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    China's Tourism industry, especially international tourism, has expanded rapidly since its market-oriented economic reform started in 1978. There has been limited information regarding the trends and regional disparities. This paper examines the national trends of China's international tourism since 1982 and analyzes the changes in regional disparities since 1995. While the trend analysis suggests that China's international tourism is likely to keep growing at a significant rate, the analysis of regional disparities based on Gini coefficient indicates that the regional inequality in the number of international tourists and income has shown a downward trend since 1995. Findings from this study suggest that China's economic reform has stimulated the growth in international tourism and the international tourism has contributed to its economic growth and business development.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Modelling International Tourism Demand for Zimbabwe

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    This paper uses the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration to estimate the coefficients of the determinants of international tourism demand for Zimbabwe for the period 1998 to 2005. The results show that taste formation, transport costs, changes in global income and certain specific events have a significant impact on international tourism demand. This implies that the improvement of international tourism infrastructure (in order to reduce travel costs and enhance the quality of services to tourists) so as to reinforce taste formation are important for attracting more international tourists to Zimbabwe. Furthermore, the authorities can potentially increase international tourism demand for the country by promoting pleasant events in the country.International tourism demand, ARDL, Zimbabwe

    Tourism and Empirical Applications of International Trade Theory: A Multi-Country Analysis

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    This paper examines the application of quantitative techniques to further our understanding of international trade theory with respect to tourism flows. The analyses are based on the construction of Balassa and Grubel-Lloyd Indices, as well as the construction of dynamic indices. The results of the analyses suggest that international trade theory has much to offer the study of international tourism flows. Many countries seem to specialize as both exporters and importers of tourism services. The analyses also explore the theoretical assertion that intra-industry trade is likely to be of importance in understanding international tourism flows

    Managing Value-at-Risk in Daily Tourist Tax Revenues for the Maldives

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    International tourism is the principal economic activity for Small Island Tourism Economies (SITEs). There is a strongly predictable component of international tourism, specifically the government revenue received from taxes on international tourists, but it is difficult to predict the number of international tourist arrivals, which determines the magnitude of tax revenue receipts. A framework is presented for risk management of daily tourist tax revenues for the Maldives, which is a unique SITE because it relies almost entirely on tourism for its economic and social development. As international tourism receipts are significant financial assets to the economies of SITEs, the timevarying volatility of international tourist arrivals and their growth rate is analogous to the volatility (or dynamic risk) in financial returns. The volatility in the levels and growth rates of daily international tourist arrivals are investigated in the paper. This paper provides a template for the future analysis of earnings from international tourism, particularly tourism taxes for SITEs, discusses the direct and indirect monetary benefits from international tourism, highlights tourism taxes in the Maldives as a development financing phenomenon, and provides a framework for discussing the design and implementation of tourism taxes. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the analysis developed in this paper can be used by the Maldivian Government in determining monetary and fiscal policy, by creditors to evaluate the risks associated with providing financial support to the Maldives, and by resort operators to decide whether to expand or contract their operations.Small Island Tourism Economies (SITEs), International tourist arrivals, Tourism tax, Volatility, Risk, Value-at-Risk (VaR), Sustainable Tourism@Risk (ST@R).

    International Tourism, development and Biodiversity: First Evidence

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    We analyse whether biodiversity can improve the economic growth of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) by increasing the receipts of tourism as one of the world biggest and fastest growing industries. The intention of our examination is to present an alternative utilization of biodiversity, rather than hunting or the agricultural use of habitats. Our hypothesis is that tourism may be an important chance for economic growth in developing countries. We assume that biodiversity is an important factor influencing the demand for tourism. In other words: a rich biodiversity provides a comparative advantage for most LDCs. Using by a simple growth-model, we conclude that only sustainable tourism shows a steady economic growth in the long run, which may result in an economic convergence from LDCs to Developed Countries. The model is supported by an empirical analysis. We assess the determinants of trade in tourism and comparative advantage therein based on cross-country data of incidence and the rate of endangerment of birds, as the probably best explored taxonomic group. Other exogenous variables are GDP per capita, life expectancy (as determinates for safety and infrastructure), coastline, the distance to the equator and the number of UNESCO-World-Heritage sites. The main findings are that LDCs first seem to have a comparative advantage in (sustainable) tourism, that second incidence of birds has a positive impact on inbound tourism receipts per capita, and that third the rate of endangered to total birds is negatively influencing tourism receipts.tourism, economic growth, biodiversity conservation

    International Tourism in the System of Modern Globalization Processes

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    Стаття присвячена процесам глобалізації, що відбуваються у сучасному світі. Особлива увага приділяється впливу глобалізації на туризм. Розглядаються як позитивні, так і негативні впливи глобалізаційних процесів на різні сфери життя суспільства. У статті описані основні фактори глобалізації у міжнародному туризмі та їх вплив на його розвиток. Глобалізація часто розглядається як особливий стан людського суспільства. В контексті туризму глобалізація дозволяє сприймати туристів як споживачів, привносячи культуру споживання в країни, що розвиваються і сприяючи зростанню глобального суспільства. Розглядається вплив COVID-19 на міжнародні туристичні потоки. Міжнародний туризм. Глобалізація. Короновірус Статья посвящена процессам глобализации, происходящим в современном мире. Особое внимание уделяется влиянию глобализации на туризм. Рассматриваются как положительные, так и отрицательные воздействия глобализационных процессов на различные сферы жизни общества. В статье описаны основные факторы глобализации в международном туризме и их влияние на его развитие. Глобализация часто рассматривается как особое состояние человеческого общества. В контексте туризма глобализация позволяет воспринимать туристов как потребителей, привнося культуру потребления в развивающиеся страны и способствуя росту глобального общества. Рассматривается влияние COVID-19 на международные туристические потоки. Международный туризм. Глобализация. КороновирусThe article is devoted to globalization processes taking place in the modern world. Particular attention is paid to the impact of globalization on tourism. Both positive and negative effects of globalization processes on different spheres of society are considered. The article describes the main factors of globalization in international tourism and their impact on its development. Globalization is often seen as a special state of human society. In the context of tourism, globalization allows tourists to be perceived as consumers, bringing a culture of consumption to developing countries and contributing to the growth of global society. International Tourism, Globalization, COVID-1

    Tourism income and economic growth in Greece: Empirical evidence from their cyclical components

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    This paper examines the relationship between the cyclical components of Greek GDP and international tourism income for Greece for the period 1976–2004. Using spectral analysis the authors find that cyclical fluctuations of GDP have a length of about nine years and that international tourism income has a cycle of about seven years. The volatility of tourism income is more than eight times the volatility of the Greek GDP cycle. VAR analysis shows that the cyclical component of tourism income is significantly influencing the cyclical component of GDP in Greece. The findings support the tourism-led economic growth hypothesis and are of particular interest and importance to policy makers, financial analysts and investors dealing with the Greek tourism industry