108,709 research outputs found


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    Scientific Research on Homosexuality and its Philosophical Implications; Plus the Roles of Parenting and “Okonkwo Complex” in Sexual Identity Development

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    In this study, I aimed to subject to philosophical analysis the scientific data from biological science researches that are conducted into the phenomenon of homosexuality in order to give philosophical interpretation to it thereby establishing the normative values of the scientific findings. From the study, I observed that much of the scientific data on homosexuality established the phenomenon as ingrained in the human biological construct. I argued that although homoeroticism is biological construct of the homosexual, parenting plays significant role in the sexual identity ultimately developed by an individual. I have presented three conceptual frameworks to show how this happens. I determined that homoeroticism and homosexuality are not exactly the same thing; homoeroticism is a biological construct, while homosexuality is a social construct. I also determine that sexual orientation (which results from eros) is not necessarily the same thing as sexual identity (such as homosexuality or heterosexuality, which results from socialization processes). I argued that sexuality is a synthesis of dialectical interactions between the factors internal within and external to the homosexual’s body; but that the external is conditioned by the internal. I adopted the paradigm of existentialism as the philosophical framework for the analysis. In conclusion, I argued that if the homosexual’s sexual orientation is native biological construct of his/her body, then the homosexual has no control over his/her sexual orientation. The philosophical implication of that finding is that homoeroticism is facticity; and as facticity the homosexual cannot escape from being homosexual. Despite this, I used the Two-Way Test (TWT) to show that homosexuality is immoral act; although the homosexual is not an immoral person. However, I have demonstrated that the failed moral status of homosexuality is not enough ground to criminalize homosexuality

    Homosexuality and the Two-Way Test of Moral Validity of Sexual Affairs

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    In this article, I examined the various ethical problems raise to morally discount homosexuality. I found that so far no moral argument proved adequate ground to discount homoeroticism. However, I have developed the ‘Two-Way Test’ (TWT) by which the social acceptability of any sexual relation should be tested for moral validity. From the analysis, homosexuality was found to have failed the test. That is to say, homosexuality is not a morally valid act. Despite that, the immoral status of homosexuality did not constitute sufficient ground for its criminalization, because not all immoral acts are criminalized but only those that impede the right or liberty of others. In conclusion, the paper submitted that although homosexuality had failed the TWT it does not call for violence, criminalization and discrimination against persons of homosexual orientation but that homosexuals should be accommodated without deliberately discouraging heterosexual relationship. My advocacy for sexual tolerance is based on the grounds that ongoing biological research has so far shown the phenomenon as biological reality beyond the personal control of most homosexuals

    A study of occupational health : disclosing homosexuality in the workplace

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    In this study, the associations among disclosing homosexuality, discrimination and occupational health was examined, as well as the associations among disclosing homosexuality, workplace sexual identity management strategies and occupational health. It is aimed to investigating whether discrimination serves as a moderator between disclosing homosexuality and occupational health, plus whether workplace sexual identity management strategies serves as a mediator between disclosing homosexuality and occupational health. In total, 225 gays and lesbians full-time workers in Hong Kong were participated in this study through completing an online questionnaire. Results showed that discrimination serves as a moderator between disclosure and job satisfaction, and workplace sexual identity management strategies serves as a mediator between disclosure and emotional exhaustion as well as depressive symptoms. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed

    Female Homosexuality

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    How homonegative is the typical Anglican congregation? : applying the Robbins-Murray Religious Homonegative Orientation Scale (RHOS)

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    This paper set out to assess and profile attitudes toward homosexuality within one typical Anglican congregation. The majority of attendees (n=65, 42% men and 58% women) completed the Robbins-Murray Religious Homonegative Orientation Scale (an instrument embracing the following views on homosexuality: theological aspects, normativity, moral judgement, legal proscription, and affective response), together with indices concerned with demographic factors, religious factors and personality factors. Overall, the data demonstrated that the majority of churchgoers did not espouse a negative view of homosexuality. More proscriptive attitudes were associated with being male, with being older, with regular attendance, and with being more conservative. Individual differences in personality, however, were not significant predictors of views on homosexuality
