43 research outputs found

    Grundmannite, CuBiSe2, the Se-analogue of emplectite, a new mineral from the El Dragón mine, Potosí, Bolivia

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    © 2016 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Science Publishers. Also published by Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie under the auspices of the European Mineralogical Union. This document attached is the author's submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from it

    Germanium and precious metals (Ag–Au–Pt–Pd) at low temperature: the hematite–carbonate–selenide vein system of Tilkerode, Harz Mountains, Germany

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    At the historical Eskeborner Berg underground workings at Tilkerode (Eastern Harz Mountains, Germany), Fe was mined from a carbonate–hematite vein system that was locally enriched in selenide minerals. Clausthalite [PbSe] was the most abundant selenide mineral in a carbonate matrix with laths of specular hematite. To date, the selenide-bearing carbonate–hematite vein system at Tilkerode has not been geochemically investigated. Here, we present the first whole-rock chemical data for a wide suite of trace elements. The following metals are enriched relative to bulk continental crust (orders of magnitude in parentheses): Se (>105), Hg (>104), Ag and Pb (103), Au, Bi, Pt, Ge, Te, Pd and Cd (102). Samples from Tilkerode have up to 2640 ppm Ag, 338 ppm Ge, 1560 ppb Au, 970 ppb Pt and 365 ppb Pd, with Pt/Pd > 1, and a significant positive correlation of Ge vs. (Pd+Pt). The selenide mineralisation took place below 112 °C, the maximum temperature stability of umangite [Cu3Se2]. Our data indicate there is potential for prospecting Ge and precious metals in low-temperature vein systems

    Growth of millimeter-sized high-quality CuFeSe2_2 single crystals by the molten salt method and study of their semiconducting behavior

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    An eutectic AlCl3_3/KCl molten salt method in a horizontal configuration was employed to grow millimeter-sized and composition homogeneous CuFeSe2_2 single crystals due to the continuous growth process in a temperature gradient induced solution convection. The typical as-grown CuFeSe2_2 single crystals in cubic forms are nearly 1.6×\times1.2×\times1.0 mm3 in size. The chemical composition and homogeneity of the crystals was examined by both inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectrometer with Cu:Fe:Se = 0.96:1.00:1.99 consistent with the stoichiometric composition of CuFeSe2_2. The magnetic measurements suggest a ferrimagnetic or weak ferromagnetic transition below TC_C = 146 K and the resistivity reveals a semiconducting behavior and an abrupt increase below TC_C

    Stand-alone CuFeSe2 (Eskebornite) nanosheets for photothermal cancer therapy

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    Two-dimensional CuFeSe2 nanosheets have been successfully obtained via solution-phase synthesis using a sacrificial template method. The high purity was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and the two-dimensional morphology was validated by transmission electron microscopy. The in-tense absorption in the 400–1400 nm region has been the basis for the CuFeSe2 nanosheets’ photo-thermal capabilities testing. The colloidal CuFeSe2 (CFS) nanosheets capped with S2− short ligands (CFS-S) exhibit excellent biocompatibility in cell culture studies and strong photothermal effects upon 808 nm laser irradiation. The nanosheets were further loaded with the cancer drug doxorubi-cin and exposed to laser irradiation, which accelerated the release of doxorubicin, achieving synergy in the therapeutic effect

    25. Eskebornite, (CuFe)_<1.1>Se_2の合成・構造決定と高圧相の発見(大阪大学基礎工学部物性分野,修士論文アブストラクト(1981年度))

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    Tilkerodeite, Pd₂HgSe₃, a New Platinum-Group Mineral from Tilkerode, Harz Mountains, Germany

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    Tilkerodeite, ideally Pd₂HgSe₃, is a new platinum-group selenide from the Eskaborner Stollen (Adit Eskaborn) at Tilkerode, Harz Mountains, Germany. Tilkerodeite crystals occur as euhedral inclusions in tiemannite or as extremely fine-grained lamellar aggregates (grain-size up to 3 μm) in a dolomite–ankerite matrix, together with clausthalite, tiemannite, jacutingaite, stibiopalladinite, and native gold. Neighbouring Se-bearing minerals include tischendorfite and chrisstanleyite. Tilkerodeite is opaque with a metallic luster, and is flexible in blade-like crystals, with perfect basal cleavage {001}. In plane-polarized light, tilkerodeite is brownish-grey. It is weakly bireflectant, and weakly pleochroic in shades of light-brown and grey. The anisotropy is weak, with rotation tints in weak shades of greenish-brown and grey-brown. The range of reflectance is estimated in comparison to clausthalite with 45–50%. Electron-microprobe analyses yield the mean composition (wt %) Se 32.68, Hg 26.33, Pt 20.62, Pd 15.89, Pb 2.72, Cu 0.66, S 0.27, total 99.17 wt%. The empirical formula (based on six atoms pfu) is (Pd_(1.08)Pt_(0.76)Pb_(0.09)Cu_(0.07))_(Σ2.00)Hg_(0.95)(Se_(2.98)S_(0.07))_(Σ3.05). The ideal formula is Pd₂HgSe₃. Tilkerodeite is trigonal, with Pt₄Tl₂Te₆-type structure, space group P3–m1, a = 7.325(9) Å, c = 5.288(6) Å, V = 245.7(9) ų, and Z = 2. It is the Pd-analogue of jacutingaite. Tilkerodeite formed hydrothermally, possibly involving the alteration of tiemannite by low-temperature oxidizing fluids. The new species has been approved by the IMA-CNMNC (2019-111) and is named after the locality. Tilkerode is the most important selenide-bearing occurrence in Germany and type locality of naumannite, eskebornite, and tischendorfite

    Tilkerodeite, Pd₂HgSe₃, a New Platinum-Group Mineral from Tilkerode, Harz Mountains, Germany

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    Tilkerodeite, ideally Pd₂HgSe₃, is a new platinum-group selenide from the Eskaborner Stollen (Adit Eskaborn) at Tilkerode, Harz Mountains, Germany. Tilkerodeite crystals occur as euhedral inclusions in tiemannite or as extremely fine-grained lamellar aggregates (grain-size up to 3 μm) in a dolomite–ankerite matrix, together with clausthalite, tiemannite, jacutingaite, stibiopalladinite, and native gold. Neighbouring Se-bearing minerals include tischendorfite and chrisstanleyite. Tilkerodeite is opaque with a metallic luster, and is flexible in blade-like crystals, with perfect basal cleavage {001}. In plane-polarized light, tilkerodeite is brownish-grey. It is weakly bireflectant, and weakly pleochroic in shades of light-brown and grey. The anisotropy is weak, with rotation tints in weak shades of greenish-brown and grey-brown. The range of reflectance is estimated in comparison to clausthalite with 45–50%. Electron-microprobe analyses yield the mean composition (wt %) Se 32.68, Hg 26.33, Pt 20.62, Pd 15.89, Pb 2.72, Cu 0.66, S 0.27, total 99.17 wt%. The empirical formula (based on six atoms pfu) is (Pd_(1.08)Pt_(0.76)Pb_(0.09)Cu_(0.07))_(Σ2.00)Hg_(0.95)(Se_(2.98)S_(0.07))_(Σ3.05). The ideal formula is Pd₂HgSe₃. Tilkerodeite is trigonal, with Pt₄Tl₂Te₆-type structure, space group P3–m1, a = 7.325(9) Å, c = 5.288(6) Å, V = 245.7(9) ų, and Z = 2. It is the Pd-analogue of jacutingaite. Tilkerodeite formed hydrothermally, possibly involving the alteration of tiemannite by low-temperature oxidizing fluids. The new species has been approved by the IMA-CNMNC (2019-111) and is named after the locality. Tilkerode is the most important selenide-bearing occurrence in Germany and type locality of naumannite, eskebornite, and tischendorfite