176,326 research outputs found


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    Franchise as a policy, strategy and form to develop small business scale has been developed in developing country for a long time. The franchise progress already be an alternative capital to develop business with franchise form between franchisor and franchisee. Edam Burger is one of local franchise that already success in widing their business network untill more than 2000 counters all around Indonesia. In making a decision to buy a franchise, so many factors have influenced it. It also happened to businessman in making their business decision to buy Edam Burger franchise in Semarang. The franchise business decision has influenced by product, training and franchise system in Edam Burger franchise. Based on a good product, training and franchise system, it makes the franchise business decision in Edam Burger Semarang can be strong. This research want to analyse how is the product, training and franchise system in Edam Burger Semarang and its influence to business decision for the businessman who want to buy Edam Burger franchise. And also to know what is the most dominant factor that influence business decision in Edam Burger Semarang. The research type that uses in this study is explanatory research that explain the relarion between some variables. This research using sensus to decide sample. On the other side, to collect data researcher using questionnaire, interview and references. The result by using SPSS program shows Y = 3,256 + 0,072 X1 + 0,118 X2 + 0,127 X3 and there is significant and positive influence between product, training and franchise system and simultaneously business decision. Based on this research, it shows that the strong business decision in Edam Burger is caused by good product, training and franchise system. The most dominant factor that influencing business decision in Edam Burger Semarang is franchise system factor. So that, Edam Burger Semarang should keep the good product, training, especially for the franchise system. Besides, Edam Burger Semarang should keep the strong businessman decision in order to make Edam Burger as a right business to be invested

    Are Franchises Bad Employers?

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    Franchise jobs are often described as representing the epitome of the "low road" approach to managing employees: high turnover, little training, deskilled jobs, and little employee involvement, practices often seen as unsophisticated. Research on franchise operations suggests, however, that the basic operating principles and practices of franchises tend to be more sophisticated than those of equivalent independent operators. We might therefore expect their employee management practices to be more advanced as well, challenging the stereotype of franchise jobs. We use data from a national probability sample of establishments to examine the relationship between franchise status and employment practices. While descriptive statistics suggest that franchise operations use low road practices, once industry, size, and other control variables are included in the analysis, franchise operations appear on important dimensions to offer better jobs with more sophisticated systems of employee management than similar non-franchise operations.

    Private Financing and Sports Franchise Values: The Case of Major League Baseball

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    This paper examines the impact of receiving a new stadium on team franchise values. I argue that a new stadium will increase the franchise values of teams regardless of how construction was financed. A team playing in a stadium that it owns will be able to capitalize the value of the stadium in the team’s franchise value and will thus have a higher franchise value. Using panel data for Major League Baseball teams from 1990-2002, I find that, after controlling for team quality and metro area differences, regardless of the financing mechanism, a team playing in a brand new stadium realizes an increase in its franchise value. I also find that a team playing in its own stadium has a higher franchise value than a team playing in a public stadium. However, the difference in franchise values between playing in a team-owned stadium and playing in a public stadium does not offset the average cost of constructing the stadium. The paper thus provides a deeper understanding the determinants of franchise values and of the motives of sports team owners in their lobbying efforts for public subsidies.Stadiums, Baseball

    Carsey Perspectives: Local Owners Driving Lasting Solutions, An Innovative Model for International Development and Poverty Alleviation

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    In this perspectives brief, authors Ilona Drew, Fiona Wilson, Bill Maddocks discuss a case study that was examined as part of the Social Sector Franchise Initiative (SSFI), a project of the Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise at the University of New Hampshire. This case study describes Jibu, a social sector franchise seeking to simultaneously provide lasting access to affordable clean drinking water and to contribute to economic development through a network of locally-owned franchise businesses in East Africa and beyond. First-time social entrepreneurs are equipped with Jibu’s water purification and other equipment, branding, training, and the capital required to launch franchise locations selling drinking water at prices lower than the charcoal it would cost to boil it

    Franchise in Romanian tourism

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    Both on national and international scale, tourism business is improving continuously, by adjusting to the tourists' demands, resulting in modification and adaptation of organization and association forms in this area. One of these is the franchise affiliation, an original way of doing business that combines the entrepreneurs interest in keeping their own undertaking with that belongs to a group with well-known brand which aims to expand on national and international market. This paper will discuss two important areas of the Romanian tourism industry in which franchise agreement is applied: travel agencies franchise and hotel franchise. On a national scale, franchise was adopted as an expanding strategy by the travel agencies, on one hand, notorious tour-operators that has accumulated know-how and has proven its successful applicability, and, on the other hand, small and medium entrepreneurs who saw in the franchise affiliation an opportunity to develop faster and more reliable business. Also, the Romanian hotel owners with financial resources have seen in hotel franchise an easier way to obtain higher profits. In today's competitive and global hotel market, being part of a group of hotels that share a recognized brand and provide quality services might mean the difference between financial success and failure.franchise, know-how, brand, travel agents franchise, hotel franchise

    Banks with something to lose: the disciplinary role of franchise value

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    As protectors of the safety and soundness of the banking system, banking supervisors are responsible for keeping banks' risk taking in check. The authors explain that franchise value--the present value of the stream of profits that a firm is expected to earn as a going concern--makes the supervisor's job easier by reducing banks' incentives to take risks. The authors explore the relationship between franchise value and risk taking from 1986 to 1994 using both balance-sheet data and stock returns. They find that banks with high franchise value operate more safely than those with low franchise value. In particular, high-franchise-value banks hold more capital and take on less portfolio risk, primarily by diversifying their lending activities.Bank holding companies ; Bank management ; Retail trade

    1990 Summary of Legislation

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