93,579 research outputs found

    « La parole huilĂ©e ». Un don en retour de GeneviĂšve Calame‑Griaule

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    Nous vous proposons de dĂ©couvrir maintenant La Parole huilĂ©e, un enregistrement de GeneviĂšve Calame‑Griaule qui a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© le 2 octobre 2004, dans les Salons de l’Inalco, rue de Lille, pour la 4e partie du programme interactif « D’une langue Ă  l’autre » intitulĂ©e Les Arts de la parole, produit en 2006. Aurore Monod Becquelin et Nicole Revel Ă©taient responsables de la conception de ce module pour l’inauguration du MusĂ©e du quai Branly. Plus tard, cet entretien, prĂ©parĂ© par Nicole Revel, a ..

    Robert Altman : erste bibliographische Notizen

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    Die folgende Arbeitsbibliographie entstand im Kontext eines Seminars zu den Filmen Altmans. Sie versteht sich als eine erste Durchsicht des Materials und soll fortgeschrieben werden. Die Oscar-Verleihung im MĂ€rz 2006 wird auch das akademische Interesse an Altmans Filmen beleben - insbesondere fĂŒr diesen Kontext versteht sich die folgende Sammlung. Wir bitten, uns ErgĂ€nzungen und Korrekturen, Abstracts und Hinweise auf Mehrfachabdrucke zuzusenden, wir werden sie in die Bibliographie einfĂŒgen und sie gelegentlich in erweiterter Fassung online zugĂ€nglich machen

    Étude sur Les Perceptions et les Attentes des Professionnels de SantĂ©, des BĂ©nĂ©voles et des Familles des Malades dans le Cadre de la Prise en Charge des Soins Palliatifs

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    This qualitative study, conducted in three metropolitan areas, Champagne Ardenne, Ile-de-France, and Languedoc-Roussillon explores current palliative care practices in 37 facilities, both for dependent elderly (nursing homes) and for adults and children with severe disabilities (MAS and IME). The study confronts the viewpoints of the different actors that revolve around a patient: doctors, nurses and other health professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc.), relatives, volunteers and patients themselves. 40 cases of sick children and adults were observed. From the analysis of the interviews, it appears that the palliative approach is still not fully adopted by teams that are reluctant to deal with the end of life and postpone the most difficult cases. Among the priorities to be developed are: the harmonization of the initial training of caregivers and ongoing training and the mobilization of specialist palliative care that could better support and assist caregivers in this sector

    Ken Loach : eine Arbeitsbibliographie

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    Inhalt: I. Loach ĂŒber Loach / Interviews II. BĂŒcher / Artikel Die Fernseharbeiten und -auftritte sowie Sendungen ĂŒber Loach III. Die Film

    An algorithm for cross-lingual sense-clustering tested in a MT evaluation setting

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    Unsupervised sense induction methods offer a solution to the problem of scarcity of semantic resources. These methods automatically extract semantic information from textual data and create resources adapted to speciïŹc applications and domains of interest. In this paper, we present a clustering algorithm for cross-lingual sense induction which generates bilingual semantic inventories from parallel corpora. We describe the clustering procedure and the obtained resources. We then proceed to a large-scale evaluation by integrating the resources into a Machine Translation (MT) metric (METEOR). We show that the use of the data-driven sense-cluster inventories leads to better correlation with human judgments of translation quality, compared to precision-based metrics, and to improvements similar to those obtained when a handcrafted semantic resource is used

    Enfants-soldats au Nigeria : les romanciers témoignent

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    During an interview, Ishmael Beah, conscripted in Sierra Leone when he was 13, testified to the fact that the rights of child‐soldiers were constantly violated. In recent years, the plight of these soldiers defined as “anyone under the age of eighteen who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity”, started attracting the world’s attention, following the conflicts which have been ravaging most of the African continent for the last century. While former Biafrans and foreigners who experienced the conflict first hand wrote about casualties and the plight of refugees, the stories of young boys conscripted into the Biafran army has so far attracted very little attention. The present study seeks to assess the impact of the recruiting of child-soldiers during the Nigerian civil war on four Nigerian novelists: Abani, Adichie, Iweala and Saro-Wiwa

    Epistemological Tensions in Bourdieu's Conception of Social Science

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    The main purpose of this paper is to explore Pierre Bourdieu’s conception of social science. To this end, the paper sheds light on the main epistemological presuppositions that undergird Bourdieu’s defence of reflexive sociology as a scientific endeavour. The predominant view in the literature is that, in most of his writings,Bourdieu has a tendency to embrace a positivist conception of social science. When examining Bourdieu’s conception of social science in more detail, however, it becomes clear that the assumption that he remains trapped in a positivist paradigm does not do justice to the complexity of his multifaceted account of social science. In order to illustrate the complexity of Bourdieu’s conception of social science, the following analysis scrutinises ten epistemological tensions which can be found in Bourdieu’s writings on the nature of knowledge production. In view of these epistemological tensions, a more fine-grained picture emerges which demonstrates that Bourdieu invites,and indeed compels, us to reflect upon the complexity of the various tension-laden tasks posed by the pursuit of a critical social science

    Le Jardin botanique de Lyon : d’un service technique Ă  un musĂ©e vivant

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    À l’image des musĂ©ums d’Histoire naturelle qui ont amorcĂ© leur transformation dans les annĂ©es 1980, les jardins botaniques ont entamĂ© leur mutation au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000. C’est le cas Ă  Lyon, oĂč, depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, un important chantier de rĂ©novation et rĂ©organisation amĂšne le jardin botanique Ă  se façonner un visage innovant et une identitĂ© forte. FrĂ©dĂ©ric Pautz, son directeur depuis plus de 15 ans, dessine les contours de ce musĂ©e vivant du vivant
