221 research outputs found

    Load bearing steel structures for industrial fabric buildings

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    The thesis deals with fabric structures, which are made of aluminium or steel frames covered with PVC membrane. First, we analyzed and according to the standard EN 1999-1-1 checked design of existing aluminum structures, which consist of specially designed extruded hollow sections. Such buildings are used for storage and sports facilities, they have low total mass and are very easy and quickly assembled. We analyzed structures of various spans and with different design loads and found out they are all optimally designed. In the next step we focused on a design of steel structures according to standard EN 1993-1-1 with the same technical characteristics as aluminium structures. Structures with different spans, grids, design snow loads and with a use of different strengths of structural steel were analyzed. To ensure smooth outer lines of the building use of rectangular and square hollow sections was dictated. Main goal of design was optimal consumption of material. In the last part of the thesis we dealt with concept and design of improved and optimized solutions for joints. Simple production and fast assembly had to be assured in order to get closer to competitive aluminium structures. We evaluated the results and came to the conclusion that\ud use of steel in industrial fabric buildings with larger spans is better and thus also more competitive than the aluminium

    The project of the carying steel structure of an office building

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    A design for a six story office building is performed. For main structure moment frames with composite beams in one direction and frames with bracings in other direction are selected. Beside usually quality of steel S 235, with reason of optimization of structure, steel quality S 355 is used. A great deal of atention is focused on the dynamic analisys, which is performed using a simplyfied method with horizontal forces and the modal analisys. Steel structure is designed in acordance with the special rules for steel structures. The atention in the comparative dynamic analisys is focused on the relative horizontal displacements between the floors, which is in our case the key criteria for determining dimension of columns and horizontal bracings. Fire analisys of the structure, using the metod of critical temperature, is prerformed for the expected fire resistants R 60

    Application of capacity design procedure for transmission towers

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    The issues of collapse of steel-truss transmission towers are addressed in the thesis. The collapse of\ud one or several consecutive towers causes loss of electricity supply. Consequently, a part of income\ud from energy supply may be lost. In addition, collapse of tower cause high direct costs of restoration of\ud transmission line. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the most frequent collapse patterns due to\ud extreme action on conductors, as well as possible solutions for protection of the towers against\ud collapse are presented. The practical part of the thesis, which addresses electric transmission tower\ud NC74 of the 2 × 110 kV transmission line, involves definition of the design action according to\ud standard EN 50341-1 and redesign of critical elements of the existing tower on the basis of linearelastic\ud analysis. Follow nonlinear static analysis for sleet-based load cases, which represented the most\ud critical action for design of the tower. The results of nonlinear static analysis indicated that\ud overstrength due to redundancy of such towers is minor. The estimated overstrength of the tower is\ud thus primarily consequence of the utilization rate of the structural elements in the design. In the last\ud part of the thesis, capacity design procedure is applied to the transmission tower in order to prevent\ud global collapse of structure. The diagonals and the vertical elements of the tower were protected\ud against failure, whereas cantilevers of the tower were selected as week parts of the structure. In order\ud to meet this requirement, the diagonals and vertical elements of the tower were strengthened, and the\ud element of the cantilever, which had the largest utilization rate, was weakened by selecting smaller\ud cross-section of the structural element of the cantilever. This design procedure prevents global\ud collapse of structure for the price of increased mass of the structure, which was in this case\ud approximately 14% larger than that in the case of conventional design. For the application of the\ud proposed design approach in practice, a probabilistic analysis of the occurrence of the extreme actions\ud and the cost-benefit analysis should be performed in order to prove or disprove the economic\ud feasibility of the proposed design approach

    Structural design of a four story office building

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    Diploma deals with the design of four story office building. The structural system of the building is made of moment resisting frames in transverse direction and frames with eccentric braces in the longitudinal direction of the building. The geometric nonlinear static analysis with initial imperfections was performed to determine internal forces in the elements. All the elements of supporting structure as well as typical joints were designed. \ud The static analysis, the seismic action and the design of the elements were performed according to SIST EN 1990, SIST EN 1991, SIST EN 1993, SIST EN 1994 and SIST EN 1998

    Structural Design With Parametric Modeling Software Tekla Structures

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    Today, we are increasingly aware of the importance of quality design in building structures. Due to the fact that construction projects are becoming increasingly complex and contain more information, the need for the use of the building information model has become more important. Increasing fragmentation of the work in the design stage which cannot be handled by one single tool, different design software tools require better interoperability. In this thesis, we have used Tekla Structures design software, which allow for a high level of interoperability with other software packages and supports many different standards for data exchange. To show the advantage of the Tekla Structures' potential we modelled a large and complex facility. As part of the thesis we have made a Building Information Model (BIM) of a business-shopping centre Gemini with an area of almost 50,000 m2, which comprises two 17-storey towers with common ground floor and basement. BIM model was used to generate analytical model for a program for static and dynamic analysis SAP 2000. Based on the analysis results, we have partly designed the construction and tested a modern way of detail-making and element reinforcing. Project documentation results from a BIM model and is therefore always consistent and updated. We examined the ability of BIM change management and collision detection, which demonstrated to be very useful; however, certain segments in this area may need considerable improvement. Finally, we have developed a construction schedule and tested other functionalities of this modern way of designing structures. In the thesis we have described a broad use of the BIM model, which allows us a complete review of the design, construction and usage of the object itself.\u

    Construction project management analysis in Trimo d.d.

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    The thesis deals with the management of construction projects to review this area in Trimo\ud Trebnje Company. The first part presents the theoretical foundations of project management\ud with an emphasis on organization, participants, project office and project monitoring. This\ud part describes also modern information and communication technologies, that are presenting\ud an opportunity to significantly improve project management in construction.\ud The analysis of project management in Trimo Company and the opportunities for\ud improvement in this area are presented in the second part of the thesis. The study proposed\ud some changes for both the organizational structure and the information communication\ud system eConstruction. This system is founded in accordance with contemporary guidelines,\ud but still has some room for further development. The last part of the thesis is focused on a\ud construction project case study analysis, where individual elements of project management in\ud practice and their interdependencies are visible

    Design project of a four-storey business building

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    A dissertation deals with a calculation, for the design of a four-storey steel construction. First part of the calculations covers a global construction analysis, which takes into account second-order elastic analysis and geometrical imperfections of the construction. For the calculation of internal static quantities and design a computer program SCIA ENGINEER 2009 was used. The effects on construction were obtained from valid Slovenian standards SIST EN 1991-1998. The earthquake loading was substituted with equivalent forces and with moment also because of ground plan imperfection. Split-level and roof construction is designed as a reinforced concrete composite slab. My diploma work also involves the design of typical joints, positional and working schemes

    The use of BIM reference models for multi-material structural design

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    Master thesis deals with multi-material structural design that is based on reference architectural model. We performed process and product analysis that is relevant for multi-material structural design and proposed and demonstrated its use for three construction materials (concrete, steel and wood)\ud In the frames of process analysis we used IDEFØ methodology to describe AS-IS structural design. A detailed description of process models of existing design procedures for building permit and production documentation is presented. We also proposed TO-BE multi-material structural design process model. In the process analysis main project stakeholders and their roles were taken into account. To achieve desired re-engineering into multi-material structural design the whole building design and BIM were identified as driving forces. The multi-material design is first illustrated on simple case study.\ud In the frames of building product analysis construction technologies and their potential advantages and disadvantages in the case of three construction materials is given. In the concluding part the result of process and product modelling of multi-material structural design is demonstrated on a larger building. Modelling is executed using BIM tools (Tekla Structures, LigniKon and ArchiCAD) that are used for architectural and structural design. Demonstrated multi-material structural design procedure is based on the architectural reference model, which was created in ArchiCAD. The workflow takes the advanced of inter-operability between ArchiCAD and Tekla Structures using the IFC standard. In addition, an overview of applicability of several BIM tools for multi-material modelling is given. We also assess important issues for the inter-operability between BIM tools and provide suggestions for the improvements and further development of multi-material design

    Application of program SCIA for analysis and design of composite decks

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    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza etažne sovprežne plošče na jeklenem okvirju s programom SCIA Engineer. Izračun notranjih sil je bil izveden po standardni metodi končnih elementov. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov je bilo generirano in predstavljeno poročilo z vsemi potrebnimi kontrolami za dimenzioniranje sovprežnih plošč in njenih elementov. Opisana so orodja, metode in načini, ki jih ponuja program za projektiranje takšnih plošč.This diploma thesis presents an example of an analysis of a composite deck using SCIA Engineer. The calculation of the internal forces was performed by using the standard finite element method. Based on the obtained results, a report was generated with all its necessary controls for designing these kinds of slabs and their building parts. The tools and methods, provided by the software are being described for designing such kinds of decks