions of Panamá is complemented with an historical account of the liverwort studies of this country. This is followed by an annotated checklist of 289 taxa, including 93 new for Panamá. Among these are four hornwort taxa that represent the first anthocerotes reported. Each checklist entry comprises proper taxon citation, collection data and/or bibliographic references.Una revisión de la geografía y regiones florísticas de Panamá es complementada con una nota histórica de los estudios sobre hepáticas de este país. Esto es seguido por una lista anotada de 289 taxa, incluyendo 93 que son nuevos para Panamá. Entre éstos se encuentran cuatro antocerotes que representan las primeras comunicaciones en esta División. Cada taxon ingresado contiene la citación apropiada, datos de colecta y/o referencias bibliográficas

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 4., a preliminary check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Central Africa (Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi)

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    A check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Central Africa (Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi) is presented. 267 liverwort species and 4 hornworts are recognized for the area. For Zaire 215 Hepaticae and 3 species of Anthocerotae are recorded. In Rwanda 150 liverworts and one hornwort have been found. Burundi is far less known and only 48 Hepaticae are recorded

    Cactos de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

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    A floristic survey of the Cactaceae family was carried out in the municipality of Santa Maria, Brazil, which is localized in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul state. The study was conducted between August 2017 and November 2018, during which time 14 species were recorded. Five species are on the endangered species list of Rio Grande do Sul. The threatened species are Echinopsis oxygona (Link) Zucc. Ex. Pfeiff. & Otto, Parodia horstii (F. Ritter) N.P. Taylor, Parodia glaucina (F. Ritter), Hofacker & M. Machado, Parodia linkii (Lehm.), R. Kiesling, and Parodia ottonis (Lehm.) N. P. Taylor. This paper presents a complete list of the species with reference to conservation status.Um levantamento florístico da família Cactaceae foi realizado no município de Santa Maria, Brasil, localizado na região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo foi realizado entre agosto de 2017 e novembro de 2018, período em que foram registradas 14 espécies. Um total de cinco espécies está na lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção do Rio Grande do Sul. As espécies ameaçadas são Echinopsis oxygona (Link) Zucc. Ex. Pfeiff. & Otto, Parodia horstii (F. Ritter) N.P. Taylor, Parodia glaucina (F. Ritter), Hofacker e M. Machado, Parodia linkii (Lehm.), R. Kiesling e Parodia ottonis (Lehm.) N. P. Taylor. Este artigo apresenta uma lista completa de espécies e referência ao seu estado de conservação

    Studies on Hong Kong hepatics : 2., notes on some newly recorded liverworts from Hong Kong

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    Based on field work and herbarium studies, 44 species belonging to 21 genera and 11 families of hepatics are newly reported for Hong Kong. A first checklist of liverworts and hornworts in Hong Kong is also included

    Check list of the bryophytes of Réunion Island (France)

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    A systematic, literature-based compilation of bryophytes of Réunion Island has been made, with the additional examination of herbarium specimens. The list of 148 genera and 404 species and infraspecific taxa of mosses and 87 genera and 241 species and infraspecific taxa of hepatics and hornworts are here reported, including four mosses reported as new to Réunion

    Records on the distribution of Ptychanthoideae (subfam. of Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) in Australia

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    Three species are new for the Northern Territory of Australia: Acrolejeunea securifolia (Nees) Steph. ex Watts ssp. securifolia, Archilejeunea planiuscula (Mitt.) Steph. and Mastigolejeunea ligulata (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn., and one for Queensland: Thysananthus australis (Steph.) B. Thiers & Gradst. New records of species are given, which were previously known only from one or very few localities, including: Caudalejeunea cristiloba (Steph.) Gradst. and Lopholejeunea plicatiscypha (Taylor) Steph

    On the bryogeography of Western Melanesian Lejeuneaceae : with comments on their epiphyllous occurrence

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    The phytogeography of Western Melanesian (Papua New Guinea, West Irian and the Solomon Islands) Lejeuneaceae was studied on the basis of previous literature and the Huon Peninsula material from the Koponen-Norris expedition. The largest portion of the Lejeuneaceae belong to Western Melanesian and Malaysian endemics. The number of Western Melanesian endemic Lejeuneaceae (20.5 %) is, however, somewhat lower than generally in hepatics (38.2 %). This is apparently due to the large number of epiphyllous taxa in the Lejeuneaceae, a group especially widespread in lowland rainforests

    Hepaticae of Cerro Venamo, Venezuela, collected by J. Steyermark

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    A revision of herbarium material (NY) from Cerro Venamo, Venezuela (5°59’ N, 61°23’ W, 1890 m) yielded 77 hepatic species in 44 genera and 13 families. Most species have a neotropical distribution (75,32%), 6,49%, are pantropical and 9,09% are reported only from the tepuis