2,865 research outputs found

    Grandparenting in Urban Bangalore, India: Support and Involvement From the Standpoint of Young Adult University Students

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    A variety of caregivers, including grandparents, help raise children. Among grandparents, most Western samples evidence a matrilateral (i.e., mother’s kin) bias in caregiving, and many studies show more positive impacts and stronger relationships with grandmothers than grandfathers. The aim of the present study is to test competing hypotheses about a potential laterality bias and explore contrasts between grandmothers and grandfathers in a sample of urban young adult university students in Bangalore, India. A sample of 377 (252 women) relatively mobile and high socioeconomic status individuals 17 to 25 years of age completed a survey consisting of sociodemographic and grandparenting questions. Results reveal generally little evidence of either a patrilateral or matrilateral bias, though findings varied for some outcomes. As illustrations, there were no differences in residential proximity or the most recent time when a participant saw matrilateral or patrilateral grandparents, whereas maternal grandmothers were more approving of one’s choice of a life partner than were paternal grandmothers. In inductively coded responses to an open-ended item about the roles of grandparents, maternal grandmothers were more often identified as “guides” and less often deemed “non-significant” than paternal grandmothers, while paternal grandfathers were less often viewed as guardians and more often noted for their influence compared with maternal grandparents. Findings also revealed differences between grandmothers and grandfathers, such as grandmothers playing more prominent roles in community and religious festivals. Findings are interpreted within changing residential, work, education, and family dynamics in urban India as well as a primary importance on parents relative to grandparents

    Grandparents’ Roles and Psychological Well Being in Elderly (Correlational Study In Family With Autism Child)

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to find the correlation between grandparents’ roles in the family and psychological wellbeing of elderly in taking care of their grandchildren with autism spectrum disorder. Methods: The study used quantitative methods with correlational design. Measuring devices were the scale of psychological well being and the role of grandparent. This research involved 108 elderly from Semarang, Jepara and Kendal, obtained through a quota-purposive sampling technique. Quantitative data analysis was based on simple regression analysis. Results: The study results in rxy = 0.397, p = 0.000 (p <0.05), which indicates a positive and significant correlation between the role of grandparent and psychological well-being of the elderly. Conclusions: The test result indicates a significant correlation between the roles of grandparents to their psychological wellbeing where the higher the roles results in the higher psychological wellbeing they experience and, vice versa, the lower roles of grandparents results in the lower psychological wellbeing. Implication for Practice : Elderly actually plays an important role in the family, i.e take care for the child when the parents are not at home, help for the cost of therapy and take care of them when sick

    Do grandparents matter? : The impact of Grandparenting on the wellbeing of children

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    This timely and important report shows the immense value of grandparents in 21st century family life. It reveals a unique relationship that exists between the older generation and the youngest: a relationship of love and trust that enables the children to use their grandparents as confidantes and counsellors as well as playmates and cookery instructors. The report shows that children value the non-critical support, emotional advice and guidance that grandparents offer and enjoy the quality time their grandparents give them. It also found that the relationship has benefits for grandparents adding to their raison d’ĂȘtre and contributing to their health and longevity. The report also notes the change in the nature of family relationships in Britain throughout the 20th century, from the extended family to the nuclear family to the current variety of relationships, formal and informal, in which both the elderly and the young suffer neglect. With today’s increased incidence of divorce and family breakdown, grandparents can sometimes provide the only stable family relationship in a child’s life, and yet grandparents often lose contact with their grandchildren during or after a divorce or relationship breakup and have no legal rights through the Family Court to continue offering loving care and support to their grandchildren. The report concludes that there is need for much greater understanding of the role and function of grandparents in family life today.Final Published versio

    Intergenerational Time Transfers and Internal Migration: Accounting for Low Spatial Mobility in Southern Europe

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    This paper examines the hypothesis that living close to grandparents is optimal for Southern European young couples with children in which the wife works given the combination of, on the one hand, substantial help ïżœows in the form of grandparenting and, on the other hand, the shortage in the provision of formal childcare services in these countries. I develop a partial equilibrium job search model that incorporates these ïżœndings. Simulation results show that a reduction in the price of private childcare services is more e€ective in increasing womenïżœs employment, fertility and inter-regional migration rates than an increase in the availability of publicly funded childcare slots. Using ECHP data I ïżœnd that families with children in which the wife works move signiïżœcantly less than equivalent childless couples only if they live in a Southern European country. That e€ect is found for both inter- and intra-regional migrations but is substantially larger in the former case.Geographic labour mobility, Intergenerational transfers, Child care, Grandparenting, Labour Supply

    Nutrient Trading in Lake Rotorua: Cost Sharing and Allowance Allocation.

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    This paper clarifies how the benefits and costs of water quality improvements in Lake Rotorua are likely to be shared in the absence of a trading system; presents different perspectives on and principles for deciding how costs should be allocated; and then shows how different options for initially allocating nutrient allowances and achieving reductions in the cap over time conform with those cost-sharing principles. There is no ‘correct’ answer to the question of who should pay. The ‘best’ answer for Lake Rotorua will depend on what the community thinks is fair and what will be politically feasible. If the trading market does not operate efficiently, the way that allowances are allocated will affect the efficiency with which the catchment achieves its environmental goal. If the allocation of allowances provides significant capital it could also affect economic behaviour by loosening capital constraints that limit land development and mitigation.Nutrient trading, water quality, allowance allocation

    Grandparenting as the resolution of kinship as experience

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    This article argues that a population of relatively affluent retired people in a small Irish town have employed the possibilities of grandparenting to resolve many of the tensions of contemporary kinship. This includes the tension between the obligations of prescriptive relationships as against the voluntarism of friendship. This is considered against a background shift in kinship studies towards a distinction between kinship as a category and kinship as experience. Kinship as experience often now comprises a series of deep fluctuations during the life course. Experience is also extended by the growth in life expectancy. This makes it still more important that the legacy of an individual's prior experiences of kinship may be partially resolved through the experience of grandparenting. The profound consequences of grandparenting lie not in the relationship to the grandchildren but in the possibilities that grandparenting offers to recalibrate all other kinship relations. These include the relationship with one's own children, the relationship with partners, the legacy of one's prior experience of being a parent, and even the memory of the way one was parented when a child

    Perbedaan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Psikologis Lansia Grandparenting dan Non-Grandparenting di Desa Wiradadi Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Latar Belakang: Grandparenting menjadi salah satu fenomena yang banyak ditemu di masyarakat. Kegiatan grandparenting menimbulkan dampak positif bagi lansia seperti memberikan kebermaknaan hidup yang baik di masa tua. Sementara itu, terdapat pula dampak negatif seperti berkurangnya waktu untuk melakukan kegiatan yang diinginkan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kesejahteraan psikologis lansia grandparenting dan non-grandparenting di Desa Wiradadi Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain komparatif dan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan quota sampling dengan total jumlah 60 responden (30 lansia grandparenting dan 30 lansia non-grandparenting). Pengukuran tingkat kesejahteraan psikologis menggunakan Psychological WellBeing Scale (PWBS). Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil: Median skor kesejahteraan psikologis pada lansia grandparenting adalah 88, sedangkan non-grandparenting adalah 85. Hasil uji statistik Mann Whitney menunjukkan nilai p value 0,006 (α<0,05). Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan tingkat kesejahteraan psikologis yang bermakna antara lansia grandparenting dan non-grandparenting di Desa Wiradadi Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas

    Parenting a Second Time Around: An Ethnography of African American Grandmothers Parenting Grandchildren Due to Parental Cocaine Abuse

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    This study describes a group of six African American grandmothers parenting their grandchildren secondary to cocaine abuse on the part of the parents. It explores the manner in which such parenting affected the grandmothers’ health. Data for this ethnography design were collected through participant observation, field notes, taped interviews, and supplementary data sources. The identification of cultural themes evolved from domain and taxonomic analyses. The themes—parenting a second time around, sacrifice, and God’s presence in daily life—expressed aspects of the grandmothers’ culture. The effects on health varied from none to exacerbation of chronic illnesses. The study results, and its picture of life from the grandmothers’ perspectives, suggest areas of nursing assessment and intervention that otherwise might be left unexplored

    Forty or fifty something

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    Many teachers and human service workers are 40-50 years al age and this paper explores the formative influences, and the developmental characteristics, of workers who are presently middle-aged. This leads onto an examination of the importance of relationships and work to mid-lifers. In the concluding section of the paper, there is some consideration of the significance of having an older workforce for the success of the current policy innovations in special education
