13,393 research outputs found

    Male mice emit distinct ultrasonic vocalizations when the female leaves the social interaction arena.

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    Adult male mice emit large number of complex ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) when interacting with adult females. Call numbers and call categories differ greatly among inbred mouse strains. Little is known about USV emissions when the social partner departs. To investigate whether call repertoires and call rates are different when the male is interacting with a female and after the removal of the female, we designed a novel male-female social interaction test in which vocalizations were recorded across three phases. During phase 1, the male subject freely interacts with an unfamiliar estrus female mouse in a clean cage for 5 min. During phase 2, the female is removed while the male remains in the cage for 3 min. During phase 3, the same female is returned to the cage to rejoin the male subject mouse for 3 min. C57BL/6J (B6), FVB.129P2-Pde6b(+) Tyr(c-ch)/Ant (FVB), and BTBR T+ tf/J (BTBR) male subject mice were tested in this paradigm. All three strains emitted USVs during their initial interaction with the female partner. When the female was reintroduced in phase 3, numbers of USVs were similar to the initial introductory phase 1. Strain comparisons indicated fewer calls in pairs of BTBR males and stimulus females than in pairs of B6 males and stimulus females and pairs of FVB males and stimulus females. In the absence of the female, all FVB males vocalized, while only one third of B6 males and one third of BTBR males vocalized. In all three strains, changes in call category repertoires were detected after the female was removed. Call categories reverted to the phase 1 pattern when the female was returned in phase 3. Present findings indicate that males of commonly used inbred strains emit USVs when a partner female leaves the testing arena, suggesting that removing a salient social stimulus may be a unique approach to elicit USVs from mice. Our three-phase paradigm may also be useful for studying attention to social cues, and qualitative differences in vocalizations when a social partner is present vs. suddenly absent

    A High-Density Linkage Map of the Ancestral Diploid Strawberry, Fragaria iinumae, Constructed with Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers from the IStraw90 Array and Genotyping by Sequencing

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    Fragaria iinumae Makino is recognized as an ancestor of the octoploid strawberry species, which includes the cultivated strawberry, Fragaria ×ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier. Here we report the construction of the first high-density linkage map for F. iinumae. The F. iinumae linkage map (Fii map) is based on two high-throughput techniques of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping: the IStraw90 Array (hereafter “Array”), and genotyping by sequencing (GBS). The F2 generation mapping population was derived by selfing F. iinumae hybrid F1D, the product of a cross between two divergent F. iinumae accessions collected from Hokkaido, Japan. The Fii map consists of seven linkage groups (LGs) and has an overall length of 451.7 cM as defined by 496 loci populated by 4173 markers: 3280 from the Array and 893 from GBS. Comparisons with two versions of the Fragaria vesca ssp. vesca L. ‘Hawaii 4’ pseudo-chromosome (PC) assemblies reveal substantial conservation of synteny and colinearity, yet identified differences that point to possible genomic divergences between F. iinumae and F. vesca, and/or to F. vesca genomic assembly errors. The Fii map provides a basis for anchoring a F. iinumae genome assembly as a prerequisite for constructing a second diploid reference genome for Fragaria

    The expanding toolkit of translating ribosome affinity purification

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    Translating ribosome affinity purification is a method initially developed for profiling mRNA from genetically defined cell types in complex tissues. It has been applied both to identify target molecules in cell types that are important for controlling a variety of behaviors in the brain, and to understand the molecular consequences on those cells due to experimental manipulations, ranging from drugs of abuse to disease-causing mutations. Since its inception, a variety of methodological advances are opening new avenues of investigation. These advances include a variety of new methods for targeting cells for translating ribosome affinity purification by features such as their projections or activity, additional tags and mouse reagents increasing the flexibility of the system, and new modifications of the method specifically focused on studying the regulation of translation. The latter includes methods to assess cell type-specific regulation of translation in specific subcellular compartments. Here, I provide a summary of these recent advances and resources, highlighting both new experimental opportunities and areas for future technical development.</jats:p

    Cervical Cancer-Associated Human Papillomavirus 16 E7 Oncoprotein Inhibits Induction of Anti-Cancer Immunity by a CD4+ T Cell Dependent Mechanism

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    Attempts to develop therapeutic vaccines against cervical cancer have been proven difficult. One of the major causes of the failure is due to the use of the wrong mouse models based on transplantable tumours in testing the efficacy of vaccines. Now that a transgenic epithelial mouse model has been developed to closely mimic cervical cancer, the mechanisms needed to eliminate this type of cancer could be studied. The E7 oncoprotein of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most expressed HPV protein in cervical cancers and its continuous production is essential to maintain the cancerous state and therefore the obvious target in the development of vaccines. Skin grafts expressing the HPV 16 E7 protein (E7 autografts) are not spontaneously rejected from an MHC matched immunocompetent host. Interestingly, simultaneous placement of an MHC mismatched skin (allograft) next to an E7 autograft results in the E7 autograft rejection. However when the allograft also expresses E7, the E7 autograft is rejected more slowly. Autograft rejection requires CD8+ T cells, and is accelerated by removal of CD4+ T cells after placement of the E7 expressing allograft, suggesting induction of an E7 specific CD4+ regulatory T cell population by the E7 expressing allograft. This observation may have implications in designing effective vaccines and immunotherapy against cervical cancers in women

    Monitoring Progression of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Using Photoacoustics and Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound.

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    Breast cancer is the leading form of cancer in women, accounting for approximately 41,400 deaths in 2018. While a variety of risk factors have been identified, physical exercise has been linked to reducing both the risk and aggressiveness of breast cancer. Within breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a common finding. However, less than 25% of DCIS tumors actually progress into invasive breast cancer, resulting in overtreatment. This overtreatment is due to a lack of predictive precursors to assess aggressiveness and development of DCIS. We hypothesize that tissue oxygenation and perfusion measured by photoacoustic and contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging, respectively, can predict DCIS aggressiveness. To test this, 20 FVB/NJ and 20 SV40Tag mice that genetically develop DCIS-like breast cancers were divided evenly into exercise and control groups and imaged over the course of 6 weeks. Tissue oxygenation was a predictive precursor to invasive breast cancer for FVB/NJ mice (P = 0.015) in the early stages of tumor development. Meanwhile, perfusion results were inconclusive (P \u3e 0.2) as a marker for disease progression. Moreover, voluntary physical exercise resulted in lower weekly tumor growth and significantly improved median survival (P = 0.014)

    Elevated glycogen synthase kinase 3 activity in Fragile X mice: key metabolic regulator with evidence for treatment potential

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    Significant advances have been made in understanding the underlying defects of and developing potential treatments for Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), the most common heritable mental retardation. It has been shown that neuronal mGluR5-mediated signaling is affected in FX animal models, with consequent alterations in activity-dependent protein translation and synaptic spine functionality. We demonstrate here that a central metabolic regulatory enzyme, glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) is present in a form indicating elevated activity in several regions of the FX mouse brain. Furthermore, we show that selective GSK3 inhibitors, as well as lithium, are able to revert mutant phenotypes of the FX mouse. Lithium, in particular, remained active with chronic dosing, although its effects were transient even when given from birth. The combination of mGluR5 antagonist and GSK3 inhibitors was not additive. Instead, it was discovered that mGluR5 signaling and GSK3 activation in the FX mouse are coordinately elevated, with inhibition of mGluR5 leading to inhibition of GSK3. These findings raise the possibility that GSK3 is a fundamental and central component of FXS pathology, with a substantial treatment potential
