150,282 research outputs found

    The investment - strategic decision for entreprise

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    The investment decision represents an important agent of the general policy, for the continuation and the increase of their activity. The necessity of achievement some important investments for national railway infrastructure is determined by the present situation of the railway transport system, insufficiently developed and an uncorrespondingly guality, this affecting the quality, the safety and travelling time from the departure point to the destination one, for persons and merchandise.investment decision, railway infrastructure, government policy, transportation system

    La Responsabilité Sociétale de L'entreprise et Les Réactions des Parties Prenantes : le Cas de L'opérateur Téléphonique Mtn et des Utilisateurs de Téléphonie Mobile au Bénin

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the mechanisms by which the actions of corporate social responsibility can affect organizational commitment and organizational identification consumers. From an experiment performed with video support of social responsibility of the telephone operator MTN Benin, data were collected from a sample of judgment seven hundred and ten mobile phone users. The analysis shows that the consumer perception of the actions of social responsibility of the company affects their commitment and organizational identification. Socially responsible consumption appears as a moderating variable to put direct links days. However, the communication by the company on its "good deeds" does not seem to affect these relationships

    Chaordic Entreprise: Sebuah Pengantar

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    Business environment nowadays, that becoming more and more turbulent and complex, is hard to be predicted by managements since it has the butterfly effect : the effect that brings the greater effect in other places in this world when there is a change in a certain place. Traditional organization that considering employees as an object with its rigid structure cannot adjust these rapid changes properly. It needs to be replaced by a new alternative organization: chaordic organization, i.e. an organization that combines chaos and order situation in the same time to bring changes in management as an anticipation to its environment. Chaordic organization is very important for business today because of its high appreciation on human resources making everybody in all units of organization have a high degree on autonomy and freedom, and as a result be the leading creative and innovative organization


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    Notre recherche s'appuie sur une étude de cas menée dans une grande entreprise publique française venant de mettre en place un nouveau système de pilotage de la performance. La perspective adoptée pour cette étude s'inscrit dans le courant de recherche connu dans la littérature anglo-saxonne sous le nom de ‘Entreprise Culture' (ci-après EC ; du Gay, P. & Salaman, G. “The Cult[ure] of the customer”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 29, No. 5, 1992, pp.615- 33). Au niveau sociétal, l'EC s'appuie sur la promotion du client réputé souverain et de mécanismes de régulation fondés sur le marché. Au niveau des comportements dans les organisations, elle repose sur l'injonction faite aux personnes de devenir les entrepreneurs de leur propre vie. Nous montrons en quoi le système de pilotage de la performance étudié incarne ces idéaux de l'EC. Notre étude de cas se propose ensuite de contribuer à la recherche sur le degré de liberté dont disposent les individus par rapport à l'EC. Par ailleurs, elle permet de mieux comprendre les processus identitaires à l'oeuvre face aux discours de l'EC et aux outils associés. Enfin, elle met en évidence le rôle des instruments de pilotage comme médiateurs entre les niveaux organisationnel et individuel impactés par l'EC.‘Entreprise Culture', identité individuelle, identité organisationnelle, identification, systèmes de mesure de la performance

    Politique, entreprise, syndicats

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    L'auteur présente ici quelques propos sur la polysémie du terme « politique » en relations industrielles.The word « politique » takes on a variety of meanings in business and industrial relations, the extent of which is more considerable in Southern Europe than in North America.This is a constant source of problems for the neo-latin countries whose cultural, ideological and religious background, as well as their union and business history, are very different from those of countries of anglo-saxon or rather germanic origins.Instead of benefiting from a vocabulary adapted remarkably to this field, they possess one single noun and one single adjective with identical spelling: "politica" or in French « politique ». As a case in point, the English language has three distinct nouns:politics, policy andpolity; as well as two different adjectives:politic and political).As a result, it is possible to speak of a « politique organisationnelle » and of a « politique générale de l'entreprise » and the various subordinate « politiques » com-posing it. In our particular field, there are « politiques de personnel » and « politiques du travail » (in other words, aspects « politiques » of work organization as well as working conditions). There are other applications as well within the corporation, such as the organizational aspect of employee representation — the case of the « comité d'entreprise » in France — a body responsible for cultural activities, including « culture politique ». (The latter constituting occasionally, the pretext for partisan propaganda). There is also the case of unions supposedly « politisées », largely because of their closed, but not necessarily organic links with political parties, for which they often act as transmission belts. Finally, there are political parties, organized as such in the workplace, and whose activities contradict from time to time the very unions which are closest to their point of view. The resulting interaction creates tensions, as each attempts to penetrate the area of « décisions politiques » of industrial management. We also speak of « grèves politiques » which take different forms in different countries.All those questions require great discretion in the use of vocabulary, combined with more diversified knowledge in the very large area of industrial relations, including: organizational theory, business administration, labour and business history, political science and the dynamics of social interaction

    France Telecom : une hybridation réussie ?

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    En partant de l'exemple FRANCE TELECOM, cette communication a pour objet de discuter les conditions pour réussir une hybridation entre administration et entreprise. La Direction Générale des Télécommunications a beau s'auto- baptiser FRANCE TELECOM pour faire comme BRITISH TELECOM, elle a l'allure d'une entreprise, le style de gestion d'une entreprise, les contraintes d'exploitation d'une entreprise... mais c'est encore une administration centrale. Pour combien de temps

    Poland: Factory Visits

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    POLAND___Factory_Visits.pdf: 127 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Interaction Grammars

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    Interaction Grammar (IG) is a grammatical formalism based on the notion of polarity. Polarities express the resource sensitivity of natural languages by modelling the distinction between saturated and unsaturated syntactic structures. Syntactic composition is represented as a chemical reaction guided by the saturation of polarities. It is expressed in a model-theoretic framework where grammars are constraint systems using the notion of tree description and parsing appears as a process of building tree description models satisfying criteria of saturation and minimality