4,914 research outputs found

    Iridoid glucosides from Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.) Deflers growing on the Island of Sardinia

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    The ethanolic extract of Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.) Deflers was investigated from a phytochemical point of view and in particular on the monoterpenoid glucosides content. Iridoid glucosides have a taxonomic relevance, e.g., asperuloside and its derivative are characteristic of the Rubioideae subfamily where this species is comprised. In the light of earliest phylogenetic molecular study which proposed to merge P. lanceolata in the Spermacoceae tribe, a phytochemical approach also becomes necessary for a correct classification of this species. A total of 12 compounds were identified in detail, ten of these are iridoid glucosides: asperuloside, asperulosidic acid, tudoside, E-uenfoside and Z-uenfoside previously identified in this genus; whereas, deacetyl-asperulosidic acid, ixoside, griselinoside, 6β,7β-epoxysplendoside were recognized here for the first time from P. lanceolata. Among the non-iridoidic compounds ursolic acid and d-xylose were identified

    Pedicularis L. Genus. Systematics, botany, phytochemistry, chemotaxonomy, ethnopharmacology, and other

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    In this review, the relevance of the plant species belonging to the Pedicularis L. genus has been considered from different points of view. Particular emphasis was given to phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology, since several classes of natural compounds have been reported within this genus and many of its species are well known to be employed in the traditional medicines of many Asian countries. Some important conclusions on the chemotaxonomic and chemosystematic aspects of the genus have also been provided for the first time. Actually, this work represents the first total comprehensive review on this genus

    Chromatographic Fingerprinting And Clustering Of Plantago Major L. From Different Areas In Indonesia

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    Plantago major L. is a ubiquitous herbaceous plant with many medicinal activities which has been extensively used in Indonesian traditional medicine. This plant grows at wide range of environment, has several subspecies and varieties, but could not be distinguished morphologically. It is important to develop an effective method for identification and quality assurance of P. major, thus the final product has reproducible quality. In this research, a chromatographic fingerprint method was developed for exploring and establishing the variation of chemical substances among different samples of P. major collected from 15 areas in Indonesia. The LC (liquid chromatography) data showed considerable variation of chemicals among P. major samples. Three chemo-types were visually developed from the LC profiles. The hierarchical clustering analysis also concluded that the samples were divided into three major clusters. Furthermore, the bio-active marker aucubin in this herb was quantitatively determined by a validated LC analysis. Chemo-type II and III were identified as “compound 1”-rich and aucubin-relatively rich chemo-types. These conclusions provide an important basis to establish good agriculture practice and select geo-authentic crude drug for P. major in Indonesia. The validated method was concluded to be suitable for fingerprint analysis for the quality control of P. majo

    Benzoilskandosidmetilester, senyawa iridoid hedyotis corymbosa (l.) lamk. (oldenlandia corymbosa linn.)suku rubiaceae

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    Many plants in the forest have been found as medicinal agents. People have used several Rubiaceae plants for curing cough, rheumatic, cancer, high fever. Iridoid, alkaloid, triterpene, anthraquinone are usually produced by the family Rubiaceae. Iridoid substances can be used as a characteristic substance in Rubiaceae. Extraction has been done with soxhlet and liquid-liquid continuous extraction apparatus. Column chromatography, preparative thin layer chromatography methods have been used for separation of the iridoid. The iridoid was identified on the basis of spectroscopic data. There are 3 dien-type iridoid substances in Hedyotis colymbosa (L.) Lamk. (Oldenlandia corymbosa Linn.). One of the iridoid substance is benzoilscandoside methyl ester. Key words: Iridoid substanceBenzoilscandoside methyl ester, Hedyotis coryntbosa(L.)Lamk.(01denlandia cotymbosa Linn.

    Host Plants and Habitats of the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly, \u3ci\u3eEuphydryas Phaeton\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), in the Great Lakes Region

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    The habitats and host plants of Euphydryas phaeton in the Great Lakes region are examined using data from several different populations spread over much of the region. The range of habitats and host plants used by this species is wider than commonly believed. While many populations are found in seasonal or permanent wetlands, others are located in dry, old fields or woodland areas. The host plants used vary with habitat, but they include all major primary hosts and many secondary hosts previously reported plus several new records. The biology of E. phaeton is shown to be similar to western Euphydryas butterflies in which variation in habitat and host plant use is well documented

    Hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of iridoid glycosides extracted from: Corni fructus: Possible involvement of the PI3K-Akt/PKB signaling pathway

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    Iridoid glycosides (CIG) are the major component of Corni fructus. In this work, we researched the antioxidative, hypoglycemic and lowering blood lipids effects of CIG on diabetic mice induced by a high-fat diet (HFD) and streptozotocin (STZ). Furthermore, to investigate the molecular mechanism of action, the phosphorylation and protein expression of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and its downstream proteins, such as insulin receptor (INSR), protein kinase B (Akt/PKB) and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) have been detected. The results showed that CIG significantly improved oral glucose tolerance in diabetic mice. Biochemical indices also revealed that CIG had a positive effect on lipid metabolism and oxidative stress. In addition, CIG can significantly enhance the expression level of the PI3K-Akt/PKB pathway related proteins in skeletal muscle, which is the key pathway of insulin metabolism. These findings show that CIG can improve the hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia of HFD-STZ-induced diabetic mice through the PI3K-Akt/PKB signaling pathway, and CIG might be a potential medicine or functional food for type 2 diabetes mellitus remedies. © 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Inhibitory Potencies of Several Iridoids on Cyclooxygenase-1, Cyclooxygnase-2 Enzymes Activities, Tumor Necrosis factor-α and Nitric Oxide Production In Vitro

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    To verify the anti-inflammatory potency of iridoids, seven iridoid glucosides (aucubin, catalpol, gentiopicroside, swertiamarin, geniposide, geniposidic acid and loganin) and an iridoid aglycone (genipin) were investigated with in vitro testing model systems based on inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1/-2 enzymes, the tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) formation and nitric oxide (NO) production. The hydrolyzed-iridoid products (H-iridoid) with β-gludosidase treatment only showed inhibitory activities, and revealed different potencies, depending on their chemical structures. Without the β-gludosidase treatment, no single iridoid glycoside exhibited any activities. The aglycone form (genipin) also did not show inhibitory activities. To compare anti-inflammatory potency, the inhibitory concentrations (IC50) in each testing system were measured. The hydrolyzed-aucubin product (H-aucubin) with β-gludosidase treatment showed a moderate inhibition on COX-2 with IC50 of 8.83 μM, but much less inhibition (IC50, 68.9 μM) on COX-1 was noted. Of the other H-iridoid products, the H-loganin and the H-geniposide exhibited higher inhibitory effects on COX-1, revealing IC50 values of 3.55 and 5.37 μM, respectively. In the case of TNF-α assay, four H-iridoid products: H-aucubin, H-catalpol, H-geniposide and H-loganin suppressed the TNF-α formation with IC50 values of 11.2, 33.3, 58.2 and 154.6 μM, respectively. But other H-iridoid products manifested no significant activity. Additional experiments on NO production were conducted. We observed that only the H-aucubin exhibited a significant suppression with IC50 value of 14.1 μM. Genipin, an agycone form, showed no inhibitory effects on all testing models, implying the hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond of iridoid glycoside is a pre-requisite step to produce various biological activities
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