104,787 research outputs found

    IPhone Securtity Analysis

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    The release of Appleā€™s iPhone was one of the most intensively publicized product releases in the history of mobile devices. While the iPhone wowed users with its exciting design and features, it also outraged many for not allowing installation of third party applications and for working exclusively with AT&T wireless services for the first two years. Software attacks have been developed to get around both limitations. The development of those attacks and further evaluation revealed several vulnerabilities in iPhone security. In this paper, we examine several of the attacks developed for the iPhone as a way of investigating the iPhoneā€™s security structure. We also analyze the security holes that have been discovered and make suggestions for improving iPhone security

    Valuation of innovation: The case of iPhone

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    We estimate the private value of Appleā€™s iPhone by observing abnormal stock market reactions to news announcements and patent publications related to the innovation. Our estimate of the lower bound on the market valuation of iPhone is fairly high, at minimum 30 billion U.S. (event day) dollars. We find that patentable technology explains about 25% of that total value. We also find a weak negative reaction among Appleā€™s rivals to the news about iPhone but no significant reaction to the publication of patent documents concerning iPhone can be observed. The evidence suggests that the value of iPhone primarily stems from Appleā€™s management and marketing abilities and efforts rather than from underlying "hard" technologies and intellectual property.innovation, R&D, patent, iPhone, valuation


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    I made the Baseball Scoreboard Application software for iPhone/iPad. To connect a liquid crystal display, the picture on the iPhone/iPad is output on the display, some audiences can watch it. Everyone could use this application software easily now to adopt an intuitive operating method (a gesture on the iPhone/iPad screen e.g. swipe or tap). When this scoreboard was used in the baseball games, it was get good evaluation from some audiences

    iPhone forensics methodology and tools

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    iPhone mobile devices are rapidly overtaking the new generation of mobile phones market, especially among the young generation. It is also gaining a lot of popularity among security specialists and fancy gadgets for collectors. The device is considered as a ā€œspecialā€ mobile phone due to its ability to perform multi-operations if not multitasking. It can therefore be used as a entertainment media device, a camera, a GPS, Internet surfing via Wi-Fi technology, Internet Mobile Edge Services, personal organizer, and finally performing as a cell phone with all the usual services including sms, and so forth. However, the difference between the iPhone and the other conventional phones vendors is its ability to store and process huge volume of data which is supported by decent computing capabilities of the iPhone processor. As part of every technology, such a device can be used for legal and illegal activities. Therefore the potential risks from such ā€œspecialā€ technology are not limited to the possibility of containing illegal materials, such as audios and visuals, including explicit materials, images, documents and the possibility of propagating malicious activities rapidly. Such modification can breach or tamper with the telecommunications network authorities and regulations. The goal of this paper is to focus on both the logical and the physical extraction of the iPhone generation one through the extraction of the iPhone flash drive NAND memory chip and also the logical extraction of data onto the second generation of iPhone using various techniques and methods at our disposal

    Is the iPhone an accurate and useful tool for the monitoring of spinal deformity?

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    The progression of spinal deformity is traditionally monitored by spinal surgeons using the Cobb method on hardcopy radiographs with a protractor and pencil. The rotation of the spine and ribcage (rib hump) in scoliosis is measured with a simple hand-held inclinometer (Scoliometer). The iPhone and other smart phones have the capability to accurately sense inclination, and can therefore be used to measure Cobb angles and rib hump angulation. The purpose of this study was to quantify the performance of the iPhone compared to a standard protractor for measuring Cobb angles and the Scoliometer for measuring rib humps. The study concluded that the iPhone is a clinically equivalent measuring tool to the traditional protractor and Scoliomete

    Would You Like that iPhone Locked or Unlocked?: Reconciling Apple's Anticircumvention Measures with the DMCA

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    When Apple's iPhone first hit the stores it was an epochal media event.2 Apple, long a leader in high-end computers and personal electronics, was poised to make its entry into a highly-competitive market with a new mobile phone that promised groundbreaking technological capabilities in a sleek, ergonomic package. Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, extolled the iPhone's virtues to an eager press, and, shortly thereafter, Apple's stock jumped dramatically.3 Apple's loyal devotees lined up in anticipation days before the phone's June 29, 2007 release.4 It took Apple a mere seventy-four days to sell one million handsets.5 But some time after the fanfare had settled down, public perception of the iPhone shifted. As consumers began to use the iPhone, the once-beloved phone began to acquire its share of discontents. Consumers expressed frustration in response to 300-page phone bills,6 expensive roaming charges,7 and, perhaps most vocally, to the technological methods Apple used to police its exclusive agreement with AT&T

    How the iPhone Widens the United States Trade Deficit with the People's Republic of China

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    In this paper, the authors use the iPhone as a case to show that even high-tech products invented by United States (US) companies will not increase US exports, but on the contrary exacerbate the US trade deficit. The iPhone contributed US$1.8 billion to the US trade deficit with the Peopleā€™s Republic of China (PRC). Unprecedented globalization, well organized global production networks, repaid development of cross-country production fragmentation, and low transportation costs all contributed to rational firms such as Apple making business decisions that contributed directly to the US trade deficit reduction. Global production networks and highly specialized production processes apparently reverse trade patterns: developing countries such as the PRC export high-tech goodsā€”like the iPhoneā€”while industrialized countries such as the US import the high-tech goods they themselves invented. In addition, conventional trade statistics greatly inflate bilateral trade deficits between a country used as export-platform by multinational firms and its destination countries.sino-us trade; apple iphone; world trade patterns

    Use of a Mobile Application to Increase Patient Compliance to a Prescribed Home Exercise Program and Improve Outcomes

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    Methods: The creator of the app offered free use of their app to a physical therapy clinic. As the app is only compatible with Apple products, the clinic used the app with any patient that had an iPhone. Retrospective review was conducted to determine if differences in patient outcomes were observed. Patients who had access to an iPad or iPhone were considered part of the ā€œapp groupā€ and used the mobile app to reference and report PT HEP compliance. Patients without access to an iPad or iPhone were considered part of the ā€œnon-app groupā€ and received traditional PT HEP prescription and monitoring. Patient data was extracted from patient medical records, de-identified, and sent to University researchers. An independent t-test was used to analyze age and compliance of the app group and the non-app group. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to analyze number of exercises assigned, global rating of change, functional index score, and pain rating. (See pdf for complete abstract

    The Influence of Customer Satisfaction and Brand Trust on Brand Loyalty (Survey on Undergraduate Student as User of Apple Iphone in University of Brawijaya)

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    Tujuan dari peneIitian ini adaIah untuk menganaIisis pengaruh kepuasan peIanggan terhadap loyaIitas merek; pengaruh kepercayaan merek terhadap Ioyalitas merek; dan pengaruh kepuasan peIanggan dan kepercayan merek terhadap IoyaIitas merek. PeneIitian ini menggunakan peneIitian expIanatori dengan kuantitativ. JumIah respondent daIam peneIitian berjumIah l06 orang dengan teknik pengambiIan sampeI menggunakan accidentaI sampIing dengan aIat bantu kuesioner. Teknik anaIisis mengunakan anaIisis regresi Iinear ganda. HasiI anaIisis menunjukan bahwa semua variabIe bebas berpengaruh terhadap variabIe terikat. Berdasarkan hasiI peneIitian ini sebaiknya Perusahaan AppIe iPhone perIu meningkatkan kepuasan peIanggan yaitu dengan meningkatkan mutu. Kedua, pihak AppIe iPhone harus mempertahankan persuasi peIanggan agar tetap percaya daIam mengunakan AppIe iPhone. Ketiga, pihak AppIe iPhone perIu membuat strategi khusus untuk mempertahankan peIanggan daIam menggunakan AppIe iPhone yaitu seIain dengan membuat peIanggan tetap puas dan tetap percaya daIam mengunakan iPhone. Keempat, pihak AppIe iPhone harus membuat innovasi dengan mempertahankan prestige yang menjadi ciri khas AppIe iPhone. Kata kunci: Kepuasan PeIanggan, Kepercayaan Merek, Kesetiaan Merek. ABSTRACK This study\u27s aim is to anaIyze the efect in customer satsifaction on brand IoyaIty; The infIeunce of brandtrust on brand IoyaIty; And the infIuence of customer satifsaction and brandtrust on brand IoyaIty. This reseacrh uses expIanatory reseacrh with quantitativ. The number of respondends was l06 peopIe with the sampIing techniq using accidentaI sampIing with questionaire tooI. The anaIysis technique used muItipIe Iinear regresion anaIysis. The resuIt of the anaIysis shows that all the indepndent variabIes have an efect on the dependen variabIe. Based on the resuIts of these study, AppIe iPhone needs to improve cutsomer satsifaction is to improve quaIity. Second, the AppIe iPhone must maintan customer persuation in order to remain confident in using AppIe iPhone. Third, the AppIe iPhone shouId create a speciaI strategy to keep customers in using AppIe iPhone is to making customers remain satisfied and stiII beIieve in using the iPhone. Fourth, the AppIe iPhone must make inovations by maintaning the prestige that characteirzes the AppIe iPhone. Keywodrs: Customer Satisfaction, Brand Trust, Brand LoyaIt

    Motif Masyarakat Surabaya Dalam Menggunakan Iphone

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana motif para pengguna ponsel pintar iPhone yang berada di Surabaya, karena iPhone memiliki pangsa pasar yang jelas sehingga menjadikan iPhone tetap stabil dalam penggunaannya. Motif yang diteliti adalah motif masyarakat Surabaya dalam menggunakan iPhone dengan menggunakan teori Uses and Gratification 2.0 untuk smartphone. Indikator pengukur yang dipakai meliputi: akses permanen, hiburan, interaksi sosial, daya tarik, koneksi, instrumentalitas, dan mode/status. Sedangkan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei deskriptif pada 76 pengguna iPhone yang berdomisili di Surabaya, dengan menggunakan teknik non probability purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motif pengguna iPhone di Surabaya cukup tinggi, terutama pada indikator hiburan dan akses permanen, di mana motif tertinggi tersebut ada pada wiraswasta dan pegawai swasta, dengan pengeluaran per bulannya berkisar antara 1.000.001 ā€“ 4.000.000 rupiah, di mana mereka memiliki iPhone karena membelinya sendiri. Selain itu, ditemukan pula sebuah kesimpulan bahwa dari iPhone seri pertama sampai iPhone yang terbaru, motif tertinggi dalam penggunaannya tetap konsisten ada pada indikator hiburan
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