1,265,032 research outputs found

    Profiles of Integenerational Community Service Programs

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    The following programs bring members of different generations together in service to one another and their communities. Programs noted with a “*” are funded under the National and Community service Act

    Generations 2010

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    Examines trends in the prevalence of various online activities such as blogging and social networking among each generation compared with previous survey findings, with a focus on changes in the gaps between Millennials ages 18-33 and older generations

    Why three generations?

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    We discuss an anthropic explanation of why there exist three generations of fermions. If one assumes that the right-handed neutrino sector is responsible for both the matter-antimatter asymmetry and the dark matter, then anthropic selection favors three or more families of fermions. For successful leptogenesis, at least two right-handed neutrinos are needed, while the third right-handed neutrino is invoked to play the role of dark matter. The number of the right-handed neutrinos is tied to the number of generations by the anomaly constraints of the U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} gauge symmetry. Combining anthropic arguments with observational constraints, we obtain predictions for the XX-ray observations, as well as for neutrinoless double-beta decay.Comment: 7pages, 2 figure

    Generations and Their Gadgets

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    Outlines survey findings on trends in gadget ownership including cell phones; desktop, laptop, and tablet computers; mp3 players; game consoles; and e-book readers among Millennials, Gen X, Younger and Older Boomers, and the Silent and G.I. Generations

    A Geometry of the Generations

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    We propose a geometric theory of flavor based on the discrete group (S3)3(S_3)^3, in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The group treats three objects symmetrically, while making fundamental distinctions between the generations. The top quark is the only heavy quark in the symmetry limit, and the first and second generation squarks are degenerate. The hierarchical nature of Yukawa matrices is a consequence of a sequential breaking of (S3)3(S_3)^3.Comment: 10 pages, 1 EPS figure as uuencoded tar-compressed file, uses psfig.st

    Future Generations: A Prioritarian View

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    Should we remain neutral between our interests and those of future generations? Or are we ethically permitted or even required to depart from neutrality and engage in some measure of intergenerational discounting? This Article addresses the problem of intergenerational discounting by drawing on two different intellectual traditions: the social welfare function (“SWF”) tradition in welfare economics, and scholarship on “prioritarianism” in moral philosophy. Unlike utilitarians, prioritarians are sensitive to the distribution of well-being. They give greater weight to well-being changes affecting worse-off individuals. Prioritarianism can be captured, formally, through an SWF which sums a concave transformation of individual utility, rather than simply summing unweighted utilities in utilitarian fashion. The Article considers the appropriate structure of a prioritarian SWF in intergenerational cases. The simplest case involves a fixed and finite intertemporal population. In that case, I argue, policymakers can and should maintain full neutrality between present and future generations. No discount factor should be attached to the utility of future individuals. Neutrality becomes trickier when we depart from this simple case, meaning: (1) “non-identity” problems, where current choices change the identity of future individuals; (2) population-size variation, where current choices affect not merely the identity of future individuals, but the size of the world’s future population (this case raises the specter of what Derek Parfit terms “the repugnant conclusion,” i.e., that dramatic reductions in the average level of individual well-being might be compensated for by increases in population size); or (3) an infinite population. The Article grapples with the difficult question of outfitting a prioritarian SWF to handle non-identity problems, population-size variation, and infinite populations. It tentatively suggests that a measure of neutrality can be maintained even in these cases