33,418 research outputs found

    Analisis Perkawinan Beda Agama Menurut Hifz Al-Nasl (Perspektif Jasser Auda)

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    Interfaith marriage is a social phenomenon that occurs in Indonesia. This is due to the condition of the Indonesian population, which has high pluralism. However, in the positive law of interfaith marriages, there are still conflicting norms. This was followed by the decisions of the Surabaya District Court and the Central Jakarta District Court, followed by SEMA. SEMA has not been able to provide legal certainty regarding interfaith marriages. In the end, interfaith marriages remain controversial, and there is no legal clarity. With the majority of Indonesia's population being Muslim, it raises the question of whether marriage between different religions is in line with the benefit of society according to Islamic law. One review that can be used is by Hifz al-Nasl Jasser Auda's perspective. Therefore, research examines how interfaith marriages look when viewed from Hifz al-Nasl Jasser Auda's perspective. This research uses normative research methods with supporting literature. The results of this research are that interfaith marriages are contrary to the objectives of Islamic law, namely Hifz al-Nasl, from Jasser Auda's perspective. Where interfaith marriages have an impact and are detrimental to the family, especially to children, This is because, according to Islamic law, interfaith marriages are invalid. Thus, the child's civil relationship with the father is severed, meaning that the father has no responsibility for his child

    10 Years of the Festival of Faiths

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    In 1996 the Center for Interfaith Relations (formerly the Cathedral Heritage Foundation) of Louisville, Kentucky held its first annual Festival of Faiths to celebrate the religious heritage of the Louisville region. This interfaith event has since grown to be recognized by the United States Senate as a model for interfaith activity. This year marked the tenth anniversary of the Festival of Faiths

    Interfaith-Cross-Cultural Improvisation: Music and Meaning Across Boundaries of Faith and Culture

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    This article explores the social value and meaning of interfaith-cross-cultural improvisation (musical improvisation between people from differing cultural and faith traditions) and its unique quality of engaging widely different cultural and faith-based groups. It draws concepts from evolutionary biology, ethnomusicology, religious experience, the emerging field of community music, and the insight of first-hand participants. Interfaith-cross-cultural improvisation can be seen as a form of “deep play” with the ability to signal and evoke empathy across participants who identify with divergent beliefs, cultures, and practices. The article attempts to illuminate the process of interfaith-cross-cultural improvisation as a meaningful undertaking of interfaith and multicultural practice, important to the formation of group empathy, sense of connection, and ultimately creating a deep sense of community

    Interfaith Appeal: Support Peace in Bosnia

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    Women's Interfaith Initiatives in the United States Post 9/11

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    In this post 9/11 era, women's interfaith initiatives offer an exciting alternative to the standard model for interfaith engagement, which often presumes male (clergy) leadership. For one thing, academic and professional authorities on interfaith relations are replaced with real-life experts: women who live and breathe the challenges of religious coexistence in times of crisis. Secondly, formal dialogue is replaced with storytelling. Personal testimonies, reflections, and engagement in difficult dialogues are not limited to theological arenas of overlap and divergence, but instead focus on the day to day experiences where conflicts of identity, more often than ideology, are commonplace.What follows is a sketch of the multi-religious women's networks of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University, as well as a snapshot of women's initiatives that have developed in various parts of the United States over the past five years. The intention is to explore this new model of women's interfaith initiatives, with the idea that it is complementary to traditional models, and as such will be critical to multi-religious societies in the years to come. In the spirit of honoring these efforts, let me begin with a story

    The Interfaith Council for Social Cohesion in the Western Balkans

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    With the demise of the communist governments in the Balkan region in the early 1990s, we have entered a phase in which serious religiously related issues challenging the social cohesion of our societies need serious analysis and action at different levels. Interfaith councils as a way of engaging the different religious communities in one society are not new and not the same. Nor are they unquestionably accepted or easily dismissed as ineffective in addressing challenges of peacebuilding and social cohesion in a religiously pluralistic society. There are political, cultural, ethnic and national considerations beside religious and educational ones which figure large in the role of an interfaith council and influence its character and effectiveness, but their contribution to peacebuilding and the social cohesion of our pluralistic societies cannot be ignored. As such this paper will explore, from different perspectives, the role of an interfaith council as a helpful instrument for the wellbeing of our societies. The virtues of an interfaith council discussed in this paper should give us hope for fruitfully addressing the challenge of different traditions in the same social space, but it remains to be seen if it can win the support of the majority culture’s stakeholders with their concerns in providing for a peaceful and harmonious society. The Albanian context with its similarities and differences from the religious pluralistic context of the other countries in the region provides a good case study to evaluate the merits of an interfaith council as an instrument to facilitate tolerance and social cohesion

    Baccalaureate Services and Pluralism

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    The renewal of baccalaureate services in colleges and universities across the country has been met with increasingly diverse student populations. The manners in which schools approach this growing plurality of religious faiths are as diverse as the institutions themselves. Some schools no longer include a baccalaureate service as part of their commencement activities, some maintain a traditional Christian form, and some provide an interfaith service of one type or another.Public and private institutions alike host interfaith baccalaureate ceremonies, as do religiously affiliated and independent schools. The main indicator of whether or not an institution will hold such a ceremony seems most tied to the make-up of that particular school's student body, faculty, and administration. While not all institutions find that an interfaith service is most suitable for them, a rising number of colleges and universities are discovering that interfaith baccalaureates, in all their varieties, provide their particular student body with a setting for religious reflection that meets their community's needs in an environment of ever-increasing religious pluralism

    Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family

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    Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family Susan Katz Miller Boston: Beacon Press, 201

    Campus Interfaith Inventory

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    Overview The Campus Interfaith Inventory is an institutional tool that tracks interfaith efforts across all areas of campus life, using the Leadership Practices for Interfaith Excellence as a guiding framework. For each leadership practice, the Inventory asks a number of specific questions about the institution’s programs and practices. Since its 2016 launch, over 420 U.S. colleges and universities have partnered with IFYC to break ground on the Campus Interfaith Inventory. This first-of-its-kind tool enables campuses to capture how they are addressing issues of religious and worldview diversity, and contributes to a national picture of worldview identity, diversity, and engagement across Higher Education. Participate in the Campus Interfaith Inventory To share vital information, get your campus recognized, and unlock exclusive new opportunities this year, fill out the form below. Any knowledgeable campus official can represent their institution, and we’ve designed it to be simple and straightforward, with a minimum investment of time. Within 48 hours of submitting the form you will receive a unique link taking you to your campus\u27 Inventory. Check out our frequently asked questions or, if you’re ready to get started, fill out the form below

    Christianity and interfaith engagement

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    Early in the twentieth century the Christian Church began to question long-held exclusivist and negative assumptions toward other religions. By mid-century far-reaching changes were underway: other religions and their peoples were honoured as dialogue-partners and viewed as co-religionists capable of common cause action. Since the 1960s the official stance of the Vatican is one of goodwill, high valuation, and respect toward other faiths. Christian perspectives on religious diversity changed from vexed problem to celebrated phenomenon. However, the global resurgence of religion and allied ideologies such as fundamentalism provide new challenges to the age-old question of Christianity and other faiths