356,305 research outputs found

    Global citizenship education in school curricula. A Polish perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to present global citizenship education from a Polish perspective. Analyzing the issue, the first part of this paper presents the development of citizenship education, followed by the current status of global citizenship education in Polish schools. In the second part of the study I draw attention to national curricula and other supporting documents published after 1945, to verify whether issues of global citizenship education in Poland are included in the curricula, and if so, what they highlight. I then argue that global citizenship education in Poland is based on a framework of world-centered perspectives within a national context. In this understanding, global citizenship education is aimed at creating citizens who are members of the world community, without giving up their own national identity. The Polish perspective on global citizenship education urges pupils to consider global problems as part of the challenges of their own country, and offers the perception of local and global problems being linked and complementary to each other.The inspiration to write this paper came from the research work I undertook as part of the international Erasmus+ project, ‘Future Youth School Forums’, led by Oxfam UK, funded with the support of the European Commission and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

    Global citizenship in public discourse

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    The ideas presented in this essay come from my ongoing research into how the term ‘global citizenship’ has been interpreted and communicated beyond academic debates in political philosophy and the social sciences. During the past five years, I have built up two databases: a database of public statements regarding global citizenship, largely from a variety of news sources around the world, and transcripts from interviews that I have completed with more that 150 individuals associated with these public statements. By using public communication of the term ‘global citizenship’ as the starting point for analysis, my research strategy is different from many other contributions to the rapidly expanding literature regarding prospects for an international dimension of citizenship

    Local, National and Global Citizenship

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t725445575~db=all Copyright Informa / Taylor and Francis Group. DOI: 10.1080/03004270385200361This paper puts local, national and global citizenship into context post 11.9.01 and pre Johannesburg Earth Summit 2002. It contextulises the strands of the Crick report (1998) and how these integrate with the national curriculum. It argues for a school ethos of citizenship which permeates the whole curriculum rather than a taught citizenship curriculum. The whole notion of citizenship is related to Agenda 21 and Local Agenda 21 and strong bonds are made with Education for Sustainability and Environmental Education.Peer reviewe

    Education for Global Citizenship. New ways to think, to act, to learn

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    In this article the author introduces a pilot project for international educational partnership in the field of Education for Global Citizenship outlining not only the project itself but its conceptual background. (DIPF/Orig.)In diesem Beitrag stellt die Autorin das Projekt Education for Global Citizenship vor. Dieses Projekt kann im Bereich internationaler pädagogischer Partnerschaften als Pilotprojekt angesehen werden. Es wird sowohl das Projekt selbst als auch sein konzeptioneller Hintergrund beschrieben. (DIPF/Orig.

    Global Citizenship Education als transformative Bildung

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    Global Citizenship Education gewinnt als pädagogisches Forschungs- und Praxisfeld international zunehmend an Bedeutung. Der Beitrag diskutiert Global Citizenship Education als transformative Bildung und thematisiert dabei die Begriffe Citizenship, Global Citizenship und demokratische Teilhabe. Global Citizenship Education wird verstanden als global orientierte politische Bildung, die ein historisch-selbstreflexives Element beinhaltet und die Perspektive des Post-Kolonialismus integriert. Abschließend wird die weitere kritische Auseinandersetzung von Global Citizenship Education mit ethischen Orientierungen als kulturelle Dimension von Transformationsprozessen angeregt. (DIPF/Orig.)Global Citizenship Education is an educational research and practice field with increasing international importance. This article discusses Global Citizenship Education as transformative learning, focusing on the terms citizenship, global citizenship and democratic participation. Global Citizenship Education is conceptualized as a globally oriented citizenship education which includes a historical, self-reflective element and integrates also the perspective of post-colonialism. To conclude, the further engagement of Global Citizenship Education in discussing ethical orientations as the cultural dimension of transformation processes is suggested. (DIPF/Orig.

    Conceptualisations of global citizenship and global citizenship education: Does lack of clarity impact global citizenship education in Aotearoa New Zealand?

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    This article explores conceptualisations of global citizenship and global citizenship education and questions whether a lack of clarity impacts global citizenship education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Drawing attention to the multiplicity of meanings associated with these phenomena, it argues that the lack of consensus surrounding the notion of global citizenship hinders the implementation of standardised and consistent global citizenship education in Aotearoa New Zealand. The discussion considers the foundation of global citizenship and global citizenship education, highlighting the tensions in reaching global consensus on their definitions. This article contributes to the debates on global citizenship and global citizenship education, particularly focusing on implications for global citizenship education in Aotearoa New Zealand

    Global citizenship as the completion of cosmopolitanism

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    A conception of global citizenship should not be viewed as separate from, or synonymous with, the cosmopolitan moral orientation, but as a primary component of it. Global citizenship is fundamentally concerned with individual moral requirements in the global frame. Such requirements, framed here as belonging to the category of individual cosmopolitanism, offer guidelines on right action in the context of global human community. They are complementary to the principles of moral cosmopolitanism – those to be used in assessing the justice of global institutions and practices – that have been emphasised by cosmopolitan political theorists. Considering principles of individual and moral cosmopolitanism together can help to provide greater clarity concerning individual duties in the absence of fully global institutions, as well as clarity on individual obligations of justice in relation to emerging and still-developing trans-state institutions