241 research outputs found

    How effective are hypertension self-care interventions?

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    Simplification of the dosing regimen (eg, once-daily instead of multiple dosing) improves patients' adherence to anti- hypertensive medications (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, based on a high- quality systematic review of lower-quality randomized controlled trials). Dietary advice promotes modest short-term improvements in self-reported fat intake and fruit and vegetable consumption (SOR: B, based on a high-quality systematic review of lower-quality, randomized controlled trials)

    The Association Between Health Literacy and Diet Adherence Among Primary Care Patients with Hypertension

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    This study examines the association between health literacy and adherence to low-salt diet practices among individuals with hypertension. Health literacy is the ability of individuals to understand and utilize health information. We surveyed 238 patients with hypertension from a primary care clinic in Charlotte, NC. We assessed health literacy and self-reported low-salt diet. Logistic regression was used to model the relationship between health literacy and low-salt diet adherence. Respondents were primarily female (67.3%) and black (80%). Black Americans were less likely to have adequate health literacy as compared to white Americans (21.8% vs. 55.8%). The study found no association between adequate health literacy and adherence to a low-salt diet (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 0.36-3.10) after adjusting for confounders. This study addresses the conflicting findings for health literacy in two related areas: chronic illness self-care, and nutrition/diet skills. Additional research is warranted among black Americans given their increased risk of hypertension, low rates of diet adherence and previous findings of positive associations between health literacy and nutrition skills

    Levels and predictors of self-care among patients with hypertension in Pakistan

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    Background: Globally, hypertension is the leading non-communicable disease and strongest predictor of cardiovascular diseases. To mitigate and prevent hypertension-related complications, self-care behavior adaptation has proven to be vital. In this study, we examined the six clinically prescribed levels of self-care as prescribed by the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure and its predictors among a select sample of hypertensive individuals in Karachi, Pakistan.Methods: This study reports the cross-sectional survey of a sequential mixed method study which assessed the levels of self-care of hypertensive individuals residing in an urban cosmopolitan setting within Karachi Pakistan. Four hundred and two patients were screened using the H-SCALE questionnaire, while socio-demographic predictors of self-care and level of knowledge of hypertension were identified using a study-specific checklist. Self-care was assessed against six clinical domains including medication adherence, diet, weight management, physical activity, and abstinence from alcohol.Results: Participants were recruited from the two largest tertiary care hospitals in Karachi. Good knowledge about hypertension, including its causes, management, and complications was reported by 4.47% of the participants. Highest levels of self-care adherence were found for abstinence from alcohol (100%), smoking cessation (83.33%), and medication compliance (71.89%), whereas lowest levels were found for diet (27.11%), and physical activity (24.88%). In terms of predictors for self-care, age, male gender, and self-checking of blood pressure at home, followed by the level of education were the most common predictors for each self-care behavior in the given population.Conclusion: Overall knowledge of self-care for hypertension is sub-optimal among hypertensive patients in Pakistan which is reflected in their behaviors. There is a need to introduce healthcare educational programs in Pakistan which can improve self-care behaviors of hypertensive individuals and potentially reduce the prevalence of associated cardiovascular diseases and its complications

    The Correlation Between Self-Care Behavior and The Self-Efficacy of Hypertensive Adults

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    Introduction: Medication adherence is critical to succesful of hypertension control, and other effort to maintain blood pressure for hypertensive adult is lifestyle modifica­tions involving healthy eating, sodium reduction, and increased physical activity. A person’s behavior to maintain their health condition including their high blood pressure can be affected by their self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to assess the self-care behavior of hypertensive adults to examine its relationship with the self-efficacy in order to propose inputs to the development of lifestyle program. Methods: The descriptive correlation method of quantitative research utilized in this study. The respondents of this stady consisted of of 120 hypertensive adults. The self-care behavior and self-efficacy of hypertensive adults were assessed use questionnaires and statistically tested with pearson-r. Results: The characteristic of respondents in this study were mostly female (76.7%), age ≥ 60 years old (57.5%), and graduated from Senior High School (59.2%). The pearson-r results showed that the computated T of 4.705 was greater than tabular value of 1.96 so that the null hypothesis was rejected. Conclusions: The characteristic of respondents in this study were mostly female (76.7%), age ≥ 60 years old (57.5%), and graduated from Senior High School (59.2%). There is a significant relationship between self-care bahavior and self-efficacy of hypertensive adults

    Impact of Literacy on Obesity and Hypertension: A Quality Improvement Project

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    Social determinants of health (SDoH) are defined as factors, including things such as food security, housing, literacy, finances, and work and school environments, that affect health risks and outcomes (About Social, 2021). Healthcare disparities are often affected by one’s social determinants. National data shows low-income populations present with considerable unmet needs, including food, housing, clothing, and quality health care. Closing the health disparities gap has long been the focus of healthcare organizations across the board. The care coordination model (CCM) enables organizations to improve care through collaboration. CCM looks at care coordination from the perspective of a patient-centered medical home. One aspect of the model is providing patient support through education, helping patients with barriers to care, and difficulties they may encounter. Communities and healthcare organizations can improve healthcare disparities caused by SDoH, improving patient outcomes and their quality of life through the use of the CCM. Effectively educating patients on recognizing how SDoH affect their health and by providing resources to mediate their SDoH can empower patients to manage their health care and outcomes

    Faith and Information to Treat Hypertension

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    Practice Problem: The prevalence of stroke and hypertension (HTN) in African Americans in the United States is among the highest in the world (American Heart Association, n.d.) with cultural norms as a contributing factor. PICOT: The PICOT question that guided this project was in African American adults (\u3e18 y/o) (P), how does a faith-based hypertension management program (I), compared to standard hypertension management (C), affect blood pressure measurements (O) within an 8-week timeframe (T)? Evidence: The integration of motivational interviewing with therapeutic lifestyle changes along with HTN education using a community-based participatory approach delivered in the faith-based setting was an effective intervention to encourage positive health behavioral changes in African American adults. Intervention: Culturally tailored approaches such as incorporating health-promoting interventions involving HTN story-sharing, bible verses focused on health, and cultivating a sense of community, in the faith-based setting, provided a framework that empowered participants to make positive health changes for effective HTN self-care management. Outcome: Blood pressure measurements pre and post-implementation showed a drop in mean systolic blood pressure readings of 11.5 mmHg and a drop in diastolic blood pressure readings of 8.00 mmHg for the intervention group. Conclusion: The FAITH (faith and information to treat hypertension) management program was implemented to address how the HTN and heart disease burden have disproportionally affected African American adults and the need to incorporate individualized, culturally tailored interventions through knowledge and resources to promote life-changing and sustainable practices for healthier living


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    With the increasing number of hypertensive patients who often appear without symptoms and are influenced by various factors, a technique for controlling blood pressure is needed such as self-care management and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and self-care management in patients with hypertension. Method: This research is a quantitative type with a cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken using a total sampling technique with a total of 66 samples. The instruments used are the Self-efficacy to Manage Hypertension-Five Item Scale and Hypertension Self-Care Management Behavior. Results: The results showed that 53 (80.3%) respondents had poor self-efficacy, and 54 (81.8%) patients had good self-care management. There was a significant relationship between self-efficacy and self-care management in hypertension sufferers with a p-value value of 0.000. It is recommended that people with hypertension can increase their self-efficacy in order to achieve good and stable self-care management of hypertension, for future researchers to be able to use a self-efficacy questionnaire that more accurately determines the range of good and bad, and also adds other variables that can be factors that influence affect self-care management such as education level, history of knowledge, gender, and lifestyle. Keywords: Hypertension, Self-Care Management, Self-Efficacy  Abstrak  Peningkatan jumlah penderita hipertensi disetiap kalangan usia, sering muncul tanpa adanya gejala dan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, diperlukan suatu teknik dalam mengontrol tekanan darah seperti self-care management dan self-efficacy. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui hubungan self-efficacy dengan self-care management pada penderita hipertensi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil menggunakan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah 66 sampel. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Self-efficacy to Manage Hypertension-Five Item Scale dan Perilaku Manajemen Perawatan Diri Hipertensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 53 (80.3%) responden memiliki self-efficacy buruk, dan 54 (81.8%) penderita memiliki self-care management yang baik, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara self-efficacy dengan self-care management pada penderita hipertensi dengan nilai p-value 0,000. Direkomendasikan untuk penderita hipertensi dapat meningkatkan self-efficacy agar tercapainya self-care management hipertensi yang baik dan stabil, untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat menggunakan kuesioner self-efficacy yang lebih akurat menentukan rentang baik dan buruk, dan juga menambahkan variabel lain yang dapat menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi self-care management seperti tingkat pendidikan, riwayat pengetahuan, jenis kelamin dan pola hidup. Kata kunci: Hipertensi, Self-Care Management, Self-efficac
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