3 research outputs found

    k-delivery traveling salesman problem on tree networks

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    In this paper we study the k-delivery traveling salesman problem (TSP)on trees, a variant of the non-preemptive capacitated vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries. We are given n pickup locations and n delivery locations on trees, with exactly one item at each pickup location. The k-delivery TSP is to find a minimum length tour by a vehicle of finite capacity k to pick up and deliver exactly one item to each delivery location. We show that an optimal solution for the k-delivery TSP on paths can be found that allows succinct representations of the routes. By exploring the symmetry inherent in the k-delivery TSP, we design a 5/3-approximation algorithm for the k-delivery TSP on trees of arbitrary heights. The ratio can be improved to (3/2 - 1/2k) for the problem on trees of height 2. The developed algorithms are based on the following observation: under certain conditions, it makes sense for a non-empty vehicle to turn around and pick up additional loads

    Polynomially solvable cases of the bipartite traveling salesman problem

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    Given two sets, R and B, consisting of n cities each, in the bipartite traveling salesman problem one looks for the shortest way of visiting alternately the cities of R and B, returning to the city of origin. This problem is known to be NP-hard for arbitrary sets R and B. In this paper we provide an O(n6) algorithm to solve the bipartite traveling salesman problem if the quadrangle property holds. In particular, this algorithm can be applied to solve in O(n6) time the bipartite traveling salesman problem in the following cases: S=R¿B is a convex point set in the plane, S=R¿B is the set of vertices of a simple polygon and V=R¿B is the set of vertices of a circular graph. For this last case, we also describe another algorithm which runs in O(n2) time