906 research outputs found

    WP 107 - Codebook and explanatory note on the EurOccupations dataset about the job content of 150 occupations

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    Occupation is the key unit in matching vacancies and job seekers, and it is used for occupational choice and for career consultancy. Occupation is also a key variable in social research, particularly that which relates to the labour market, transitions from school to work, social stratification, gender wage gaps, occupational structures and skill requirements. Despite the fact that occupation is such an important concept, little is known about the similarity of occupations across EU member states. For this reason, the EU-funded FP6 project EurOccupations (2006-2009) aimed to build a freely available web-based database containing 1,500 to 2,000 of the most common occupations; and to test the similarity of job content, required skill level, and competency profiles for a selection of 150 occupations across the eight member states in the project (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and United Kingdom). This codebook explains the data collection methods used in the project and outlines the dataset collected for the detailed analysis of 150 occupations. Section 2 explains the selection of these 150 occupational titles from a provisional source list of 1,433 occupations. Four criteria were used for the selection, namely variation in skill level and ISCO major groups, variation in gender composition, the prevalence of the occupation amongst job-holders, and the extent to which an occupation might be considered ‘blurred’, with wide demarcation lines. Section 3 details the process used for testing the similarity of the selected occupations. Unique task descriptions (10-12 tasks) for all 150 occupations were drafted by means of desk research. A web-survey was designed with questions about the frequency of particular tasks and the required skill level for each occupation. Experts from all the study countries were recruited for survey completion. For a number of occupations, the goal of two completed expert questionnaires for each occupation in each country was not reached and the questionnaire was slightly adapted for completion by job holders. The job holders were recruited through teaser advertisements on the WageIndicator websites in the countries in question. Section 4 explains the structure of the dataset. The dataset can by freely accessed by sending an email with name and affiliate information to the first author, "[email protected]":mailto:[email protected]. The Appendix includes all questionnaires used for the survey, as well as the labels used for the education and occupation variables. This codebook and all project deliverables can be downloaded from the project website "www.euroccupations.org":http://www.euroccupations.org


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    This study aims to investigate enterprise risk factors for governing the risk of Internet of Things (IoT) environment. Under the guidance of Gowin’s Vee knowledge map strategy, this study reviewed the related literature and used Delphi expert questionnaire to construct and revise the defined risk factors. Two rounds of expert survey were conducted. A total of 24 experts from the fields of information technology, audit management, and risk management were selected to conduct the questionnaire survey. Eighty-three question items were obtained and categorized into various types of risk factors including environment, process, decision-making, operation, authority, data processing and information, moral, and finance. These factors were categorized according to the consistent opinion of experts. Program SPSS 12.0 was adopted to analyze feedback information from expert questionnaire by conducting statistical analyses and validity testing. All risk factors were integrated and designed carefully, supplemented by verification through statistical value of mean, inter-quartile range, and content validity ratio (CVR). The results of this research can be used as reference in the study of risk factors under IoT governance, and to enhance the development of knowledge on qualitative research. Further, in the new generation of IoT governance practice, the related factors of enterprise risk management can be regarded as key measurement items in internal control and auditing


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    The results of observations of classroom learning and interviews with mathematics teachers in Muhammadiyah 1 Depok Junior High School showed that teaching materials were not available in the form of LKPD, especially STEM-based LKPD. Students as the next generation of the nation must be accustomed to creative and innovative thinking, one of them is by applying STEM-based learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This research has the goal of developing STEM-based LKPD on Material of Solid Geometry with Flat Surfacefor to students junior high school in class VIII. The model used in this development is ADDIE. Material expert questionnaire, media expert questionnaire, and student responses questionnaire are instruments used in this study. The product trial subjects in this study were students of Muhammadiyah 1 Depok Junior High School class VIII. Qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis are data analysis techniques used in this study. LKPD is declared feasible based on the assessment of media expert, material expert, and students respon. The media expert assessment is in the very either category with average score of 100. The material expert assessment is in the either category with average score 129. The Student questionnaire responses assesment on the quality of learning obtained is in the very either category with average score of 12,23

    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Animasi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia Sebagai Upaya Mendukung Kebijakan Belajar Di Rumah

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     AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan video pembelajaran animasi pada materi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia untuk kelas VIII SMP yang valid dimanfaatkan dalam kegiatan belajar di rumah. Penelitian pengembangan ini menerapkan model pengembangan Sadiman. Berdasarkan penilaian hasil angket ahli media diperoleh persentase 80% tergolong dalam tingkatan cukup valid. Penilaian angket ahli materi 75% termasuk dalam  tingkatan cukup valid. Hasil uji coba individu 92,5% termasuk dalam tingkatan valid. Berdasarkan hasil validasi dan tes pencapaian belajar pengembangan media video pembelajaran animasi ini memenuhi kriteria valid dan layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di rumah. Disamping itu, penggunaan media video pembelajaran animasi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia dapat memberikan dampak positif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di rumah yakni menjadikan menarik minat peserta didikdalam belajar dan membantu peserta didik memahami materi. AbstractThis research aims to produce an animated learning video on the material Human Respiratory System for class VIII SMP which is valid for use in learning activities in home. This development research apply the Sadiman development model. Based on the assessment of the results of the media expert questionnaire obtained a percentage of 80% classified in the tiers quite valid. Expert questionnaire assessment material 75% included in the tiers is quite valid. Individual trial results 92,5% included in the valid tiers. Based on the results of the validation and achievement learning tests, the development of this animated learning video media meets valid criteria and is suitable for use in the learning process at home. Based that, the use of animated learning media in the Human Respiratory System which can have a positive impact on learning activities at home, that is, attract learners in learning and help learners understand the material

    An investigation of key growth industry sectors in Wales using Multi-Sectoral Qualitative Analysis

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    This paper examines the problem of key sector identification in regional economies. Whilst the paper questions the desirability of policy focusing on the promotion of key sectors, it suggests that tools are generally underdeveloped to identify these sectors. The paper suggests that multi-sectoral qualitative analysis provides one means of forming conclusions on sector potentials.

    Forecasting elections using expert surveys: an application to U.S. presidential elections

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    Prior research offers a mixed view of the value of expert surveys for long-term election forecasts. On the positive side, experts have more information about the candidates and issues than voters do. On the negative side, experts all have access to the same information. Based on prior literature and on our experiences with the 2004 presidential election and the 2008 campaign so far, we have reason to believe that a simple expert survey (the Nominal Group Technique) is preferable to Delphi. Our survey of experts in American politics was quite accurate in the 2004 election. Following the same procedure, we have assembled a new panel of experts to forecast the 2008 presidential election. Here we report the results of the first survey, and compare our experts’ forecasts with predictions by the Iowa Electronic Market .forecasting; elections; expert surveys; Delphi
